Chapter 23 - Behind those hazel eyes

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A few week's time skip

Lauren's POV
I walk into shift an hour early to get through some filing to find Catherine, Nick and Grissom already in the break room. "Look like I'm not the only one that's early." I chuckle. "It's a slow night." Grissom informs. "I can see. Though I guess we should be happy." I shrug. "How was your weekend?" I ask the small crowd. "Good. Lindsey and I took a trip down to a carnival nearby." Catherine is the first to answer. "Uneventful." Nick shrugs. "Grissom?" I turn to our boss. "Nothing interesting." He shrugs. "What about you?" Catherine asks. "Nothing much. Got some rest and a few of my friends came down from D.C and we made a girl's day out of it." I recount. "Nicky!" An unfamiliar voice disrupts our small talk. "Oh Savannah, what are you doing here?" Nick greets the woman with a kiss which she reciprocates. "You forgot your food. Thought I'd drop by and give it to you." She smiles as she hands him a bag. "Hi, I'm Lauren. I work with Nick." I introduce myself. "Right. This is Catherine and my boss, Grissom." Nick introduces the rest of the crowd. "Nice to meet ya'll." Savannah replies with a warm smile. "I best be on my way Nick, see you after shift." She kisses Nick goodbye before leaving. "Uneventful weekend?" I raise a questioning eyebrow. "Alright fine, you got me. Savannah and I have been hanging out. Went out this weekend to this retreat." He confesses. "Seems you two have been more than just "hanging out."" I observe, trying to hide the jealously in my voice. "What's that supposed to mean?" Nick retorts with a frown. "Nothing." I shrug, trying to maintain a carefree attitude. "Oh it meant something." He mutters. "Are you done bickering children?" Grissom steps in. "Sorry Gris." We apologise. Once again silence takes over the break room as shift begins, the lab's night life waking up. "Hay." Warrick greets as he arrives. "Hay." We all reply. "Got assignments yet?" He asks. "Slow night." We all chime in. I'm pretty sure we spend half the shift just sitting there, waiting for a guy to off his wife, or a wife to off her sorry excuse of a husband, or a sister and brother to kill each other over some benign reason, or a friend to kill a friend over money or a guy or a girl or some gang war to cause a mess on the Vegas streets. It's amazing how many ways and how quickly humanity can take a nosedive in the wrong direction. So many ways things can go wrong and all for what? Pride, money, self validation? The tense atmosphere is too much to bare so I leave to the locker room.

Nick's POV
"What's up with Lauren? Everything okay?" Warrick asks. "Dunno." I shrug. "Nick I think you should go talk to her." Catherine advises. "Why? It's just gonna make it worst." I grumble. "Trust me, it can't get any worst." She scoffs. "Fine." I agree. I head over to the locker room to talk to Lauren. "Hay." I sigh as I sit beside her on the benches. "Hay." She smiles sadly. Looking at her, I can see the unshed tears glistening in her eyes. "Hay Nick. I'm really sorry about what I said. You deserve to be happy." She apologises. "Don't sweat it." I smile. "Hay, is everything okay?" I ask. "Everything's fine Nick, don't you worry." She assures me with a smile that looks half convincing. "Hay, I really am sorry." I stop her before she leaves. "Nick, I pulled the plug before we even turned anything on. If there's anyone that should be sorry it's me." She sighs. "And I meant every word I said Nicky." She mutters before returning to the break room. "Good you two are back. We have assignments. I want you and Lauren to take a 419 we just got off of Fremont. Take Catherine with you. Warrick, Sara and I will take the other 419 in Henderson." Grissom hands out the assignments.

Lauren's POV
We arrive at the scene in silence, not having spoken a word since we left the lab. "Brass, what have we got?" Catherine asks the detective waiting by the yellow tape. "Male vic, according to the coroner he took 2 to the chest. No signs of a break in, lived alone and no family to speak of. I've got officers checking for remaining family." He reveals. "His name is Alan Durkley. He worked as a pit boss down at the Bellagio." He hands us the wallet after inspection. "Young for a pit boss." I observe. "Yeah, he got promoted just a year ago." Brass informs. "I'll take the interior." I state promptly. "Hay David." I greet the coroner inside the small but elegant kitchen. " Hay Lauren." He replies. "Have you got TOD yet?" I inquire. "Yeah, lividity and rigor mortis are fixed so he hasn't been moved so he's been dead for about 12 hours." He reveals. "Thanks David." I nod. "I'm all done here so I'll see you back at the lab." He states before him and his assistants wheel out the body. I head up the winding staircase to the single bedroom. A grand chandelier hangs above the king sized bed. The bed itself is covered in an elegant silk cover with a snow-white blanket resting neatly on the bed. Nothing looks disturbed in the bedroom, everything is perfectly in place, just like the rest of the house. "Anything?" Brass asks as he enters. "Nothing. This guy is neater than most girls I know." I comment. "Hmmm...sometimes is not what evidence there is but rather the absence of evidence that should be take into account." I think aloud. "How philosophical of you." Brass chuckles. "Hay that's what Gris would say." I snigger. "I'll let you to your work." He states before leaving. It doesn't take me long to search the entire bedroom and the adjoining bathroom. "Hay, I'm almost finished the perimeter." Nick walks in as I finish the overall shots. "I'll see you back at the lab." I mutter before hurrying off.

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