Chapter Twenty-Four

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Clockwork lies on her bed, then hears her cellphone vibrate and holds it to her ear. "Hello?" she asks. "Hey Clockwork, it's Jane," Jane the Killer replies on the phone. "Oh, hi. What do you want?" Clockwork asks. "Geez Clockwork, I'm just concerned about you. Heard you, Masky, and Toby got into a big fight," Jane the Killer states. "Yeah, we did. Damn Zalgo and his daughter again," Clockwork replies. "Oh, you mean Ember, right?" Jane the Killer asks. "Yeah. It was insanity. Toby chopped the girl's legs off with his hatchets," Clockwork states. "Whoa, really? Holy shit. Now I wish I saw it in person. So you're okay?" Jane the Killer asks. "Very much. Jane, I'm sorry for snapping at you. Thanks for caring," Clockwork states. "No problem. And what about Masky and Toby? Are they okay, too?" Jane the Killer asks. "Oh yes. Very much," Clockwork replies. "Thank God. You guys are my closest friends. I can't lose y'all," Jane the Killer states. "Really? I just don't see you talking to Toby and Masky. That's all," Clockwork replies. "Geez Clockwork! I got their numbers! I can text them!" Jane the Killer yells. "Right. Well, I'll take to you later, Jane. I'm busy," Clockwork says. "What? Being pregnant?" Jane the Killer mockingly asks, then chuckles, Clockwork making an angry expression on her face. "Bye Jane," Clockwork then angrily says. "Bye preggo!" Jane the Killer yells, then chuckles right before hanging up. "She forgets I'm a creepypasta, too. I'll rip her ass open!" Clockwork angrily yells, then Jeff the Killer pokes his head in. "Hey Clockwork, want some cooked meat?" he asks. "What is it?" Clockwork asks. "I'm not sure. But it's tasty as hell!" Jeff the Killer yells. "I'm okay," Clockwork then replies with a disturbed tone. "Are you sure? Toby loves it," Jeff the Killer states. "Okay, I guess a little plate, just for tasting," Clockwork says. "Okay! A plate for tasting!" Jeff the Killer yells. "Okay!" Slenderman yells in the distance.

Hoodie sits on the couch, cutting open a piece of the cooked meat. "What are you eating?" Eyeless Jack asks. "Some cooked meat. Slendy made it. You want some?" Hoodie asks. "Nah, I'm not real hungry. I just ate a bucket full of kidneys," Eyeless Jack replies. "Geez man, where do you get the kidneys you eat?" Hoodie asks. "From the people I kill obviously," Eyeless Jack replies, then Ticci Toby runs over with a bloody toothbrush. "Look! I cleaned up Ember's blood!" Ticci Toby yells. "I'll take that. Thank you," Eyeless Jack says, snatching Ticci Toby's toothbrush from him. "Okay! Did you hear Slendy ripped off Ember's arms?" Ticci Toby asks. "Both of them?" Hoodie asks. "Yeah! Why doesn't he just kill her already?" Ticci Toby asks himself. "Idiot! She's the only one who knows Zalgo's weakness! If Slendy kills her, we'll have no way of defeating Zalgo!" Hoodie yells. "Oh, right! I forgot," Ticci Toby replies, then Eyeless Jack sighs.

"Father, perhaps we shouldn't go after Ember yet," Tasha says, walking over towards Zalgo's desk. "What!?" Zalgo yells. "I care for my sister, I really do. But Ember is now completely armless," Tasha replies. "What!? Ticci Toby only cut off her legs. What on earth are you talking about?" Zalgo asks. "Slenderman. He tortured poor Ember. Ripped her arms right off her body," Tasha replies. "Then we must save her now!" Zalgo yells. "No, you can't! Don't you see? That's what the proxies want us to do. Let's wait and plan. And get them when they least suspect it," Tasha explains. "Fine. We'll do it your way. But your explanation is kinda fishy...," Zalgo states. "Nothing about it is fishy! I'm not fishy! I promise!" Tasha yells, then Zalgo narrows his eyebrows.

"Jeff! Hey!" a female voice yells, then Jeff the Killer turns and looks down, seeing Sally. "Oh yeah, you!" he angrily yells. "Yeah, I kicked your ass in cards at BEN's party!" Sally yells. "Fuck you! I can kick your ass right now!" Jeff the Killer yells back. "Really? Let's have a card game right now. Just me and you," Sally suggests. "Alright, you got it! Somebody get us some cards! I'm going to kick Sally's sorry ass!" Jeff the Killer yells. "MY sorry ass!? Oh please! You're the one who lost a card game to an eight year girl to a party you weren't even invited to!" Sally yells. "Wait, you weren't invited to BEN's party?" Masky asks, holding a deck of cards. "Nope. BEN invited every creepypasta, but Jeff. Well, not Zalgo either, of course," Sally replies. "Why wasn't he invited?" Masky asks. "Because as soon as Jeff loses a game, he goes psycho and screams like a little baby on a fit. He's a sore loser!" Sally yells. "Oh yeah? We'll see after this card game!" Jeff the Killer yells back. "You know did seem like you were pouting when Toby and I went to pick you up...," Masky states. "Oh, shut your trap!" Jeff the Killer yells. "Wow, looks you're pouting already," Sally replies. "I'll smash your little face in!" Jeff the Killer yells. "I wanna see you try!" Sally yells back. "Sally, I think you should just stop...," Masky states. "Hey Masky, y-you know where I can find Clockwork?" Ticci Toby asks. "In her room," Masky replies. "Okay. Thank you," Ticci Toby says, then walks off. "So what card game do you wanna play?" Masky asks. "War!" Sally yells. "Go Fish!" Jeff the Killer yell at the same time, then he and Sally look at each other furiously. "Go Fish is for babies!" Sally yells. "Well, War is way too long!" Jeff the Killer yells back and Masky sighs. "Guys!" Masky yells, then Sally and Jeff the Killer gasps, looking over at Masky. "So what game were you guys playing when Toby and I went to pick up Jeff?" Masky asks. "I believe BEN was playing with us. And I believe Jeff was getting irritated because he was losing," Sally replies, then Jeff the Killer looks over at Sally. "Um...okay. But that didn't answer my question. Card game?" Masky asks. "I'm sure it was War," Jeff the Killer replies. "For once, I agree," Sally states. "Okay, War it is," Masky says, then passes out the cards as Sally and Jeff the Killer glare at each other furiously. "Okay, the cards are distributed. Have fun," Masky says, then Sally and Jeff the Killer both draw a card from their deck and places it in the middle of the table. "Four, two! Ha! Four beats two!" Sally yells. "Oh wow, it's just two cards, Sally. Want us to throw you a fiesta while we're at it?" Jeff the Killer asks. "Huh? What's a fiesta?" Sally then asks. "See? You're just a stupid kid," Jeff the Killer states. "Fiesta is Spanish for party," Masky says. "Damn it, Masky! Shut the hell up!" Jeff the Killer angrily yells, pounding his fist against the table.

Clockwork lies in her bed, biting into the cooked meat as Ticci Toby enters the room. "Oh, hey Clocky," Ticci Toby greets. "Oh, hey Toby! What's up?" Clockwork asks. "Nothing really. Just Sally and Jeff normally a-arguing with each other about card games," Ticci Toby states, then Clockwork sighs. "How typical of them. They just need to learn up, especially Jeff. Sally's actually a child so it's okay for her," Clockwork says. "So do you wanna get back to business? If y-you know what I mean," Ticci Toby replies, then chuckles as he sits next to Clockwork. "No Toby. Not now," Clockwork says, lying down under the covers. "What? B-But you were smooching me before Slendy asked for me!" Ticci Toby yells. "Yeah, that was before. This is now. And right now, I'm not in a good mood so we aren't doing that," Clockwork replies, then Ticci Toby sighs. "Clockwork, what's the matter?" Ticci Toby asks. "I'm ashamed of being pregnant," Clockwork replies. "What? Why?" Ticci Toby asks. "Because it shows I'm obviously the dumbass who decided to allow you to throw your plunger in my trash can without you wearing a garbage bag," Clockwork explains. "Oh...C-Clocky, are you ashamed of me?" Ticci Toby asks. "No, no! I can never be ashamed of you! No one can! The problem isn't you. It's me. I just hate being pregnant," Clockwork says. "M-Maybe it's the puking in the morning. I know that sounds terrible," Ticci Toby suggests, then Clockwork chuckles. "Oh Toby, you're the silly Toby as ever. And that's called Morning Sickness by the way," Clockwork replies. "Or maybe it's the food craving! 'C-Cause pregnant women crave for food for some damn reason!" Ticci Toby yells. "No, it isn't the food craving. Shit, its not even the experience right now," Clockwork says. "Oh. T-Then what is it?" Ticci Toby asks. "It's just being a mother. And you being a father. Do you really think you can do it?" Clockwork asks. "If I have you on my side, I can," Ticci Toby replies. "Aww Toby, you're so cute. One reason why I love you so much," Clockwork says, then hugs him tightly. "Hey Clocky. You okay?" Ticci Toby asks. "Yeah," Clockwork replies. "She's having mood swings!" Offenderman yells, his head poking in through the doorway. "All pregnant women do," Bloody Painter says, his head poking in through the doorway by Offenderman's. "Don't talk about me...," Clockwork mumbles. "Hi Offenderman! Hi B.P!" Ticci Toby yells with a wave. "Sup?" Offenderman asks. "Don't call me that," Bloody Painter says.

"Tasha!" Zalgo yells, then knocks on her bedroom door. "Hey Tasha. Open up. I got a plan to get Ember back from the proxies," Zalgo states, but receives no answer. "Hey! Tasha! Tasha! Open the goddamn door!" Zalgo yells, then turns the door knob, only to see it's locked. "Great. Come on, Tasha! Open up!" Zalgo continues to yell, but receives no answer, causing him to get furious. He kicks the door and breaks it down, then walks over on top of it. "Tasha!" he yells, then gasps, not seeing Tasha in sight. "Huh? Where did she go?" Zalgo asks himself, then looks out the window and smile. "That bitch...," he mumbles.

Tasha drinks from a glass cup and Suicide Mouse accompanies her, putting his arm around her. "Great party, huh?" he asks. "Yeah. But have we met?" Tasha asks. "Oh, sorry. You're new. I'm Suicide Mouse," Suicide Mouse says. "What are you? A fucked up Mickey Mouse?" Tasha asks. "Yes! Exactly!' Suicide Mouse yells. "What happened to your face?" Tasha asks. "I teared it off. And then committed suicide," Suicide Mouse replies. "Wow, all you creepypastas are crazy," Tasha states. "Of course we are. What's your story?" Suicide Mouse asks. "I'm not a creepypasta, just so you know. I'm a human," Tasha replies. "Wow, I don't hang with the proxies for a few months and now Clockwork's pregnant and they made a human friend? God...," Suicide Mouse mumbles, then Tasha sighs. "Tasha, check this shit out!" Masky yells, then Tasha walks over. "Are Sally and Jeff playing War?" Tasha asks. "Yeah. And I'm kicking her ass!" Jeff the Killer yells. "It's a game of chance! You can't be good at it!" Sally yells back. "Oh God, don't argue," Masky says. "Put your hands up!" a male voice yells, then everyone gasps, finding Zalgo with a gun. "Zalgo!" Masky yells. "Father! I was just...getting to the killing," Tasha gasps, then grabs Masky and holds a knife to his neck. "This is for my sister, you bastard!" Tasha yells. "Nice try! I know everything, like you betraying me and your sister. No wonder you keep disappearing. You're assisting the proxies!" Zalgo yells. "Oh crap," Tasha says.

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