Chapter 2

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Zoe's  PoV

"Amy" I shouted up the stairs.
"There here" I yelled before sorting my hair and dress. Me and Alfie decided since its Caspar's Birthday and Joe is coming round to do a Sugg Sunday Special we would invite Amy round as our birthday present for Caspar.


"Alfie is it all ready?" I asked running into the living room to see the decorations up for Caspar, he nodded and I ran to the door. "Positions" Alfie whispered to everyone. Amy ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to hide until it was her turn to show her face. I opened the door to see Joe filming and Caspar and Oli watching him.
"Hey boys" I said from the door making them jump.
"Zoe" they yelled engulfing me in a hug. We were all laughing really hard until we were crying. They came in following me and Oli, Joe and I ran into the living room and I took spot next to Alfie before we could surprise him. Tan had already set the camera up so everything was ready.

Caspar's PoV

"Guys" I said looking for the other three, where were they?
I walked into the Living Room but before I could open the light.
"Happy Birthday"
"Ahh" I jumped.
"You scared the life out of me" I shouted at all them. Then my anger turned to Happiness
"You remembered" I said fake crying.
I looked over at the crowd and saw Oli and Joe. They were in on this two. Aww.

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