Chapter Nineteen

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Zalgo sits at his desk, making an angered expression on his face as Ember walks over. "Mister Zalgo, were you able to get the hold of Tasha?" Ember asks. "No. Her necklace was damaged," Zalgo replies. "Is she alright?" Ember asks. "The only explanation that I can come up with is that she's in battle and her necklace was damaged. As a result, I have no idea if she's in good condition or not," Zalgo explains. "Then she must be fighting the proxys! We need to go save her!" Ember yells. "Yes. Together. As father and daughter. We're going to save your sister," Zalgo states, giving a grin on Ember's face.

"Zalgo wants to kill all the proxys, which includes Masky, Toby, Jeff the Killer, Hoodie, and the leader, Slenderman," Tasha explains. "Why does he want us killed?" Jeff the Killer asks. " 'Cause you guys won't give him Lazari. If he doesn't get his daughter, he's getting dead bodies," Tasha explains. "He's getting nothing. Tasha, you've been working for him all your life. You must know some kind of weakness he has," Slenderman states. "Actually, I don't. He seems to be immortal," Tasha replies. "Wow. I-I wish I was immortal," Ticci Toby replies back. "Don't we all?" Tasha asks. "No," Hoodie replies. "Shut up, Hoodie. But either way, Zalgo doesn't have to know I betrayed him yet. I can gather a little more intel on him to give to you guys," Tasha explains. "B-But you broke your necklace. Won't he already know you betrayed him?" Ticci Toby asks. "I'll just tell him my necklace broke while I was in battle with you guys. He'll believe that," Tasha replies. "So you're being an undercover spy?" Hoodie asks. "Careful, Tasha. Being an undercover spy isn't simple. If you were to get caught, Zalgo would surely kill you," Slenderman explains. "I know. But I got this. I've been an undercover spy for Zalgo before. You can believe in me," Tasha explains. "Don't fail us, Tasha. Once you get some information, give it to me and I'll announce it to all the proxys. This is our plan until we come up with a plan to stop Zalgo," Slenderman explains. "S-So what do the other proxys do?" Ticci Toby asks. "Nothing. You guys wait and be on time when we attend meetings," Slenderman replies. "Oh, no fun. I'm in the killing mode. Only Tasha gets the fun part," Masky states. "Don't worry, once we come up with a plan to destroy Zalgo once and for all, everyone will have a fun part. That, I promise," Slenderman replies. "Oh, you better. Because if you break it, I'll break you," Jeff the Killer replies back, then starts to laugh maniacally. "No! Imma stab the shit out of you!" Jeff the Killer then yells, starting to laugh maniacally again. "Jeff, you're my man," Ticci Toby states. "Okay, this is all bullshit. Meeting dismissed," Slenderman states.

Eyeless Jack sits by Clockwork in a chair, handing her a small blue blanket. "Ooh, a blanket!" Clockwork yells. "Yeah, for the baby. I had that since I was a baby and you're a friend so," Eyeless Jack replies. "Thank you, E.J. That was very polite of you. And I'm sure Toby will appreciate it, too," Clockwork states. "Hey, this may be a weird question, but Toby's one of Slenderman's proxys, right? So if he's such a busy guy, will did he get the time to knock you up?" Eyeless Jack asks. "At night when he spends the night in my house," Clockwork replies, then starts to chuckle. "Oh, I see. Now I feel embarrassed for asking," Eyeless Jack says, then they both start to laugh.

Tasha lies on a forest ground, the broken shards from her necklace lying next to her head. Feet appear by her head and she looks up, spotting Zalgo. "Mister Zalgo...," she weakly calls out to him. "Tasha, thank God you're alright. You were scaring me and your sister to death," Zalgo replies, then bends over, grabbing the shards from Tasha's necklace. "I knew it was broken. And you look hurt. Tasha, what happened?" Zalgo asks, then Tasha sits up, her dark hair covering her face. "I was in battle with one of the proxys. And he one-shotted me. I didn't see it coming," Tasha explains, placing her hand over her forehead. "It's alright now. You're safe now. Daddy's here," Zalgo replies, putting his hand out and Tasha smiles. She grabs his hand and he helps her up. "Let us go," Zalgo says.

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