Chapter Twenty-Five

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"How did you find out!?" Tasha yells. "Well, I just told you. Your sudden disappearances. Also, the fact that Ember is still missing! That reminds me...where the hell is my daughter!?" Zalgo yells. "That's nothing for you to know!" Jeff the Killer yells, then Zalgo pulls the trigger on his gun, shooting him in the chest. He flies back, landing on the table and breaking it. Everyone gasps. "Honestly, no one cared about him," Sally says, then Zalgo cocks back his gun. "I'll ask again...where is my daughter?" Zalgo asks. "She's right here!" Slenderman yells, then everyone gasps as he holds a gun to the Ember's head. "Ember! Your legs! And arms!" Zalgo yells. "Damn right! It's all I needed to learn your weakness!" Slenderman yells. "What!?" Zalgo gasps. "I'm sorry, Father! Both times I didn't tell him, both my arms were torn off! I couldn't handle the pain!" Ember cries. "Damn you, Slenderman! You made my daughter look like a fool!" Zalgo yells. "What do you mean? She was already a fool," Slenderman replies. "Oh, that's it!" Zalgo angrily yells. "Proxies, get him! Other people, run!" Slenderman yells as Hoodie, Masky, and Ticci Toby runs to his side. All the other creepypastas make a run for it. "What about Jeff? Oh, right. I shot him," Zalgo says. "Even if you didn't, he's not a proxy," Ticci Toby replies. "Really? Son of a bitch...," Zalgo mumbles. "Anyway, get him!" Slenderman commands. "You got it, sir!" Tasha yells, appearing by Masky. "Tasha!? What are you doing!? I only called my proxies! You're not a proxy!" Slenderman yells. "I know. But Zalgo is my father. And I'm going to help you defeat matter what!" Tasha yells back. "Tasha, you're amazing," Ticci Toby replies. "Thanks," Tasha says. "Attack!" Slenderman yells, then Tasha charges and kicks at Zalgo. He ducks and grabs her by the leg, causing her to gasp. "Did you forget? I know all your moves," Zalgo says, then throws Tasha and she lands on another table and causes it to break. Ticci Toby strikes from behind with his hatchets, then Zalgo jumps back, just barely dodging the hatchets. Masky then strikes with a knife and Zalgo grabs his arm, the knife stopped right in front of his face. "Ooh, that was a close one," Zalgo says, then punches Masky in the stomach with his other fist. Masky gasps, then falls to his knees. He takes off his mask, blood pouring down from his mouth. "Oh, that's what you look like!? You're handsome!" Tasha yells as she slowly looks up. "Oh, thank you," Masky replies, then Zalgo kicks him in the face, knocking Masky on the floor. "Masky! Oh, that's it...," Hoodie angrily says. "Let's see what you got," Zalgo replies, putting his fists up in a stance. Hoodie attacks at Zalgo as Zalgo attacks at him, both of them dodging each other's moves. Slenderman and Ticci Toby gasps as they watch. "Go Hoodie! You can do this! I believe in you!" Ticci Toby whispers. "Shut up! You whisper very loudly, Toby!" Slenderman yells. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Ticci Toby yells, then Hoodie punches at Zalgo, punching him in the face. Blood spills from Zalgo's mouth as he attempts to punch Hoodie back. He punches him in the face, blood spilling out Hoodie's mouth as well. They continue to punch and dodge as Tasha sits up, grabbing a knife from off the ground. Zalgo knees Hoodie in the stomach and more blood spills from Hoodie's mouth. "Fuck!" Hoodie yells in pain, then Zalgo punches him in the face as he falls to his knees. Hoodie looks up at Zalgo as he delivers a last punch, knocking him down right next to Masky. Hoodie slowly looks over at Masky as Masky slowly looks over at him. "Masky...," Hoodie mumbles as he reaches for his hand. Masky's eyes close, causing Hoodie to gasp and panic. "No! Masky! G...Get up...!" he painfully yells, but Masky doesn't answer. "Son of a bitch. You don't hurt my best friend...," Hoodie states, holding on to Masky's hand with a stronger grip. "Too late!" Zalgo yells, lifting his foot above them, causing Hoodie to gasp and look away. "Masky, I don't know if you can hear me. But if you can, I just want you to know that I-" Hoodie says, then gasps as he watches Zalgo scream in pain. Tasha stabs him in the back, blood spilling from the top of her head. "T...Tasha!" Hoodie painfully yell as Zalgo falls over on the floor. Tasha bends over Masky and Hoodie and helps them up. "Is Masky okay?" Hoodie asks, Masky now being held in Tasha's arms. She places her fingers on his neck and nods. "He's fine. Masky is still alive," Tasha says. "Thank God!" Hoodie yells, then Ticci Toby gasps. "Hoodie, look out!" Ticci Toby yells, then Hoodie looks behind him and gasps. Zalgo strikes at him with a knife and Hoodie covers himself with his arms. "Hoodie!" Tasha yells as she jumps and pushes Hoodie, Hoodie flying out the way and Zalgo's knife piercing Tasha in her breast. Hoodie gasps as Ticci Toby runs over with his hatchets. He swings his hatchets, blood then spilling from around Zalgo's neck. Hoodie gasps, Zalgo's head falling from his body and Tasha collapsing on the floor. Zalgo's body then falls over on the floor by his head. "Tasha!" Hoodie yells, then he said Ticci Toby bends over her. "T-T-Tasha! I didn't want this to happen! Here, let me pull the knife out! I'll heal you up!" Ticci Toby yells, then grabs the handle of the knife. She grabs his hand and he gasps. "Don't! I'm human! I'm done for...," Tasha states. "Don't say that! We're not the type to sit here and watch our friends die!" Hoodie yells. "Yeah, unless we're killing them! But we're not killing you! S-So I'm not going to let you die!" Ticci Toby yells afterwards. "Thanks...but it's already too late. Before I died, I just wanted to proxies are the greatest friends I've ever had. You've proved to me that not all creepypastas aren't bad like my father. And who would have thought...I would be murdered by my father?" Tasha asks. "No one!" Ticci Toby yells. "Goodbye Masky and Toby. May we meet again. And tell Masky...I'll miss him, too...," Tasha states, then her eyes close. "No! Tasha! Tasha!" Hoodie yells, shaking her body. Ticci Toby places his hand on Hoodie's shoulder. "Hoodie, stop. I-It's not worth it. S-She's gone," Ticci Toby says, then Masky's eyes open and Hoodie and Ticci Toby gasps. "Masky!" Hoodie yells. "Hoodie. Were you saying something earlier?" Masky asks. "What, no! Forget it!" Hoodie yells, his cheeks turning bright pink. "Hey, Zalgo and Tasha are dead," Masky says as he sits up. "Hey, wait a didn't join the fight at all, Slendy!" Ticci Toby yells. "Yeah, what the hell! We could have avoided Tasha's death!" Hoodie yells. "Maybe, or maybe not. The world may never know," Slenderman says. "Fuck you," Hoodie replies.

Masky's Darkest SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora