Chapter 18 - Who dunnito?🤔

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Lauren's POV
I'm woken up by the sound of a phone ringing. "Nicky..." I moan, nudging him gently. "Hmmm..." He groans. "The phone babe, your phone." I yawn. "Stokes." He answers sleepily.

Nick's POV
"Hay Nick. We've caught a case, we need you down here." Steve informs. "What have we got?" I ask. "Unidentified female was uncovered early this morning near Kailua." He informs. "I've got Lou and and Chin on a robbery case." He explains. "Give us an hour?" I reply. "Sure." He nods. We exchange a few more details before we say goodbye. I place my phone back on the nightstand before closing my eyes again. I feel Lauren shift beside me as she snuggles closer. I stroke her, running my hands through her hair. "What did Steve say?" She asks. "We caught a case...unidentified female in Kailua...Lou and Chin are on a robbery case..." I yawn. "I assume we have to go?" She mutters just as sleepily. "I got us an hour so we can go after we drop off Kai." I smile sleepily as I sneak a look at her. "Sneaky." She giggles. "I try." I smirk as I turn to kiss her. I flip so I'm on top of her, my arms on either side and her's wrapped around my neck. I bend down, kissing up her jawline and then her lips. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too babe." She beams at me.

Hour later...

Lauren's POV
An hour passes by quickly. I drag myself out of bed and go about my morning routine. I fire up the coffee machine while Nick takes a shower. Once I've made breakfast, I head back upstairs to wake up Kai. "Baby...Kai sweetie, wake up cupcake." I gently shake her awake. "Good morning mamma." She smiles sleepily. "Good morning baby girl." I hug her. "Mamma, are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah baby, why wouldn't I be?" I nod. "That night that you came home with uncle Steve, I heard you crying." She explains. "Everything's okay baby girl. I promise." I assure as I stroke her hair. "Come on now, let's go have breakfast." I state. "Wanna a piggie back?" I suggest playfully. "Yay!!!" She jumps up and down in excitement. "Jump aboard." I chuckle. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs wraps around my waist and I hold her back before heading downstairs. "Good morning daddy!!" She greets Nick who's sipping his coffee. "Good morning peaches." He smiles before giving both of us a kiss. "Come on kiddo, breakfast." I tell her as I put her down. "Mamma, can I have pancakes?" She asks. "What a coincidence!! I just made pancakes this morning." I chuckle as I place a plate of blueberry pancakes (her favourite) in front her. "Thank you mamma!!" She gives me hug. "You're welcome baby girl. Now come on, eat or we'll be late." I tell her before getting myself a cup of coffee. "I'm done mamma." She shows me her clean plate after she's done. "Good girl, let's go." I nod. Nick and I drop our coffee mugs in the sink along with Kai's dish. I pick up the keys on the way out and make sure to lock up.

At HQ...

"Good morning." We greet everyone minus Chin and Lou. "Good morning." They all chime in. "What have we got beside what you told us over the phone?" I ask. "In the last hour, the female has been identified as Lena Manly." Steve informs. "Have we informed next of kin?" I question. "Well..." Steve whistles, pulling up an article on the big screen. "Public prosecutor Lena Manly found dead in Kailua, suspicious circumstances" reads the title. "Now this is interesting." I mutter. "Okay, I have to point this out. I'm not too familiar with her beyond what's here. Is there anything more to it?" I ask. "Well, she's been off the scene for a while but just a few months ago, she was back in the game. She's part of this big drug case. A major gang leader was about to prosecuted and she was a big part of that." Steve explains. "Okay, so I may be pointing out the obvious but isn't the most obvi suspect the guy from the drug case?" Nick states. "You'd think so but there are no evidence so far suggesting that he's connected." Danny informs. "What have we got so far?" I ask. Steve slides the file over the big table. "Lab reports showed 2 unknown fingerprints at her place. One was matched to her son from her divorced marriage. The other is still pending although it's not looking hopeful. There were obvious signs of break in but that's about it." He explains as Nick and I page through the semi-complete report. "Have we spoken to the ex husband, the son?" I ask. "We're trying to reach them but they are incommunicado." Kono states. "I see." I mutter. "I mean, I don't know about you, but that's hella suspicious to me." Nick huffs. "With you on that one." Danny nods, so does everyone else. "Why don't you and Danny track down the ex hubby and the son?" Steve suggests. "Sure." I agree. "Nick and I will head down to get the autopsy report." He states before him and Nick disappear.

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