Chapter Sixteen

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"Masky! Hoodie! Toby! Jeff! Get over here!" Slenderman calls, then Masky, Hoodie, Ticci Toby, and Jeff the Killer appear by his side. "Yes sir, yes Slenderman, sir?" Ticci Toby asks, with a salute. "Toby, you don't have to salute," Slenderman states. "But I can! I-I'm being polite!" Ticci Toby yells, then Slenderman sighs. "Okay, I have important information. It has been confirmed Ember and Tasha are sisters. But not just sisters, half sisters!" Slenderman yells, then they all gasps. "Half sisters?" Ticci Toby asks. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what's going on. Who's Ember and Tasha now?" Jeff the Killer asks. "Ember's the bitch who kidnapped me!" Ticci Toby yells. "And Tasha is not her sister, but her half sister," Masky explains. "Wait, how do you know they're half sisters?" Hoodie asks. "Their DNA. Same mother DNA, different father. In fact, Ember's father is Zalgo," Slenderman states. "So Lazari's her sister?" Jeff the Killer asks. "Half sisters. Different mothers," Slenderman states. "Goddamn, how many bitches do Zalgo have?" Masky asks. "A lot. Lazari and Tasha share the same mother, but different fathers. Lazari also has the same father as Ember, but Ember has a different mother. In fact, Lazari and Tasha have the same mother," Slenderman explains. "So...they're all h-half sisters?" Ticci Toby asks. "Exactly! Ember and Tasha are trying to get their little sister to join them, but we can't let her!" Slenderman yells. "That also explains their loyalty to Zalgo," Masky adds on. "You're exactly right, Masky," Slenderman says. "S-So what do we do?" Ticci Toby asks. "We wait. Knowing Zalgo, he'll just send him daughters out to stop us. But we won't let that happen," Slenderman replies. "Damn right," Ticci Toby replies back, flipping his hatchet in the air, then catches it when it comes back down. Jeff the Killer pulls out a kitchen knife from his pocket, then Hoodie whistles. "Damn, that's one sharp knife," Hoodie says. "Okay boys, into position!" Slenderman commands, they all run in opposite directions.

Jane the Killer sits on Eyeless Jack's lap, then Clockwork enters the room and they gasps. "What the hell is this?" Clockwork asks, her hands on her hips. "Oh, nothing," Jane the Killer stutters, quickly getting off Eyeless Jack's lap and sitting on the bed next to him. "I saw that!" Clockwork yells. "Whatever. What do you want anyway?" Jane the Killer asks. "Big man Slendy wants you to help me go shopping," Clockwork replies. "What? No way! I'm not a proxy! He can't tell me what to do!" Jane the Killer yells. "Well, I really would appreciate it if you helped me with shopping," Clockwork replies. "No! You can take care of yourself! You're a big girl!" Jane the Killer yells. "Please Jane! I can't do this alone!" Clockwork yells. "Then ask Nina for help! Nobody has talked to her in a long time," Jane the Killer replies. "Jane...," Clockwork angrily mumbles. "Also, you're gaining tremendous weight there! Lay off the junk, would you?" Jane the Killer asks, then Clockwork makes an angered face. "I'm not fat! I'm pregnant!" Clockwork yells, then Jane the Killer and Eyeless Jack gasps. Clockwork then gasps as she realized she told them her secret. "Oh my God, you're pregnant!? So inside is a little tiny killer? That's so cute!" Jane the Killer yells, bending over and placing her hands around Clockwork's stomach. "Jane! Stop it! I feel embarrassed!" Clockwork yells, then Jane the Killer stands back up. "So who's the father?" Jane the Killer asks. "Obviously my boyfriend!" Clockwork yells, placing her hands back on her hips. "Toby!? Are you serious!? You think a brainless fool like him can take care of a baby?" Jane the Killer asks. "I know he can. He's kind at heart. Why do you think I fell in love with him in the first place?" Clockwork asks. "You look about two months in," Jane the Killer says. "I am," Clockwork replies. "E.J, I'm going to get dressed. You help Clockwork down the stairs. We're going shopping!" Jane the Killer yells, then a smile appears on Clockwork's face. "Thank you!" Clockwork yells, then Eyeless Jack grabs her hand. "Come on," he says, then starts walking down the steps. Clockwork follows, still holding Eyeless Jack's hand. Her heel hits the edge of the next step, causing her to trip, loosing grip of his hand, and roll down the steps. She lies on her back at the bottom of the steps and Eyeless Jack gasps with shock. "Oh God! Jane! Jane! It's Clockwork! She needs help!" Eyeless Jack calls out.

Tasha stands on a branch at the top of the tree, a clear view of Slenderman's room throw the window. Inside, Tasha sees Lazari under covers on Slenderman's bed, sleeping peacefully. "Lazari...I'm coming, little sis," Tasha thinks, then a hatchet appears by her hand on the tree trunk and she gasps. She looks over and sees Ticci Toby across on another tree branch. "Wassup!?" he yells, then throws another hatchet of rapid speed at her. She jumps in the air, doing a flip over the hatchet as it lands in the tree trunk. She lands on her feet, then gasps as she spots Jeff the Killer on a tree branch to the right of her. He holds his knife up with an eerie smile. "," he slowly says, then jumps over to the branch Tasha stands on and she gasps. He slashes down with his knife, Tasha gracefully dodging to the right. She jumps upwards, pulling herself on to a higher branch. Black tentacles suddenly wrap around her and hold her tightly, seeing Slenderman standing in front of her. He holds her up in the air as she fails to untangle his tentacles, holding her straight in his non-existence face. "Slenderman!" she yells with fear, her face soaked with sweat.

Clockwork lies on the couch as Eyeless Jack holds her hand, Dr. Smiley's hand on her stomach. Jane the Killer stands next to Eyeless Jack. "How is she and the baby?" Jane the Killer asks. "They're both fine. Clockwork and the baby boy," Dr. Smiley replies, then Clockwork looks up at him. "Baby boy? It's a boy?" Clockwork asks. "Sorry, did you not know? Well, I'm not surprised. You're only two months in," Dr. Smiley replies. "A boy...," Clockwork happily mumbles to herself. "Thank you, Dr. Smiley," Jane the Killer says. "No problem, but not killing her is difficult. I usually kill my patients," Dr. Smiley replies, then chuckles. "Yes, we know. That's what makes you a creepypasta," Jane the Killer states. "You're damn right it does. And soon, that baby shall be, too," Dr. Smiley replies, softly rubbing Clockwork's stomach.

Hoodie and Masky surround Slenderman as he continues to hold Tasha in the air with his black tentacles. "You think you can escape us?" Masky asks. "Masky! Hoodie!" Tasha yells as she notices their presence. Ticci Toby and Jeff the Killer appear by Slenderman as well as Tasha gasps. "I know all your secrets," Slenderman states. "Secrets?" Tasha asks. "We know you're half sisters with both Ember and Lazari," Masky explains. "W-We also know you're trying to kidnap Lazari!" Ticci Toby adds on. "So you know of my origin?" Tasha asks. "I'm somewhat familiar," Slenderman replies. "Lazari and Tasha share the same mother. Lazari and Ember share the same father. But Ember and T-Tasha share the same mother," Ticci Toby explains. "The idiot's right. Put me down. I'll explain everything," Tasha replies.

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