Chapter 19

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I groaned as I shifted slightly. I raised my heavy eyelids only for them to fall shut.

Slowly, I opened my eyes again- successfully this time -though I still had to squint, scrunching my face up. My eyesight struggled to cope with the daylight streaming in through the windows. The slight pounding of my head warned me that I had a bit to drink last night and I tried to remember what I had done in my half drunken state.

I raised my arm to my head and rubbed at my temples trying to get rid of the annoying headache, no matter how small it was it was still irritating.

My mouth was dry and I found it hard to swallow.

My eyes finally adjusted to the light, enough for me to be able to see that I wasn't in my own bed.

I attempted to sit up and figure out what happened last night for me to get tangled up in this situation. However, an arm restricted me, the person tightened their grip around my waist, pulling me closer.

Oh. My. Fuck.

I wasn't in bed alone. I felt them shift beside me and then let out a small groan.

I stayed still, squeezing my eyes shut in fear of waking the stranger up. I let out a small breath when the bed didn't move again, they hadn't woken up. Yet.

This wasn't good. I tried to remember what had happened last night but I couldn't remember much.

The most I remembered was from when I went upstairs with Ryan, he had a boner and- Oh no!

Did I have sex with Ryan? Of all people, it had to be Ryan, didn't it?

I really hoped my assumptions were wrong.

I had drunk some alcohol but I don't remember drinking so much to the point that I had sex, especially with Ryan of all people.

I lifted the cover to peer underneath and I almost let out a sigh of relief when I noticed I wasn't naked. Luckily, I caught myself and didn't make a sound.

Slowly, I set the duvet back down and twisted myself so I came face to face with the person.

Their green eyes stared back into my own green ones and I yelped in surprise when I saw who it was, my body lurching to the side of the bed.

This definitely wasn't Ryan.

Tyler just lay there looking at me.

Finally, he spoke. "Okay, this is not what you think. You asked me to stay here after Zach gave you clothes. I only came to put a bottle of water and some aspirin for you so you would have it in the morning because I felt bad at where we left off yesterday."

Last night came flooding back to me and I remembered asking him to stay in my tired state. But I thought I had asked Zach to stay with me. How did it end up being Tyler?

I pieced together what happened as I realised that I couldn't actually see the face of who I asked to stay. Even when I started panicking, I couldn't see his face instead I fell asleep in his arms.

I felt bad for letting Zach sleep in another room since he gave up his bed for me and rather than letting him sleep here, I let his best friend, Tyler, sleep here.

This was so messed up. I messed up big time.

I looked to my right to find a bottle of water and two aspirins on the bedside table.

Deciding to only take one because my headache wasn't bothering me that much compared to a crippling headache, I put it in my mouth and washed it down with some water.

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