Chapter 3

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Mal was staring at two outfits on her bed, the one on the left was a black leather jacket over a white shirt that in big purple letters said good always wins with a pair of ripped purple jeans, the one on the right was a short purple skirt/dress with black leather paints. 

"Evie?" she said looking over one shoulder and putting one hand on her hip "can you help me I can't decide." Evie walked over from where she was next to her bed packing and stopped just behind Mal on her right. She pointed to the outfit on Mal's left and said"that one, it's more your style." "Thanks" said Mal as she grabbed it to go change. "No problem." said Evie as she walked back over to her bed to continue packing.

Mal had just finished packing for the weekend when her phone started to ring. The ring tone was Did I Mention. She walked over to where it was on the table next to her bed. Evie must have heard it too because she left the room. Mal answered the phone "Hey, haven't talked to you in a while."She said sarcastically. Ben answered "can't a guy call his girlfriend?" Mal gave a little giggle "seriously, what's up?"she asked "look out your window" he replied. Mal was confused"okay" she said.

 As Mal turned around to look out the window she saw a black limo, not to different from the one they had come to Auradon in, and poking out of the sun roof was Ben. He was dressed in a blue suite with a golden yellow tie and a white dress shirt. He was holding a bouquet of lilacs and waving. Mal smiled,then she jumped "aw, that's so sweet! Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you." said Evie she must have snuck up on me when I wasn't looking  thought Mal. "Wait" said Mal turning around and putting the phone to her chest "where you listening?" " Maybe?"Evie said taking a step back, grabbing her finger and smiling. Mal Just cocked her head to one side and raised one eyebrow, Evie took that as a "seriously? please leave" and left the room quietly and closed the door behind her.

 Mal turned back around so she could see outside again "Sorry for the interruption. Evie was letting her mischievous side take control." "so are you coming down?" Ben asked "I think we're ready." Mal said "Hey is Doug with you?"She asked "ya, but don't tell Evie, he want's to surprise her"Ben said "oh okay, see you in a sec. Bye!" Mal said waving"Bye" he said hanging up the phone and going back into the limo.

 Mal put her phone into her pocket as she walked over to the door, she opened it and found Evie sitting on the couch waiting for her. "So" Evie asked "what did he say?" Mal crossed her arms and said "The only thing you need to know, little miss spy, is that we are leaving for Ben's right now, so get your stuff" "okay I'm sorry for spying on you, I just couldn't help it, you and Ben are so cute!" Evie said as she got up to grab her bags.

 As they left the apartment Mal sealed the door with a spell. They exited the building and turned down the street that the limo was on. As they approached Jay exited out of the front of the limo and held the door open "hello ladies" he said"allow me to take your bags" extending his hands to take them.Jay was wearing black slacks and a black suite jacket without any sleeves "Jay, you know you don't have to be so formal with us."Mal said giving him her and Evie's bags Jay just smiled and put the bags in the trunk.

 Mal entered the limo first. Doug was sitting near the middle. She just waved to him so that Evie wouldn't know he was there. Ben was sitting at the end, the same spot Evie was sitting in when they first came to Auradon, Mal sat next to him "hey"he said as she sat down. He leaned in and kissed her, she kissed him back, he gave her the flowers and than put his arm around her and she put her head on his chest "These are lovely Ben" Mal said sniffing them.

 Evie Came in soon after Mal, when she saw Doug she gave a little eep and fell on/tackled him, giving him the biggest hug Mal had ever seen her give anyone. "well someones happy to see you"Ben said "Can't...breath..." Doug choked out "oh sorry"Evie said as she pulled away "I thought you said you wouldn't be able to make it until tomorrow" she said sitting next to Doug and than proceeded to kiss him. "Wow" Mal exclaimed "you two are worse than Carlos and Halley" she said mockingly as the limo started to move "says the one who talks about her boyfriend in her sleep." Said Evie smiling mischievously "I Do Not!" Mal said than looking at Ben she said blushing "I do not" Ben just laughed as they locked eyes.

 He than gave a her a long, tender loving kiss on the forehead, Mal closed her eyes, he leaned in close to her ear and whispered "I dream about you to." As he pulled away they got lost in each others eyes "Oka- ow! What was that for?" Doug said grabbing his upper arm, Evie put her finger to her mouth " Shh"she said "They're having a moment" Mal put her arm around his waist as she put her forehead on his shoulder. The only thing she could hear was the beating of his heart, it was steady and strong and made her feel safe, she lifted her head to his ear and whispered back"What would I do without you."   

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