Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ember is thrown on the floor, bandaged where her legs used to be,then she tries to crawl away, but Masky grabs her by her sides and sits on her back. "Hello Ember. Don't run away now. Just be happy I didn't kill you," Masky says. "What do you want!?" Ember cries. "I got someone special for you to see," Masky replies, then Tasha enters the room and Ember gasps. "Tasha?" Ember asks. "Ember," Tasha says back.

A bloody dagger is thrown on the floor, Zalgo then spraying medicine on his stab wound, grinding his teeth together to resist the pain. He then wipes the blood off the wound and grabs a roll of bandages, starting to wrap it around his chest. "Ticci Toby, Masky, those bastards. Think they can mess with my daughters, huh? Never thought I'll have to resort to THAT to get my Lazari back," Zalgo says to himself, then sinisterly chuckles.

"Traitor! You told them our secrets!?" Ember yells. "Yep. And that's how we knew you guys were coming," Masky replies. "Tasha, you skanky bitch!" Ember then yells, reaching out for Tasha's ankles, then Masky holds her wrists down, restricting arm movement. "Whose legs got chopped off by Toby? Oh, that's right. Yours. I suggest you behave," Masky mumbles in Ember's ear. "Damn you Tasha...don't you feel any remorse for your sister?" Ember asks. "None," Tasha replies. "What do you mean none!?" Ember yells. "I don't feel bad you got your legs chopped off by Toby. You deserved it," Tasha replies. "What!?" Ember yells again. "You've always treated me like crap, Ember. Father, too. I'm not your guys' little assassination toy. I'm a woman and I have made my own decisions. While you rot here, I'll secretly work here without Father knowing and when he least suspects it, I'm going to stab him straight in the back!" Tasha explains. "No! You can't!" Ember yells. "Oh yes I can. Bye bye Ember," Tasha replies, then steps on Ember in the face.

Ticci Toby and Clockwork lie on a bed, Toby's arms wrapped around over Clockwork's large stomach. "I'm sorry for what you just w-went through," Ticci Toby says. "It's okay, Toby. As long as I got you to comfort me, I don't care what happens to me," Clockwork replies, then Ticci Toby rests his face on her neck. "Thank you, Clockwork," Ticci Toby says, then kisses the back of her neck. "Toby!" she gasps.

Eyeless Jack mops up the blood on the floor as Hoodie walks into the room. "Holy shit," Hoodie says after seeing the blood and broken furniture. "I had the same reaction," Eyeless Jack replies. "What the hell happened?" Hoodie asks. "Well, Masky and Tasha are with Zalgo's other daughter so I'm going to say there was a big fight. And an epic one, too," Eyeless Jack replies. "Damn it. And I slept through all that?" Hoodie asks. "Apparently so. I just came home to this mess. What a lovely home we live in," Eyeless Jack says.

"So what is Slenderman going to say about the living room?" Tasha asks. "Oh, boo hoo. I'm going to tell his ass exactly what happened," Masky replies, then Tasha chuckles. "You're funny. But I didn't think Toby had the ability to do such a thing to my sister," Tasha states. "I do. He's a beast. I've known him a lot longer than you have. He may be a complete retard, but he's a proxy. And us proxies are killers. It's just about time Toby showed his true abilities. Totally worth it. That shit was awesome," Masky replies. "Bet so. Wish I could have saw it in person," Tasha says.

"Toby!" Hoodie yells, opening the bedroom door to see Ticci Toby and Clockwork giving each other a series of kisses. They then angrily look at him. "Can't you see we're in a middle of something?" Clockwork asks. "It's important. Slendy's home and he's pissed," Hoodie states. "W-Well, I'm staying back here if that's the case," Ticci Toby replies. "No, he called specifically for you, Toby," Hoodie says, then Ticci Toby sighs. "Crap. He better not make me scrub the floor w-with my toothbrush again," Ticci Toby states.

Slenderman hands Ticci Toby his toothbrush. "The blood on the floor is your mess, not Eyeless Jack's. And I do know. So don't blame it on Ember. Clean that mess up!" Slenderman yells, then Ticci Toby sighs and gets on his knees. "But come on, big guy! It's blood!" Ticci Toby yells. "Don't care. You should have cleaned it before I came home," Slenderman yells. "But I brush my teeth with this," Ticci Toby says, then Slenderman bends over in his face, then Ticci Toby starts scrubbing the blood with his toothbrush.

Ember hangs with chains around her wrists. She gasps, seeing Slenderman enter the room. "Damn, when I heard Toby chopped off your legs, I couldn't believe it. But now seeing this...," Slenderman states. "What do you want from me?" Ember asks. "I've spoke to Tasha and she told me only you know Zalgo's weakness. So I ask...what is it?" Slenderman asks, then Ember gasps.

"Father," Tasha says, then Zalgo gasps, seeing Tasha sitting on top of the coffee table. "Oh...hello Tasha. I wonder if this was brought up to you, but the proxies has kidnapped Ember," Zalgo states. "Oh, I know. I was just in battle with them. Man, poor Ember. Lost her damn legs," Tasha replies, then jumps off the coffee table and walks over to Zalgo's desk. "Yeah and we could have avoided that if you were with us. Ember brought this up to me. Where the hell have you been lately!? You always disappear when we need you most!" Zalgo yells. "I'm sorry, Father! I..I don't know," Tasha replies, then Zalgo turns his chair towards the window behind him and sighs. "If we are to save Ember, I need to see some changes. Starting now," Zalgo states, then Tasha frowns. "Yes sir...," Tasha says.

"Listen, when you don't respond to a question I asked, you're losing something. You got it?" Slenderman asks, then Ember just stares at him with an angry expression. "Now let me ask again. What is Zalgo's weakness?" Slenderman asks. "I have no idea," Ember replies. "You lie!" Slenderman yells, then Ember screams as Slenderman grabs her arm. He pulls it straight off, lots of blood leaking out the wound at rapid speed. Ember continues to scream as she watches the blood spill on the floor. "I wasn't lying! Now allow to me ask a third time! What is Zalgo's weakness?" Slenderman asks again, then Ember angrily looks up at him. "I won't tell you a damn thing, no matter how much pain I must endure," Ember replies. "Really? That's fairly interesting. Give me your other arm!" Slenderman then yells, then Ember screams in pain once again.

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