No update...

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Hay wattpad fam...I know what you're going to say, she hasn't updated in forever. I know..I feel rotten cuz I have not been able to update for sooooooo long. Year 11 and 12 have been hectic and it's just been really full on. I know that isn't a much of an excuse but it's genuinely been a very full on year and I've gone through a few rough patches with school. For those of you who are still reading my stories and wish to read more, I hope I will be able to grant that request very soon. However, I have one very important question. Do you guys actually read my stories? Not just this one but my other works as well. Because I really want to get an idea of my audience and their preference. I would like you write a little about yourself in the comments. Not much just a little. Where you live (what country?), your preferences (likes and dislikes) and a few comments on my works that you've read. I would REALLY love your feedback on my works. I always read the comments and try to take in the feedback, please. I would loveeeeee your opinion on my stories. Are they great? Are they good? Are they not even mediocre??? Please, please leave a comment with the details mentioned above. I really appreciate your support guys. I love you all and the fact that you take the time to read my stories and if you enjoy them means the world to me. I hope the next time I write, it will be an update for my story. Bye lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!😘😘🤗🤗

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