Chapter Fifteen

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A portal appears by Zalgo as Tasha walks out with Ember still over her shoulder. "Mister Zalgo, I have retrieved Ember," Tasha states. "Excellent. Is she alright? She looks kinda...ugh...," Zalgo explains. "She's breathing," Tasha replies. "Well, that's a plus. Place her over on the couch over yonder," Zalgo replies back, then Tasha slowly takes Ember off her shoulder and gingerly places her on the couch. "Now, the proxys and their friends...what should I do with them?" Zalgo thinks out loud, rubbing his hand on his chin. "Mister Zalgo, I don't mean to be rude, but why are you after the proxys? What do they have that you don't?" Tasha asks. "My daughter," Zalgo replies, then Tasha gasps to the response. "Lazari? Is it possible?" Tasha asks. "Of course it is! Those proxys never stop surprising me. They're always a step ahead of me, getting me at every turn," Zalgo explains. "Mister Zalgo, those proxys are a bunch of weaklings. I can take them down and get Lazari back," Tasha replies. " had no problem retrieving Ember," Zalgo states. "Exactly. Please...," Tasha pleads, then Zalgo sighs. "I guess I have no choice. I guess you're my last choice reserve. Alright Tasha, I have a mission for you. I want you to kill the proxys, and retrieve Lazari," Zalgo commands. "Yes, sir," Tasha replies.

Slenderman kneels down on the floor, observing it. "W-What are you looking for!?" Ticci Toby yells. "For prints. Why are you screaming?" Slenderman asks, then Ticci Toby shrugs his shoulder in response. Masky walks over with a plate of half eaten cheesecake. "Found any clues yet?" he asks. "Nope," Slenderman replies. "Masky! You're e-eating cheesecake again!" Ticci Toby yells. "Cheesecake is good. Cheesecake is love, cheesecake is life," Masky replies. "I just found evidence!" Slenderman yells. "What?" Masky asks. "A string of Ember's sister's hair," Slenderman replies, holding up the string of hair. "My hair looks so much b-better," Ticci Toby replies. "Shut up. We don't care about your hair. Let's go check this out," Slenderman states. "Yes, sir!" Masky yells. "Only if I g-get myself some waffles," Ticci Toby replies to Slenderman. "Toby! Listen for once!" Masky angrily yells.

Clockwork sits on the couch and sighs, then Hoodie sits down next to her. "Hey Clockwork. Heard about the whole Ember's sister thing?" Hoodie asks. "Well, not much of it. I been paying little attention to that. I have a lot on my mind right now," Clockwork replies. "Oh, like what?" Hoodie asks, then Clockwork sighs. "I'm pregnant," Clockwork softly states, then Hoodie gasps with surprise. "Oh...that was unexpecting," Hoodie states. "Yes, I know. And Toby's the father," Clockwork replies. "That's even more unexpecting," Hoodie states. "I know! Oh, how do I tell Toby in a way that he'll understand!?" Clockwork yells to herself. "Calm! Just tell him he's going to be a father. He'll understand that," Hoodie states. "Yeah...he would. Thank you, Hoodie! You made me feel a lot better!" Clockwork yells. "Oh, no problem," Hoodie replies. "Just don't tell anybody I'm pregnant. Not all the creepypastas need to know," Clockwork replies back. "A little late, Clockwork," Sally says, standing by the doorway. "Sally! You! Don't tell a soul! I don't want the creepypastas all over me!" Clockwork yells. "I can't wait till my first child," Sally states, then Clockwork nervously grins.

"So how's that l-lady's hair going?" Ticci Toby asks as Slenderman looks through a microscope of a string of Tasha's hair. "Still observing. It's a lot like Ember's hair," Slenderman states. "Oh. W-Well, she is her sister," Ticci Toby replies. "Indeed...except there's one difference. Unlike Ember, Tasha is not a creepypasta. She's just some demon with powerful magic," Slenderman explains. "Well, t-that's good to know. Better than n-nothing," Ticci Toby replies. "Indeed. The DNA tests show Tasha and Ember really are sisters," Slenderman explains. "Wow. T-That's cool. My s-sister died in a car accident," Ticci Toby replies. "I'm sorry for your loss. That is actually depressing, not silly," Slenderman states, then Masky gasps, spotting a footprint on the floor through a magnifying glass. "Hey Slendy! Found a footprint!" Masky calls. Slenderman quickly bends over the evidence. "Yep. Nice eye, Masky! Most likely Tasha's," Slenderman explains. "Oh man, I'm g-getting really hungry. G-Going to the fridge, big guy!" Ticci Toby calls out, exiting the room. "Okay! There's burgers in the fridge!" Slenderman yells. "T-Thank you!" Ticci Toby yells back, closing the door behind him.

Ticci Toby opens the refrigerator, pulling out a zip-loc bag full of hamburger patties. "Yum," Ticci Toby whispers to himself, then Hoodie taps him on the shoulder. Ticci Toby turns. "O-Oh. Hoodie. Wh-What's up?" Ticci Toby asks. "Oh, Clockwork has important information to tell you," Hoodie replies. "Oh, I'll tell you at a better time!" Clockwork yells, sweating soaking her face. "No! Now! Just get it over with!" Hoodie angrily yells, then Clockwork sighs as more sweat start to soak her face. "Fine! You makes me so nervous," Clockwork states. "What is it, Clockwork? Please d-don't tell me you're d-dying," Ticci Toby says. "No, no, I'm fine! I'm living for now! But I do know there's going to be a baby in our lives. Im....pregnant," Clockwork explains. "Pregnant? Wait....what does that mean?" Ticci Toby asks. "We're having a baby, that's what!" Clockwork yells, grabbing Ticci Toby's hands and holding them up. "Wait, are you saying I'm a daddy?" Ticci Toby asks. "Yes!" Clockwork answers. "Wow! That's so cool! I guess anyone can be a daddy if I can! Clockwork, t-thanks for telling me!" Ticci Toby yells with excitement. "Oh, no problem, Toby! I'm so glad you're excited about the baby as well!" Clockwork yells with excitement as well, then they start to chuckle. Hoodie starts to chuckle along, but gasps as he notices Masky snooping behind a wall. Masky looks the other direction, then starts to walk away slowly. "Masky? Any second, guys. I'll be right back!" Hoodie yells. "Um, o-okay," Ticci Toby replies, then Hoodie starts to run after Masky.

Masky sits on his bed and removes his mask, placing it on his dresser. A knock goes off on the door and Masky sighs as he lies on his side. "Who is it?" he asks. "It's Hoodie! Can I come in?" Hoodie calls from behind the door. "Sure!" Masky yells, then Hoodie enters and closes the door behind him. "So you heard Toby and Clockwork's news," Hoodie says. "It's not fair! I've loved Toby for so long! And then Clockwork's knocked up with his baby!?" Masky angrily yells. "I know, it's pretty unsuspected. Just out of nowhere in the blue. But I really am sorry," Hoodie replies. "Oh well...a man can dream, can he?" Masky asks. "Masky, think about the bright side. You've actually had sex with Toby," Hoodie replies. "That wonderful moment will never happen again. He's having a baby with Clockwork," Masky replies back. "And nobody expected it," Hoodie states. "Well, I can't just sit here and mope forever. We have to stop Zalgo and make sure he doesn't have his way," Masky replies, then Hoodie responds with a nod.

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