Chapter 1 - Grave Danger Extended part 3

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(I will be starting off with when Nick is trapped in the coffin in "Grave Danger" and I will only take credit for my character and some of the storyline and all the credit for the rest of this story such as places, people most names and all CSI stuff to CBS)

(Foot note: I have actually done research for this, for all the forensic part and found it quite interesting. I've also done research on the TV show just to make sure I've got all the nitty gritty details right and have changed the team back to its old shape as I found it better fits with my story. My apologizes in advanced to all the people who liked the new team and the fact that it changes up. I have found that I like the fact that it changes but that was a little after my third chapter as I only started watching it recently due to my increasing interest in forensics, criminal law, crime investigations and crime and law kind of shows. Another apology if any part of my research is incorrect as I don't live there and am not familiar with the laws and had limited access to resources relating to it. I have spent gruelling hours to my parent's and grandparent's many complaints, researching about all the forensics and how best to analyse a case, also if my case doesn't make sense and the reader finds it very mundane compared to the impossible cases on the actually TV, my apologies again. I hope that I have done the TV show, the fans, and the actors and creators and the fan base justice with this fanfic. :D)

(LOL!!! soz for the lack of paragraphs and the long POVs😝)

Nick's POV
My chest rose and fell quickly as my breaths turned into a pant...I thought of her...of our time together and how she will be telling everyone about us alone...I saw her tear stricken face as she held my limp body shaking me...calling for me and me been unable to answer her calls or wipe those tears off her beautiful face...I brought the gun up to my chin...I yelled in pain from the ant bites and as tears streamed down my face I was about to pull the trigger, suddenly I felt the dirt above me shift and a figure slowly appeared. It was Warrick?! How had they found me? Then slowly another figure ran to the coffin. Grissom? They were telling me they opened the glass lid I heard them. "Nicky!!!!!!! Put the gun down!!! Put it down!!!! We got you!!!! It's okay!!!!" suddenly Grissom said something which snapped me out of this craze. "Pancho!!! Listen to me!!!! We'll get you out of there but we need you to stay still and not get out just yet. There are explosives on the bottom of the coffin and they are motion censored so we need to find another way but don't panic we WILL get you out!!!!!" as Grissom explains I calm my breathing and hold Warrick's hand while he comforts me. Once the crane is ready with the dirt, they put the dirt on top of me and lift me out at the same time thus saving everyone from the explosives. As the dirt settles I lay on the ground, barely moving, barely breathing as I feel someone caress my face gently. It's her. It has to be. No one has that touch. I hear her sobs and feel her hands gently pushing my hair out of my face and cleaning away the dirt. She calls my name, over and over with sobs in between. It breaks my heart to hear her like this so I muster up all the energy that I can and squeeze her hand before I lose unconsciousness. The last things I say to her is "I love you..."

Lauren's POV
I run to Nicky's limp body and lift his head, placing it on my lap. I caress his face and hair, gently stroking him, calling him with sobs in between. This is all my body racks with sobs. "Nicky!!!!!!! Please stay with me!!!! How am I gonna tell everyone?! You promised you'd be there when we did!!!!" suddenly I feel something on my hand. He squeezed my hand!!!! He's alive!!!!! I kept calling his name but no answer. "No!!!!!! No!!!!!! This can't be happening!!!!!! Nicky!!!!! Please say something!!!!!!!!!!" as the paramedics arrive, they try to take him but I hold him tightly, sobbing, like a life line. Greg walks over, gently caressing my shoulders and sitting beside me, letting me lean on him, my body shaking with sobs, letting the paramedics take Nick. Once I calm down I run to the ambulance asking if I could come with them. "Alright" they agree as I jump in, holding Nick's hand. It's so cold and limp. I'm scared for Nicky...I look over his toned body. There are ant bites everywhere. His handsome face is now covered with angry red bites...I hold his hand tighter and before we know it, we're at the hospital. The paramedics jump out of the ambulance and run with Nick's stretcher to the emergency room. I follow along, running next to Nick's stretcher, holding his hand and praying that his okay...but when we get to the emergency room, they stop me and don't let me in. I struggle and fight. "Please let me in!!!!!! I need to see him!!!!!!! I need to know he's okay!!!!!!!!!!" I sob to the paramedic whose holding me. I see Greg, Grissom, Sara, Catherine, Warrick and the rest of the crime lab running down the hall. Catherine walks up and gently takes me from the paramedic and hugs me close to her and whispers comforting words to me, "It's gonna be okay. He's gonna be okay..." and lets me sob into her shoulder...

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