Chapter 30 - Roundabout

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Lauren's POV
We arrive at the spot to find his car empty and abandoned. The driver side door is open and blood can be clearly made out near the boot. "Oh god..." I choke. Nick's phone sits in between the driver and passenger seat along with his badge, the same place he always keeps it when he drives. His wedding ring twinkles in the midday sun on the driver seat and his gun is found kicked under the car. "Oh my god...oh god no..." I pant, panic rising. "Oh god" I fall to the floor a teary, terrified mess. "Hay, we'll find him cuz. I promise." Steve tries to assure me. "My husband...oh god..." Was all I could get out ahead of my sobs.

Danny's POV
"Hay, why the 911?" I ask Steve as I pull up to the squad cars and Lauren's car blocking off the I-10. "It's Nick. He's gone missing." Steve explains briefly as we walk to the crime scene tape. He lifts it as we duck under to be greeted with Lou and Kono talking to Duke, with Lauren in her car, her head in hands defeatedly. "What do you mean taken?" I gasp. "Taken. He's gone missing. He was supposed to meet us at the palace. He didn't show up and his phone kept going to voicemail. So Lauren and I tracked it to find this." He recounts. "How's Lauren holding up?" I ask. "I wish I could say well. But she's falling apart man. I'm worried for her." He sighs. "So far just some blood near the boot, his wedding ring and phone were in the car and his gun was kicked under the car. The blood's been rushed to the lab to be tested. If it's Nick's he's probably pretty badly injured. Nothing else so far." He relays. "Hay." I greet Lauren with a remorseful smile. "He...this wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to be...I can't go through it again." A fresh wave of sobs shakes her body. "What do I tell our kids? What do I tell Kai?" She cries.

Nick's POV
I come to in a dark cellar like place, a barred window high above the wall. "Hello? Somebody! Anybody! Let me out!" I call out desperately. I try to reach the window so I can at least see where I am. Barren woods are all that's visible for as far as the eye can see. "There must be a way to get out of here." I think aloud. "No, there isn't. Believe me, I tried." Another voice chimes in. "Who's there?" I call out. "My name's Nick Stokes. I'm with Five-0. What your name?" I ask. "I'm Addison." The voice replies after some hesitation. "Addison Brooks?" I question. "Yeah, how do you know me?" She asks. "...we've been looking for you since yesterday." I reveal. "Five-0's been investigating a series of kidnappings, always young women, always in broad daylight and always in a camera's blindside so we have no way to identify the kidnapper. His dumping ground was uncovered by Five-0. About 24 hours ago, you were kidnapped and we realised we had a real chance to catch this guy. But why me? I'm not his type." I explain. "You must've gotten close." Addison jumps in. I move towards her voice. "Addison?" I knock on the wall. "Addison, do you see a door?" I ask. "No, there's nothing here but a barred window." She replies, her voice directly on the other side of the wall. "Same here." I sigh. "How did you end up here? Do you remember?" I question. "No. All I remember is walking to class on Monday morning. I said goodbye to my roommate for the day, made plans with my bestfriend on the phone to meet up later to study. I'm a junior in college. The next thing I remember is waking up in here." She answers. "What about you?" She asks. "Nothing. I'd said goodbye to my wife and daughter. My wife offered to take her to daycare that morning. I got in my car and drove to work. I got a flat and stopped to take a look. And the next thing I remember is waking up in here." I reveal. "Mr Stokes?" Addison calls out. "I'm scared." She states nervously. "Don't worry. Five-0 would've realised I'm missing by now. They'll come find us. I promise." I assure her.

About a week earlier...

Lauren's POV
"Morning baby." I yawn, rolling over to be greeted by my husband's half asleep face. "Morning beautiful." He chuckles with his eyes still half closed. He pulls me in close, wrapping his arms around me as he plants soft kisses on my head. "Can you wake Kai up? I'm gonna take a shower and get breakfast going." I murmur. "Sure." He whispers back, playing with my hair absentmindedly. I drop my clothes in the hamper and duck into the shower while Nick gets Kai ready for school.

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