Time to Feel Alive

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I was at the highest point in my life for a while.

Noah was two years old and healthy. 30 Seconds to Mars were flourishing more than ever, and so was Shannon.

And me?

I was amazing. My anger had completely got under control. But best of all, I was sprinting again! My bullet wounds were fine. Lucy had been arrested for harassment and attempted murder.


It was the day I would sprint in competition for the first time, since I was shot.

I had never been so nervous in my life. I was in the athletes lounge. I was pacing up and down, trying to stop my hands from shaking. I ignored the cameras, they would distract me.

Pacing wasn't helping. In the slightest. I jogged back to my bag and pulled my phone out.

-I'm so nervous xx-

It took me a few tries to type it, as my hands were trembling so much. I got a text back almost instantly.

-don't worry! Noah's really excited to see you run, just do it for him, k? Xx-

I smiled. Shannon could always cheer me up, even through a small text.

-ok! I can't wait to see you both again! Luv ya Jxx-

-right back at ya Sxx-

I grinned again and slipped my phone into my bag. Resting my head back against the wall, I closed my eyes and tried to clear my buzzing head.

To be entirely honest, I just wanted this to be over with. I loved running, I loved my sport, but I was scared. It had been three years since I'd run in competition. My times in training had been good enough to get me to the final. But only just. I'm pretty sure everybody could see the nerves radiating from me.

"100m finalists to the tunnel please."

Oh shit.


"Take your marks."

Feet in blocks. Okay, I've got that far. Hands behind the line. Got that.


Weight forward, keep my balance. Got it. Breathe.


Launch and drive.

I ran with everything I had. I used my arms to keep my speed up. I kept a steady rhythm.

At about the thirty meter mark, I went upright. I could see one other person in front of me. I didn't dare look around.

Drive and pump.

10m to go. I lengthened my last two strides and almost dived over the line.

I felt my leg throbbing dully, but I ignored it.

I looked at the score board.

4. Cassie James

3. Venus Parker

This was it.

2. Martine Ohandae

1. Jazmyn Franklin

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

My hand went to my mouth and tears of joy poured down my face. I was too shocked, happy, astounded to speak. I congratulated the other girls with a hug, still too dumbstruck to use words.

I looked over to the stands to see my friends and family. I saw them all waving at me, with tears of their own. I watched as Shannon gently set Noah down in Tomo's lap.

Shannon raced down the steps and jumped over the barrier.

Security tried to stop him, but failed. He rushed over to me and engulfed me in a huge bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you, I can't put it into words!" he said into my ear. I giggled and kissed his cheek. He pulled back, held my shoulders and looked into my eyes. I thought I could see nerves swimming in his large hazel eyes.

"Jazmyn Laura Franklin. I've know you for 22 years, and I love you more than ever.

You always cheer me up. You're so beautiful. You're so funny. You're kind, caring and downright awesome.

We have a gorgeous baby together, who just reminds me so much of his brilliant mother," he said without breaking eye contact. I had a different kind of tears in my eyes now.

"So I was thinking..." He pulled a midnight blue, velvet box out of his pocket. Shannon got down on one knee and I gasped.

"Will you marry me?"

I was suddenly aware that the stadium was silent. I had never expected this. And for the second time that day I was speechless.

I nodded.

"Yes," I whispered as that was all I could manage.

Shannon's eyes lit up and he slid the beautiful ring onto my finger. He stood up and pressed out lips together. The stadium erupted in cheers and applause.

I could officially say that that was the best day of my life.


A/N: *sniffles* PLEASE READ

I'm so sad and happy right now. This is THE END. *ducks flying vegetables*

I want to thank everybody that commented, voted and most importantly stuck with this story to the end.

I just, ugh, thank you SO MUCH!! It means loads to think that I can do something that people appreciate!

To be honest I cried a little writing this last chapter. It's like seeing a child grow up. I'm not sure that's the best analogy.

Thanks again, I love you all!


There will be a sequel. IF I get enough requests for it. So it's up to you gorgeous potatoes to decide the fate!

I will post the title and summary (if there are enough people wanting it) after this, just so ya know!

Because you're all fucking awesome, you can have a free invisible panda!


Roz xxx

A Unique Love Story (Shannon Leto)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora