Chapter Twenty

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Masky grabs a can of soda from the refrigerator and Hoodie approaches him. "Hello Masky," he greets him. "Oh, hello Hoodie. Are you going to blackmail me some more?" Masky asks. "Well, you're always jumping to conclusions. I'll blackmail you some more later when I think of a hilarious way to embarrass you," Hoodie replies. "Embarrass? Why do you got to do that to me?" Masky asks. "Making you do stupid shit so Toby can keep a healthy relationship with Clockwork...priceless. And now she's pregnant...worst time for her having to hear about you and Toby," Hoodie replies. "How long are you going to keep this up?" Masky asks. "As long as you keep it up. And you're a very enterprising individual. You won't stop until I lose. Did I ever tell you that's what I love about you?" Hoodie asks. "You just did. I can't wait to see how long you keep it up," Masky replies. "I can make a fool of anybody as long as I want. You're making this difficult on yourself," Hoodie replies back. "Oh, it's on," Masky declares.

Jane the Killer stands with BEN, Sonic EXE, Laughing Jill, Laughing Jack, and Homicidal Liu as Clockwork still lies on the couch, but with an angered face. "Okay, by that look on your face, I can tell you're mad at me," Jane the Killer says. "What the hell is wrong with you? I told you not to tell other creepypastas I'm pregnant. Hoodie sure is keeping his word," Clockwork replies. "But Clockwork, why don't you want anyone to know. Telling your friends is a way to have them help you prepare for the baby," Jane the Killer explains, then Clockwork sighs. "But you promised not to tell anyone. I also just have a lot on my mind. Do you only think about yourself, Jane?" Clockwork asks. "No! If I did, I wouldn't have told anyone. Look, I'm sorry. I promise...I won't tell anyone again," Jane the Killer replies, then Clockwork sighs. "You better. So what do you all want? Or are you only here because of Jane?" Clockwork asks. "We all have gifts for you actually. It's for the baby," BEN replies. "Oh, fun. Let me see," Clockwork replies back, then BEN hands her the plastic bag he's been holding. "Those are just clothes. But they're better than nothing," BEN states. "Thanks BEN," Clockwork replies. "Hey Clockwork, I got you some baby food for the baby," Sonic EXE states, handing her a bag full of baby food. "Oh, thanks," Clockwork replies. "Clockwork, when I was a baby, I always felt safe with a stuffed animal. So I thought maybe your baby will be the same. Here's a teddy bear," Laughing Jill explains, then hands the teddy bear to Clockwork. "That's also my old teddy bear so please take good care of it," Laughing Jill adds. "Oh. Thanks. That's very thoughtful of you. I had a stuffed giraffe when I was a little girl," Clockwork replies. "Well, you're welcome!" Laughing Jill chuckles. "I got you some candy hearts. Don't worry, they haven't been in a corpse," Laughing Jack states, handing Clockwork a box of candy hearts. "Oh, well thank you. You didn't have to say that last part," Clockwork replies. "But I did," Laughing Jack replies back. "I feel terrible because I don't have a gift. But I have some words of inspiration you should pass on to your child," Homicidal Liu states. "Oh, well, what?" Clockwork asks. "No matter how tough life is, don't give up. If you have the determination, you will succeed in life. Don't let anyone that don't believe you bring you down. Your friends and family will help you along the way. Plus, you have the greatest parents ever. You can't deny that," Homicidal Liu explains, then Clockwork chuckles. "Thank you, Liu. I doubt Toby and I will be the best parents," Clockwork replies. "Don't say that! I believe in you! You're Toby's girl and he's your dumbass," Homicidal Liu states, then Clockwork starts to chuckle again. "Yeah, that's true," Clockwork replies, then Homicidal Liu starts to chuckle.

Zalgo and Tasha returns to their hideout, where Ember awaits. "Mister Zalgo, you've returned with Tasha!" Ember yells. "Damn bitch was pummeled by a proxy. I'm telling you, they're really getting on my nerves. They kidnap one of my daughters and try to kill the other two. Ain't happening on my watch," Zalgo explains. "So what do we do?" Tasha asks. "I hear Clockwork's two months pregnant with Ticci Toby's child," Ember states. "Really?" Zalgo asks. "Yep. It's the creepypasta thing right now," Ember replies. "That gave me an idea. Toby cares deeply about Clockwork, right? We'll kidnap her and use her to reel him in. By that, we can get one proxy off our list," Zalgo explains. "Oh, that's evil," Tasha explains. "I know...the perfect evil plan," Zalgo replies them, then starts to laugh sinisterly with Ember joining. Tasha gasps, then starts to act like she's laughing sinisterly.

"You knocked Clockwork up!?" Slenderman yells. "Yep," Ticci Toby replies. "And how long have she been pregnant?" Slenderman asks. "Two months. But I just found out, I-I swear!" Ticci Toby yells. "Alright. So she's not near labor time. So until then, Zalgo is our priority. As soon as he is defeated, Clockwork is your priority then," Slenderman replies. "Wait, so you're not mad?" Ticci Toby asks. "Of course not. I mean, you're obviously not smart enough to use a condom," Slenderman replies. "Wait, that's what condoms are for!? Dude, I just thought they were balloons you b-blow up with your penis!" Ticci Toby yells. "Well, you do blow them up...with sperm," Slenderman replies. "Quiet you! Our baby is gonna be beautiful!" Ticci Toby yells. "I can't wait to see him," Slenderman replies.

"Jeff!" Tasha yells, then Jeff the Killer gasps as she jumps down next to him. "Tasha! What's going on with Zalgo?" Jeff the Killer asks. "Toby is his target," Tasha replies. "Toby?" Jeff the Killer asks. "He's trying to get rid of all the proxys, one by one. He's starting on Toby," Tasha explains. "How do we protect him?" Jeff the Killer asks. "We don't need to protect Toby, we need to protect Clockwork," Tasha replies. "What? Why Clockwork?" Jeff the Killer asks. "She's the bait. Zalgo's going to use her to reel in Toby," Tasha replies. "He's going to kidnap her," Jeff the Killer replies back. "Exactly. If Clockwork was kidnapped, Toby would go after her. If he was to go after her, he'll fall into Zalgo's trap," Tasha explains. "And we can't let that happen," Jeff the Killer replies. "I know. So we got to protect Clockwork so she won't get kidnapped," Tasha replies back. "Well, Jane and E.J are watching her," Jeff the Killer states. "Good. Just make sure she's always in someone's sight. If she is, Zalgo will never have a chance to capture her," Tasha replies. "I know. I won't take my eyes off her," Jeff the Killer replies back. "I'm glad to hear that. See you around. Tell the others I said hi. Don't want the Zalgo to be suspensious," Tasha states, then raises her hands and opens up a dark portal and walks inside. The portal vanishes as Jeff the Killer watches.

Zalgo and Ember wait at the hideout, then Zalgo groans with frustration. "Damn Tasha! How long does it take to use the bathroom!?" Zalgo angrily yells. "Mister Zalgo, calm down. Maybe she has...diarrhea," Ember replies. "Trust me, when Tasha shits, it stinks. But it doesn't stink...," Zalgo replies back, starting to rub his chin. Tasha quickly runs out the bathroom, buttoning up her shirt. "Sorry. Must of fallen asleep. Let's get to the plan, shall we?" Tasha asks, then a sinister grin appears on Zalgo and Ember's face.

Clockwork sleeps on the couch, her left hand on a book on her chest and her right arm hanging off the side of the couch. Zalgo, Ember, and Tasha sits in trees, looking through the window. "There she is. And you were right, Ember. She's pregnant alright," Zalgo states. "So what are we doing, Mister Zalgo?" Tasha asks. "You know what. Kidnapping Clockwork," Zalgo replies. "And the coast seems to be clear. Let's get her!" Ember yells, then Tasha gasps. "Wait! Don't!" Tasha yells, placing her right arm in front of Ember. "What? Why are you stopping her Tasha?" Zalgo asks. "Because the coast isn't clear. Look!" Tasha yells, seeing Masky sitting down in the chair by Clockwork, holding a plate of cheesecake. "Oh, it's Masky. Eating that cheesecake as normal," Zalgo replies. "So what do we do, Mister Zalgo? Wait?" Ember asks. "Yep. We'll play the waiting game," Zalgo replies.

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