Chapter 7 - Nothing lasts forever

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Lauren's POV
I head home from the airstrip in silence after seeing off my cousin and his team. I guess Steve was right, I do miss Hawaii...when I left the last time to come to Vegas, I promised that I'd come back. I mean; working at five-0 was always what I thought I'd end up doing, not as a CSI in Vegas, with three kids, a dog and a husband but life is unpredictable. I think this is something that Nick and I need to discuss together; maybe he'll say yes and I'll go or maybe he'll say no and I'll agree and stay OR maybe he'll say yes and we both go. Either way, it's not something I can decide on my own and just go about doing it. I'll have to talk to Greg and our parents about this as well although I think I already know their answer; "Do what's right and everything will fall into place." was what my mother told me when I wanted to quit after having the whole ordeal with Gracie and after I woke up. I decided then, that the right thing was to continue with my job. Right now, that's not so clear. Should I go with Steve? Should I tell Nick, Greg and my parents? Should I just leave without telling them? All these questions sped through my mind as I pulled up alongside our house. I have hours until Nick and I have work so I thought that it would be good to spend the day with Stacey. I unlock the door, stepping inside and expecting to hear noise and laughter but silence is all I hear. "Nick?" I call out. "Hay, you're home early. I thought their flight wasn't until later." He greets, appearing from the main hall. "They got called in so they took an earlier flight, where's Stacey?" I explain before asking. He gives me a weird look, as if contemplating his answer. "She said to give you this." He finally replies, handing me a letter.

*Dear mum;
Thank you for finding me and making sure I was safe. Thank you for opening your heart once again to me and I'm glad to say I have a family. Please thank Nick for me. I had the best time with him and would be glad to call him my father in the near future (it's going to take a little time but I'll get there eventually). I know you'd want me to stay but I've decided I'm going back to LA. Vegas will always be my home away from home but LA is my home. I'll come visit and you can send me letters to Cerritos College. Don't be mad at Nick, he told me to do the right thing and everything will fall into place. I'm going back to college and decided I want to do literature. I always did like reading and writing; the colourful characters and places. I'm glad we finally reunited and I hope our bond will only grow stronger. I might take a small trip to D.C to visit Sammy and I already met up with Gracie and I'll be sure to tell you how it goes. I'll write soon to tell you how things are but for now, I guess it's goodbye.
With love; Stacey*

I finish reading the letter and turning to Nick; "Is that why she wanted to spend the day with you?" I question. "Yeah, she really wanted to change things and make her own path." Nick explains, flashing me an apologetic smile. "Nicky, I'm not mad. You gave her the best advise and I'm proud, so proud. She's making her own way in the world, seeking her own path." I smile. "We started talking about my job as a CSI and she talked about how she'd never finished college. She really wanted to change things, make something of her life." Nick explains, a hint of a proud smile creeping onto his lips. "I'm glad. Actually, I'm proud. Of both of you." I comment as I hug him. "I guess she's right; I do want her to stay but she's all grown up and..." Suddenly it dawns on me. "I missed out on so much of her life...her first step, her first word, her first smile...I missed it all..." I mutter. I can't help but feel a lump grow in my throat, threatening to burst out in a sob. Nick sees my distressed face and is quick to reassure me like always. "You did what you had to do. I know it hurts and I know nothing's going to make it go away or make it feel any better but you did what was best and she'll forever have you to thank for that." He murmurs, rubbing soothing circle on my back as I take deep breaths to calm me down. My phone ringing brings us both out of our trance. "Lauren." I answer. "Hay Lauren, I know I said you can come in late but Finn's off, Greg and Morgan are on a 419, Warrick took off last week for his new position in New York and I got a 420 near the strip. I need you and Nick to cover that." D.B informs. "What about you?" I question. "I got a triple 420 up in Henderson. It's gonna take me a while to sort it out, it's pretty messy." He explains. "Sure, Nick and I will take that 420 on the strip." I agree. "Long shift I guess." I chuckle. "Yeah...I'll see you back at the lab." He sighs before saying goodbye and hanging up. "What's up?" Nick questions. "420 near the strip. Let's go." I relay. We carpool in Nick's denali, heading to the scene.

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