Chapter 9 - All that glitters ain't gold

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Lauren's POV
"So, I had my source dig a little deeper into Alison's background and I was right." I smile triumphantly. "And?" Steve prompts. "She was in a serious relationship with the then part leader and part gang member up until..." I leave it there. "Okay, let me explain it." I declare. "So, before working as a courier for Meza's gang, she was actually quite high up the chain of command in the two chainz gang. All of this because of her then boyfriend as I just said. However, she was being abused and when the police arrested her the first time, she was too scared to talk and I hope you've all worked out why, but it gets even more interesting. When she got arrested the second time, she was resistant, as if protecting someone and this is all according to HPD who interrogated her. There were eventually able to crack her and she ratted him out. I'm guessing he wasn't too happy about that because he spent 2 years in prison for gang involvement, 7 for abuse and another year for bad behaviour inside." I explain. "It was at this time, that she started working as a courier for Meza's gang and it so happens, she came across the same guy she sent to prison and the rest we can all kinda put two and two together." I reach the end. "Okay, I'll role with that. Where did your contact say this mysterious abusive ex disappeared to after he got out?" Lou asks. "Ah, he didn't. You see, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed and went straight back to the two chainz. I don't blame him though, I guess they're the only people he knows." I answer. "And heck, it'll make our job easier, right? It won't be too hard to find him." Chin states. "Au contraire my friend. Another interesting titbit I found is that the two chainz gang are notoriously allusive. That's why they're still operating while other gangs -apart from Meza's because it's holding out but only because of dumb luck- have either moved or completely gone because of police action." I reveal. "So, we're really no closer to catching who killed her." Danny states. "Ye have little faith, I didn't say that Daniel." I argue. "So, what now?" He asks. "Now, we have a chat with Meza after this load of info." I declare. "Lou, care to join me?" I ask Grover. "Sure." He shrugs before he and I head back down to the interrogation room. "You know, I've never seen McGarrett out of his depth like this. I like you." He chuckles as we walk down. "I'm sure you'll grow to detest me as much as him." I snigger. "So, Lou Grover...tell me your story. You know mine, what's yours?" I ask. "Nothing as exciting as yours." He smirks. "Oh, I'm sure it's far from boring." I chuckle. "Not much really. Two kids, a beautiful wife. I used to be cop in Chicago before moving here after taking part in a 5 year long undercover operation. My best friend who I trusted with my life as cop and off duty, turned out to be dirty and I ratted him out, haven't gone to Chicago since his sentencing." He reveals casually. "Hmm, I can relate to that." I mutter. "No matter where, there are bent cops everywhere." I recite Brass's motto. "Amen to that." He chuckles softly. "We had a bend sheriff if you can believe that. He almost killed a good friend of mine, my daughter and myself." I reveal. "Ouch." He whistles. "Nick and I were the ones who ratted him out so he had a pretty bad grudge against us. He kidnapped my daughter a little after she was born and I was the ransom in exchange for my daughter. Obviously, he ain't a man of his words, no honour amongst thieves and all so I got hurt pretty and went into a coma for a while. All in all, not the best guy to piss off." I recount. "Where's he now?" Lou asks. "Hopefully turning in his goddam grave." I smirk. "Ehh, all in all, I say you're doing alright." He sniggers. "Not to brag but yeah, pretty sweet living in paradise if you know what I mean." I chuckle as I open the door of Meza's holding cell. "Seriously?" He raises an annoyed eyebrow at me and Lou. "Oh well, I might as well introduce. You already know me, we all know you. The first guy with me Detective Williams, the second guy was the big Kahuna and my cousin commander McGarrett and this is Lieutenant Grover." I introduce briefly. "So, I need info, I need it now, without hastle and fast and I'm also going to hope that you've learnt your lesson by now; you tell me what I need to know, you feel fine, you don't you're a shitcake in a grave." I state. "What do you want?" He mutters. "I need to know the guy Alison was running from. I need as much info on him as possible and I need it now." I explain. "What's in it for me? I've been here for what, 4-5 hours?" He grunts. "What's in it for you is that you may go off at the end of the day without permanent damage." I warn. "His name's Connor, Connor Mallany. He was the head of the drug operation part of the gang." Meza explains. "Wait, wait a second. What else did they do?" I stop him. "Anything really, selling buying, trafficking, black market, anything really, anything that had real money." Meza reveals. "Continue." I nod. "Alison wanted to join my crew but I said no at first. Hell, I wasn't going to let my rival gang's girl join my crew, what if she was a snitch, an undercover for the police or for the two chainz and they just wanted to shut me down? Now they're pussies but before that, I was just trying to hold my own and not die everyday, you get me?" He continues. "Then I said okay, if you can rat out your stupid boyfriend, I might consider." He recounts. "She did the next day." He reveals. "But on her file, it says she was caught for possession." I frown. "She was, just intentional, she gave herself in, made it easy." He explains. "So, after he was in jail and she'd done what I asked, I let her join my crew, I am a man of my words. However, she was on a close watch and to be honest, I don't know how she slipped past my watch to get herself killed." He states. "So, you're saying that someone may have seen something, something to do with her going off grid and getting murdered?" I ask. "Maybe." He shrugs. "Hay, what did the lady tell you?!" Lou snaps. "I said, maybe." He grunts. "Ease off Lou, I got this." I nod. "What do you mean maybe?" I ask. "Well if Connor is as smart as I remember and didn't lose his brain cells in prison, he'd have take care of every angle, wouldn't leave anything behind." He explains. "But it's worth checking out?" I prompt. "Sure." He retorts sarcastically. "Hell, I don't know! I've been here since it happened! How am I supposed to know more than you, cop lady?!" He snaps. "Hay, watch it." I warn. "Watch it my ass, I don't give a shit if you beat me or not. At least it's something." He grunts. "Let's go Lou." I turn to Lou as we leave. "I said we might let you go but once this is all over. I can't let you go and make another shit pile five-0 will have to clean up." I explain. "Whatever, just get me some food and water. I'm starving in here." He mutters. "That I can do, since you're been reasonable." I nod before closing the door once more. "Hopefully that'll be the last time we have to deal with that jackass. I swear, if I have to talk to him again, I'mma lose my shit." I groan as I rub my forehead. "Hopefully..." Lou sniggers as we enter the main foyer. "What'd you get?" Steve asks. "Well, I got a name." I reveal. "And a pretty pissed of Meza." Lou chuckles under his breath. "There's a catch." I brush off Lou's comment. Steve raises an eyebrow. "I can help with finding him." Jerry jumps in. "Thanks Jerry but I got the perfect person to help." I smile. "Oh..." He mutters dejectedly. "No offence Jer. Really, you're great I mean it, this just needs a little extra and that require a little help from above." I try to cheer him up. I call Pen once again. "Office of all things awesome, how can I assist?" PG answers. "Hay G, I need an address." I ask. "My fingers are ready and waiting." She nods. "Connor Mallany." I give her the name. "By the way, meet my new family." I swerve the screen to show the rest of the team. "Hi, nice to meet you all. I hope you're taking good care of my friend there, she's a firecracker and don't you all forget it." She states. "Penelope!!" I hiss. "What?" She giggles. "This is Steve, my cousin I told you about." I introduce Steve. "Nice to meet you Penelope, thanks for all your help." Steve smiles. "You're welcome muscles." She sniggers. "Oh, you totally remind me of chocolate thunder!!" She exclaims as she types. "G, focus." I giggle. "He's all serious and muscly type, that's exactly like De..." She's about to dive into a story. "Penelope, focus please. I need that address." I prompt. "I know sweetness but this guy is tricky." She grumbles. "This is Danny." I move along. "Hi babe." Danny smirks. "Hay there hotstuff." Penelope flirts. "And these are cousins Chin and Kono." I reveal Chin and Kono side by side. "Aloha!" They both greet. "Aloha to you too, my paradise friends." She smiles kindly. "And this is the newest addition, well beside me; Lou Grover." I introduce. "Hay there." Lou nods. "Hi sir." Penelope smiles. "Okay, I got something for you all. It's the most recent one I could find; Waiaka...Waiaka...Arghhh darn it, I don't speak paradise!! I'll just send it to you." She grumbles. "Thanks Pen." I nod as I receive the address and I send it to the rest of the team. "You, are all welcome my furry friends." She smiles. "Talk soon P." I nod. "Have fun in paradise for me, PG queen of awesome out." She salutes before we end the video call. "Okay, let's go down and gear up, we can talk strategy there." Steve declares before we all head down.

Down at the storage area...

"So, we're gonna split into teams; Lauren, Danny and myself will lead ahead and Lou, Chin and Kono I want you guys as backup." Steve delagates as we put on our bulletproof vests. We decide to pile car with Steve, Danny and myself in my car and Lou, Chin and Kono in Lou SUV. We speed through the traffic. "Easy, speed racer." Danny grumbles. "I hate backseat drivers Daniel." I state sternly. "No kidding, you're like a female Steve." He chuckles.

Time skip of the drive there//

We finally reach the house. "Chin, I want you guys to take the back. Secure the perimeter and we'll take the entry." Steve declares. Guns raised, Steve, Danny and I move towards the front. The house is a modest yet elegant villa, just on the outskirts of Waikoloa and you can't help but admire Connor. He's smart enough to pick a pretty unlikely safe house. "Hay cuz, since you've pretty much pulled the weight on this one, wanna do the honours?" Steve offers. "Sure." I nod. "Connor Mallany!!!! Five-0, open up!!!" I yell. "Steve, we're in position." I hear Chin through the earpiece. I kick the door down with my kick aimed at the lock and we head inside. "We're in." I state into my earpiece. "We got a runner!!!" I yell when I spot Connor trying to escape. "Connor, stop!!' I yell. I fire a few warning shots at him but he doesn't seem to care and only fires back. I duck behind the furniture to avoid his shots. "Connor Mallany!!!" I yell. Knowing I can't catch him I decide to lure him out. "Connor, we have Alison. She's alive and she told us everything. She told us how you slipped her the ketamine, how you beat her and tried to force her back." I lie. "You think I'm stupid?!" He screams. "No Connor, I don't. In fact, I think you're pretty smart. So young and yet you've got this entire gang running. I may be a cop but I know you're not stupid kid. So don't make a stupid decision, make a smart one and come with me." I reply calmly. "Why would I do that?! I killed someone. You'll put me away and throw away the keys." He yells. "Connor, if you don't come out, I will have no way of getting you help." I state sternly. I fire a few shots to distracting him. "Steve, I want you to go around block his exit." I mouth to Steve he nods silently before cutting Connor off from the other side. Connor senses Steve and jumps out long enough for me to tackle him to the ground. "You were right Connor, I am gonna lock you away and throw away the keys but you had a choice and you chose this, because you DID kill Alison." I grunt as I slap the handcuffs onto his wrists. "Connor Mallany, you're under arrest for murder, gang related involvement and drug trafficking and possession. Not to mention child exploitation. You have the right to remain silent as anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. You're entitled to an attorney, if you can't get one, the state will provide you with one." I recite his Miranda rights as I pull him up and drag him outside where there's a patrol which Chin called is waiting. I put him inside the police car before it drives off, a permanent scowl on his face the last thing I see. "Not bad for a first case." Steve smirks as we fist bump. "Ehh, not the result I hoped for but all's well that ends well I guess." I chuckle. "The team and I were thinking of heading out to SideStreet for some Maitais, wanna join us?" Steve suggests. "Sure." I nod. Turns out SideStreet is the place Steve and I used to go for lunch nearly everyday last time I was here, it's just been renovated. We all sit around two tables pushed together to fit the entire team. Steve and I sit at one end while Danny and Kono on the other and Lou, Jerry, Max and Chin pulled up chairs around. "Here's to you cuz. You did good today." Steve raises his Maitai for a toast. "Thanks cuz but it was a group effort." I smile. I check the time on my phone to see a message from Nick saying he'll be home in a little bit. "Thanks for the Maitais guys, it's been great but I gotta run." I inform them as I get up, placing my bill on the table. "See you all tomorrow?" I state. "Hmmm, yeah. Tell Nick we said hi." Steve nods before I leave.


Mysterious POV
I watch from afar as she clicks glasses with the other guy next to her. She HAS done good today, he's right. I guess I'm not as mad at her as before. Maybe moving from Vegas to Hawaii isn't such a bad idea. Gives me more room at least, I can keep an eye on her.

Hi guys!! Hope you liked this chapter. I know, it's short. (who knew I could write short chapters, right?? 😂) I'll see you lovlies in the next one, mwahhhh!!😘P.S; who's the mysterious POV I'll find out soon...🤔😜

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." Henry Ford

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hope you're feeling inspired! 😘

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