Chapter 24 - Past

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The next morning...

Lauren's POV
"Owww..." I groan as I pull the covers over my eyes. My phone which woke me up continues to ring. "Callgate." I finally answer. "Hay it's Catherine. You're with me tonight. We have a triple 419 in Henderson." Catherine greets quickly before letting me know. "Okay, send me the address and I'll be there in 20." I agree. She sends me the address and I finally decide to get out to bed. I look around but Jack is nowhere to be found. I guess he already left. I find a posted note on the fridge. *thanks for last night. Here's my number, call me if you need to forget again.* read the note. I can't help but chuckle which is soon followed by a groan. I horribly underestimated my hangover. It takes me altogether about 10 minutes to get ready and look somewhat presentable. I meet Catherine at the scene. "Hay." I greet her and another detective I didn't recognise. "Hay, this is Detective Vartann." She introduces the man. "Lauren Callgate." I introduce myself. "Nice to meet you." He nods. After exchanging pleasantries, we head inside the residence. "So the neighbour heard some very loud arguments and such, she came over to look, found the family of three like this then called 911." Vartann explains. "Any evidence of a break in?" I ask. "Not that we could find. None of the windows were broken or their locks tampered with and all the door were secure." Vartann answers. "Hay David." We greet the assistant coroner. "Hay, rigor is just setting in so time of death is within 4-6 hours." He reveals. "All three roughly the same?" I ask. "Yeah." He nods. "Robbery gone wrong?" I speculate. "Not unless they planned to leave the TV and a bunch of jewellery behind." Vartann jumps in. "Jewels could be fakes and from what I can see, the TV's very big. It could very well be that it was one person. He or she (most likely a he) overpowered and shot the father, from there the mother and child were easy to control with any weapon. Whether it be a gun or knife or something else. Once he's taken care of the family, he would've had a look around. If the jewels are fakes, he would have no use for them and the TV's too big for one person." I theorise. "We haven't found wallets so your theory's looking good." Vartann states. Catherine and I continue to look around. "Owww..." I groan as I stand up too fast after checking under the bed in the parent's bedroom. "You okay?" Catherine asks. "I have a hangover the size of the northern hemisphere." I mutter. "What's his name?" She asks, unfazed. "Jack." I reveal. "I hope he's worth the hangover." She sniggers. "I dunno." I mutter. "Hay I got something here." I call Catherine over once I open the bedside drawer. "He has a 44 in here." I pull out the gun. "Too bad it didn't help." Catherine states. "Wander if it's registered or not." I think aloud. "Vartann!" We call in the detective who was busy taking the neighbour's statement. "What's up?" He walks in. "Could you check if the vic had a registered 44?" I ask the detective. "Sure, once you get me some ID." He nods. "Do the neighbours not know who they are?" I ask. "I've only spoken to one neighbour. Let me knock on some more doors and see what I can find." Vartann let's us know before heading back out. Catherine and I continue to look around even after David's taken the bodies back to the morgue. "Hay, I got ID." Vartann reappears. "The Glenworths." He reveals. "Sara Glenworth, the mother. Angus Glenworth the father and the daughter, Sophia Glenworth." He reads off his little notepad. "How old was the little girl?" I ask. "12." Vartann sighs. "My god..." I choke. "What did the neighbours say?" I inquire. "They were a good family. Mostly kept to themselves but they seemed nice enough." He recounts. "Well we're done here but we'll let you know if we get anything back at the lab." Catherine lets him know before we head back to the lab. "What do you think happened in there?" I ask the older woman. "I don't know but it didn't end well." She frowns. "What would end so badly that a 12 year old girl ends up brutally murdered?" I mutter. "You doing okay?" Catherine asks with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine." I nod. We part ways once we reach the lab. While I go in search of autopsy results, Catherine heads to the lab. "Hay doc. Got anything from my triple 419?" I inquire as I walk into the morgue. "COD was pretty obvious. I double-checked but it was as I suspected when they first came in; gunshot. The daughter took one to the heart, gone immediately. The father took 2; one to the leg and another to the abdomen. Bled out, would've been a slow death unfortunately. The mother took one to the heart also, same as the little girl." He explains with a sad sigh. "Doc you have a little girl, don't you?" I suddenly ask. "Yeah, she's just a little older than Sophia here." He smiles sadly. "What would warrant killing a 12 year old girl?" I ask, anger boiling inside me. "Nothing, that's why it's murder and it's a crime." Vartann catches both our attention as he walks in. "Got anything?" I inquire. "I might. I tracked down the father's place of employment, and seems there was some discontent people there." He reveals. "Want me to come with?" I suggest. "Sure." He agrees. I drop by the lab to let Catherine know before Vartann and I head off.

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