Chapter 32 - Redo I do's

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Small time skip...

Lauren's POV
After the ordeal Nick went through, I demanded some off time. We both took a few weeks off work, just us in our little cocoon of three. One particularly stormy night, Kai's cries are what wake me. I check the time to see it's about 2 am. I run to her room, terrified something might be wrong. "Mamma!" She cries, running into my open arms. "Hay, what's wrong sweetie?" I worry, pushing her hair out of her face. "I'm scared mamma. The thunder is scary." She quivers. "Hay, it's alright my little one. It's just a storm." I smile comfortingly. "Do you want to sleep with us tonight?" I offer. "Yeah." She nods. I pick her up in my arms, letting her head rest against my shoulder as she holds me tightly. I lay her in between myself and Nick. "What's going on?" Nick stirs awake. "Kai was scared, she wanted to sleep here tonight." I explain as I slip in myself. Kai wraps herself around me, burying her head against me. Nick wraps his arms around us both, planting a kiss on Kai's hair. "You doing okay sweetie?" Nick asks. "The thunder is scary daddy. It's so loud. And it goes boom." She sniffles. "It's just thunder mija. It won't hurt you. I promise. I know it sounds scary. But I promise it's not." He soothes. Nick strokes her hand in his till she calms, her eyes slowly closing. I wrap my arms around Kai, stroking her hair. "Mamma?" She mutters sleepily. "Will you sing the lullaby please? The river lullaby?" She asks. "Sure baby." I nod. "Get comfy." I smile.

Where the north wind, meets the sea...
There's a river, full of memory...
Sleep my darling safe and sound...
For in this river all is found...
In her waters...
Deep and true...
Lie the answers, and a path for you...
Dive down deep into her sound...
But not too far or you'll be drowned...
And yes she, will sing to those who hear...
And in her song, all magic flows...
But can you brave what you most fear...
Can you face, what the river knows...
Where the north wind, meets the sea...
There's a mother, full of memory...
Come my daring, homeward bound...
When all is lost and all is...found...

I sing softly, cuddling her close. "Come my darling, homeward bound...when all is lost and all is...found..." I end softly, her light breathing assuring me she's fallen asleep. "Sweet dreams my little one." I kiss her good night. And so that night, and for many nights after, we fell asleep like that. Kai cuddled close to me and Nick's arms wrapped us like a protective shield. A month in and we had regained some sense of normalcy. Nick and I had returned to work and cases had come and gone same as always. I didn't forget what Nick had agreed to though. And so on our anniversary that year, we planned and prepared to renew our vows. We invited everyone. Sammy, Stacey and Gracie all agreed to come down. Both of our parents were thrilled to come and get to meet their granddaughter. Penelope and Emily also said they'd try and make it. Unfortunately, out of all the people at the lab, Greg was only able to come. Crime doesn't stop for festivities I guess. I woke up, greeted with the same sight I had grown accustomed to; my husband's sleeping figure. "Morning baby." I murmur in between kisses. "Morning beautiful." He smiles sleepily, pulling me closer as he deepens each kiss. "You ready?" I smirk. "As long as I'm with you." He chuckles, pulling my face closer for another kiss. "...I know I tell you this everyday but I honestly can't imagine my life without you. I, love you. You are the most amazing and most beautiful woman in the world, and I mean it." He states with sincerity, looking deep into my eyes. "I love you too Nicky. You are my home. I don't know where I'd be without you." I smile. "Come on, we have a busy day." I chuckle, pulling him out of bed with me. "I'll wake Kai up." He states with a chuckle, backing out of the room while I go take a shower. Once Nick, Kai and myself are all ready and breakfasted up, we head off. We drop Kai off at school before heading to work. "Cuz what are you doing here? I told you, you have the day off." Steve states as we walk in. "It's all good. The ceremony is not till the afternoon so we have time." I decline. "Got a case?" I ask. "Yeah, and it's a weird one." Danny nods. "A body was found just of the coast, near the north shore docks. So far, it's been identified as a male, the rest is still unknown. We'll know more when Max gets the body and does the autopsy." Steve explains. "Let's get down there." Nick suggests. After a briefing with the rest of the task force, we all head down to the crime scene. "Duke, anything new?" We greet the senior detective. "We got ID. His wallet was still in his pants." He reveals. "Adam Tanner. 25, Oahu native. We're chasing down next of kin." He hands us the wallet as he explains. "What's he doing way out here?" I think aloud. "That's the million dollar question." Nick frowns. Once we've handed the crime scene back to the CSIs, we head back to the palace with the body in tow. "I'm gonna go check with the venue and make sure everything is set. You guys ok here?" I ask the small crowd. "We're all good. I'll meet you down there in a bit." Nick nods. "Love you." I give him a peck on the lips before leaving. "Be safe." I smirk as the elevator doors close. "Always am." He chuckles right before. Nick and I really wanted an open spaced ceremony to make use of the wonderful environment we were in. We had found the perfect spot in a secluded cliff's edge. The vast ocean sprawled out, just over the cliff's edge. Wild flowers and flora adorned the grassy ground. A small gazebo had been built here for such an occasion. It's faded wooden exterior indicated that it had stood there for a good many years. Lines of chairs had been stacked facing the gazebo, white cloths adorning everything. Small bouquets of flowers hung off the chairs and lines of beautiful red roses were used to decorate the gazebo. Off in the distant, Oahu was dimly visible. "Mrs Stokes?" The organiser greeted me. "Hi, thanks you so much for all of this. It's amazing." I shake her hand. "I'm glad you like it." She smiles. "Let's walk through the ceremony one more time and then we'll be all set." She guides me towards the gazebo as she explains. "So the guests will be seated. And as per your request we have added some extra seats just in case. Once they're seated, you'll arrive along with your husband. The gazebo will be all set up and then you'll read your renewed vows. Then the catering will bring out the food and you'll end with a reception." She runs through the whole evening. "Sounds good to me." I nod. "All right. I'll just double check with the band to make sure everything is set." She smiles before hurrying off to call the band. "Hay." Nick's arms wrap around me as he plants a kiss on my cheek. "Hay." I can't help but smile. "You made it." I chuckle once we part. "I talked to the caterers, everything is set." He smirks. Nick and I take one more look around before we head back to the palace. "Hay." I greet the small crowd. "Anything new?" I ask. "Not much. Danny was just about to go chase some autopsy results." Steve reveals. "Come with?" Danny offers. "Sure." I nod. "Max?" I call out as we walk into the morgue. "Ms Callgate! I was just about to deliver you the autopsy results." He pops out of nowhere. "Hay Max. Since we're here, let's take a look at what you found." I suggest. "Mr Tanner had quite a few antemortem bruising. By the looks of it, he got into it with someone shortly before his death." Max explains as he reveals the now clean body. "Any forensics that we could use to see who he might have gotten into it with before he died?" I ask. "Not yet. I will make sure to take plenty of photos and samples before he is released." He replies. "Has anyone claimed him?" I question. "Brother. He's coming down to make an ID and claim the body." Danny jumps in. "Um, excuse me everyone. This is Tyler, Mr Tanner's brother." Steve interrupts with another man. "Hi." He waves timidly. "Give us the room fellas?" I request. "Mr Tanner, hi. Sorry to be meeting under these circumstances. My name is Lauren Callgate, I work with commander McGarrett." I greet the young man. "If you'd come with me please." I guide him into the dimly lit morgue. "Now, I'm going to need you to tell me if this is your brother. Only if you're up to it." I gently explain as we stand over the metal slab. "Are you ready?" I ask. "Y...yeah." He nods nervously. I slowly lift the white cloth resting over the body to reveal the face. "Oh my god..." He chokes. "Is this your brother Tyler?" I ask. "...Yeah...that's Adam...oh my god..." He gulps, gripping the table for support. "Tyler, can you think of anyone who may have had anything against your brother?" I ask once I've helped him sit down. " He got along with people well enough." He mutters. "Is there any reason, any at all, that someone might want to harm him?" I ask. "I...I don't know...Adam and I...we were never really that close." He answers. "Is there any reason your brother would be at the north shore, in that area?" I questions. "Not that I can think of. We don't know anyone down there and his work is usually in the city if he's not working from home." He answers. "Any friends or girlfriends and such I could talk to?" I inquire. "Yeah, a couple of friends from work I knew about. I could give you their contact info." He nods. Once we've exchanged those and I'm satisfied there's nothing more he can tell us, I escort him back to his car and watch as he drives away. "Learn anything?" Steve asks when he joins me. "Not much unfortunately." I sigh as we head back inside. "They weren't really that close and he couldn't give me much." I explain. "We need to find out why he was in that area in the first place. Things will become much clearer once we do." Steve comments. "Have we searched his place?" I ask. "Not yet." Danny answers. "Nick and I can go." I offer. "Okay. Call us with any updates." Steve instructs. "Will do." I nod before we leave. "Pretty homey." Nick comments when we arrive, looking around. "Yeah." I agree. "Find anything?" I ask while I search the kitchen and he searches the living room. "Nothing out of the ordinary. A few textbooks on the shelf, some novels, some self help books, a few paperbacks, his desk is pretty average too. Nothing unusual there." He replies. "Ditto." I sigh. "I suppose we better report back." I retort as we walk out. "I'll call." He offers. I take one last cursory look before stepping out while he calls. I look up, observing the midday sun while Nick's distant conversation with Five-0 drones in the background. My eyes become blurred for a second and I blink, thinking it's the glare of the sun. My breathe hitches, my chest growing heavy. I grip the wall for support as I slide down. "Help..." I choke. "Nicky..." I try to get his attention. The look of horror on his face is echoed on my own when he turns around. "Lauren? Lauren, what's wrong?" He drops down beside me. "I can't...I can' chest..." I heave, pushing the words out. "Call an ambulance!" He yells to the person on the other line before dropping his phone on the floor. "Nicky..." I panic. "Hold on baby, help's coming." He tries to sooth me. I continue to heave and panic, attempting to draw in air but my chest getting tighter. I fall to the floor, collapsing in Nick's arms. "Lauren, Lauren stay with me. Keep your eyes up here, okay?" Nick strokes my face, holding me in his arms. "What' me?" I pant. "I don't know baby, but helps coming, okay? Save your strength." He tries to assures me shakily. "Nick? Lauren? What's going on?" The person on the phone yells. "Call for help!" Nick snaps. "The ambulance is on its way. Just hold on, okay?" Steve's voice rings out. Not long after, an ambulance pulls up, the paramedics rushing out with their equipment. "Please, help her!" Nick pleads. "Miss? Miss can you hear us?" They bend down, examining me. "I can't...breathe..." I choke. They slide on a mask and place me on the bed before wheeling me away to the ambulance. Nick jumps in behind them, my hand firmly in his. "Hold on baby, hold on." He pleads. I fight to keep my eyes open, forcing a reassuring smile at Nick. "You're gonna be okay." He murmurs, kissing my forehead. I stare into his eyes, remembering all that we've experienced. " you..." I whisper, my eyes slowly closing as I lose the fight. "I love you too sweetheart..." He tries to smile, a tear sliding down his cheek. I'm so tired...I just want to sleep...I let out a violent cough before my eyes finally close.

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