Chapter 11 - Trouble in paradise

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Lauren's POV
Before Steve gets a chance to respond, I race up to the main foyer, making sure everyone's gathered around before explaining. "Um, when I was working in London I worked with a guy called Alex. He and I...were pretty close for a while before I got the offer back from Vegas and I decided to take it. After that, he started acting really weird around me, even proposed at one point and I respectfuly declined but I guess he didn't take the rejection well." I explain. "So?" He shrugs. "So, he killed the guy just like a case he and I solved way back when. Three guys were found dead a week apart each, empty stomach and signs of heavy metal poisoning. There's no way it's anyone else, it was just me and him on that case." I continue. "Are you sure?" Nick asks with a frown. "I'm sure. This only means one thing, there are two more victims out there or possible victims and we need to stop him before he gets to them." I nod. "Right now, my first priority is you and Nick." Steve states. "Steve, I'm fine. It's the possible or definite victims I'm worried about." I shake my head. "Lauren, this isn't something small." He argues. "I'm with him." Nick nods. "You two are not leaving this office or building without one of us." He declares. "I'll take first watch." Danny offers. "Good, we're gonna split up. Kono, Chin, I want you guys to go back to Max see what else you can find and if he's got anything else we need to know. Lou, you and I are going to set up watch on his family, they could be in danger too." Steve delagates swiftly. Everyone dispurses as Lauren and I head into our office and Danny into his. I may not admit it, but I'm scared. More so, for this little person that could be inside of me. "Don't worry." Nicky sooths as he hugs me. "I'm scared Nicky..." I gulp. "We're going to be fine, everything's going to be okay." He assures me. "You know what? I don't want to wait until home, I'll take the test now." I declare. "What?" I chuckle when I see his bemused look. "Relax, I bought one on the way here." I snigger. I duck into the bathroom with the test in hand. I follow the instructions on the box, waiting three minutes. I see the plus sign slowly appear and so does a smile on my face. But before I can head out to show Nick, I feel hands wrap around my neck, pushing down on my windpipe. "Alex...!! L...let me go...!!" I gasp as I begin to see dark spot in my vision. "No, you and I are going to sit down somewhere private and have a chat." He grunts before all goes black.

Nick's POV
I'm pacing outside, waiting for the results when I hear something drop from inside. "Lauren!!" I call out. "Lauren!!" I panic. I burst in, not caring if it's a ladies' restroom. I see the test laying on the ground and a windown open. "No, no, no, no..." I panic. Danny soon runs. "What happened?" He gasps. "They're gone, he has her. She's gone." I explain frantically. "I'll call Steve." He informs before running out to do so.

Danny's POV
I watch as Nick paces with something in his hand, his knuckles turning white from how hard he's squeezing his fists. "McGarrett." Steve answers in his usual tone. "Steve, we got a huge problem. She's gone." I explain. "What do you mean Daniel?!" He snaps, calling me by my full name. I know he's pissed because the only time he calls me "Daniel" is when he's sarcastic or pissed and he's definitely not sarcastic now. "I mean he took her." I reply. "I'm on my way." He declares before hanging up. Before long, he's storming through the foyer like he's about to run me down. "Danny, you were supposed to watch them, you were supposed to look after my cousin." Steve states accusingly as he enters. "Steven, she went to the bathroom." I mutter. "She was pregnant Danny!!" He yells. "What?!" I gasp. "She was pregnant Danny..." He sighs sadly. "Why didn't she say anything?" I ask. "Because she thought it was food poisoning, her morning sickness." He mutters. "She was really distracted this morning and I asked, she said her and Nick had a late night a week ago and she woke up this morning feeling like shit and she threw up her dinner. Nick thought it was a sign but she was more inclined to believe it was food poisoning because she wasn't sure, she was going to take the test tonight." He explains. I see Nick turn over the item in his hands over and over again and I realise it's a test. "She must've decided to not wait it out and take the test now." I point to Nick. "From his reaction, I'm guessing it was positive." I sigh. "Nick?" Steve walks over to him. "She was, it's positive." Nick mutters. "I'm really sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't be here to protect her." Steve sympathises. "I shouldn't have let her take the test, not here, not like this. Now he knows and he can hurt them both." He quivers. "You can't blame yourself." Steve places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It is my fault, and don't you tell me otherwise. I'm her husband for cryin' out loud! I'm supposed to protect her at all costs!" He growls with anger I haven't seem from him in the months I've gotten to know this man. "Nick, calm down man. We'll get her back, we've dealt with worst." I step in with a calm voice. His demeanour changes in the blink of an eye, the anger disappearing. "I...I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me." He breathes. "It's okay man." I nod. "Here." He hands me the test. "Take it, I know the lab will want it." He explains. I bag the test before handing it to one of the CSI's Steve called over from the crime lab. "Put a rush on that." I demand. "Yes Sir." She nods before disappearing. "What now?" I ask. "Now we try and make contact." Nick declares suddenly. "How?" Steve questions. "The same way he did. We catch his attention." He answers. It doesn't take long for us to put two and two together and my eyes widen with shock. "Wo, slow down. Nuh, uh." I shake my head. "Danny, please don't try to stop me. I have to make sure my child and my wife are okay, I can't think about me right now." Nick states sincerely. "Nick, you can't do this. Look, my wife and daughter were in danger once too. My former partner from Jersey kidnapped my daughter and made me shoot my ex-wife's husband just so she'd he'd drive an even bigger wedge between me and her. Yes, I did try and do things on my own but it put my family in danger and if I could do it different, I would've asked for help." He explains. "I'm not saying we disagree with the idea entirely, I'm just saying there's a safer way to do it." Steve states. "What are you suggesting?" He asks Steve. "Well, we can lure him out, but I think you should have some protection before hand." Steve explains. "Like?" Nick prompts. "Like tracking device, like hidden weapons, like a hidden form of communication." Steve states.

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