Chapter Fourteen

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"Ember! Ember! Ember!" Zalgo pouts to himself, slamming his fists on his desk. "Mister Zalgo, what's the matter?" a woman with long black hair and fangs asks. "It's Ember. Don't you hear me yelling her name?" Zalgo asks. "What happened to Ember?" the woman asks. "Ticci Toby got away, with the help of Masky, Clockwork, and Sally. I'll tell you, those proxys are a real pain in my neck!" Zalgo yells. "But Mister Zalgo, Clockwork and Sally aren't part of the proxys. They're just creepypastas, like you and Ember," the woman replies. "I know that...but proxy or not, they're still trouble. I need them out my way. Tasha, will you do me that favor?" Zalgo asks. "Yes, Mister Zalgo," Tasha replies, then raises her left hand up, walking into the portal in front of her. The portal vanishes, Zalgo sitting with an angry glare on his face.

Slenderman types quickly on the computer, sweat rolling down his neck as Ticci Toby walks over. "Hey, tall guy. What'cha doing?" Ticci Toby asks. "Not sitting on my ass, like you guys. I'm trying to figure out what Ember is hiding, seeing if anything will tell us about Zalgo. But so far, I found nothing," Slenderman explains. "That sucks. All I know is that Ember can morph her arms into swords," Ticci Toby replies. "What? For real?" Slenderman asks. "Yeah. Why?" Ticci Toby asks back. "That's another one of her powers! Why didn't you ever tell me!?" Slenderman yells. "I don't know! Didn't think it was important," Ticci Toby replies. "Everything is important! Geez, Toby! I see why Masky gets so annoyed with you!" Slenderman yells. "So what are you thinking now?" Ticci Toby asks. "I'm going to look it up. This might help us discover Ember's true power," Slenderman replies. "And I helped!" Ticci Toby yells, putting his hands on his hips. "Sure. Let's see...," Slenderman mumbles to himself, starting to type into the keyboard. "Wait right there!" a voice calls, then they both gasps, Ticci Toby pulling out his hatchet. Tasha appears by Ember's unconscious body and they gasps a second time. "Who are you?" Slenderman asks. "Her sister. And I will not allow you to keep her hostage!" Tasha angrily yells, then Slenderman gets up from his seat. "This looks like this isn't going to be pretty, Toby. Get ready," Slenderman commands.

Masky pulls a piece of cheesecake out the refrigerator as it still sits on a plate. "Finally back to eating cheesecake, huh?" Offenderman asks, standing over Masky. "Um, sure. I need space. Would you mind?" Masky asks. "Sorry," Offenderman says, then takes a step back, Masky grabbing the piece of cheesecake. "Masky! You're alive!" Hoodie yells, making an entrance into the room. "Hoodie. You know I am," Masky says, then they all gasps, hearing noise from the room beside them. "What the hell was that?" Offenderman asks. "We gotta check it out. Come on!" Hoodie yells.

Slenderman and Ticci Toby pants hardly on their knees as Tasha holds Ember over her shoulder. "Thanks for my sister. I'll just be taking this," Tasha states, then gasps at the presence of Offenderman, Masky, and Hoodie. "More creepypastas, huh? How many of you are there?" Tasha angrily asks herself. "Four," Ticci Toby replies, then Slenderman hits him on the top of his hair and he gasps. "Idiot! That doesn't even make sense!" Slenderman yells. "Stop ruining my hair!" Ticci Toby yells, then Tasha sinisterly chuckles. They all gasps. "What a bunch of freaks. This may not be as much as a challenge I presumed...," Tasha states. "You'll eat your words, lady!" Ticci Toby yells, then charges at Tasha with his hatchet in his hand. "Toby!" Masky calls out, then a portal appears behind Tasha and she slowly backs up into it, still with Ember over her shoulder. The portal vanishes, causing Ticci Toby to fall on his stomach. "Damn! She got away!" Ticci Toby angrily yells, banging his fist on the floor. "She sure did," Slenderman replies. "Zalgo has some powerful whores working for him," Masky states, crossing his arms. "That he does. We should track down Ember's sister. If we do, we might be lucky enough to learn of Zalgo's current location," Slenderman explains. "Alright! Let's do it!" Hoodie yells. "Any second. I like the floor. Quite comfy," Ticci Toby replies. "You got five minutes," Slenderman replies to Ticci Toby.

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