Chapter 31

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I arrive at my destination a few hours later and grab my things and walk outside to feel the suns rays shining onto my exposed skin.

I look around and wave my hand for an Uber to come and take me to the hotel. I arrive at Roosevelt and grab my hotel card before going into the creepy red lift. I suddenly got bad vibes.

As I walk out I accidentally bump into someone with black vans.

"I'm sorry" I say as I look up to face lovely blue ocean eyes.

"It's alright" says the blonde I look and notice him holding a giant camera. He switches it off and hold its down to his side.

"Sam" he says as he uses his other hand to shake mine.

"Amy" I reach to shake his hand.

"Your not from here are you?" He asks

"Umm no"

"You here on vacation?" He asks

"Actually not really" I mumble and look down

"Are you okay?" He asks, I nod yes and then excuse my self to go to my hotel room

"It was nice meeting you Amy, maybe we can hang out sometime I can show you around LA if you like" he says as switches his camera back on and walks into the lift.

"Sure" we exchange numbers and I turn around to see the elevator doors close as he starts talking to his camera.

'Vlogger' I think to my self and walk to my room.
It's been a few days and Joe, Caspar and Theo have tried contacting me loads of times but that's on my old phone.

Yesterday I bought a new phone and contacted Sam who ended up showing me around LA. He's a nice guy. I learnt he's a Youtuber who moved here from Kansas with his best friend Colby. They have a duo YouTube Channel called 'Sam and Colby' and to be honest i did check them out. He's also an ex-viner, his girlfriends a singer and he lives in a mansion with Colby and 4 other friends.

Sam has offered to let me stay round his house today so that I don't have to stay in this hotel forever. I pack all my things and wait outside for Sam to pick me up.

A few minutes later a white Audi parks in front of me. "A ride for Miss Amy Lee" Sam says and I laugh as he helps me put my suitcase into his car and he drives us to his house. Not gonna lie I'm nervous to meet his friends.
We arrive later in front of big white mansion with 2 giant pillars on each side of the brownish door. 2 white garages on the left side of the door and a big window on the right hand side. I look up in awe at the house as Sam leads me inside as he drags my heavy suitcase. We walk in to yelling coming from inside and 2 dogs come running to Sam.

"Hey Navi" he says rubbing the big black dog "Hey buddy" he says while also rubbing the small light brown haired dog.

"SAM!" I look up to see a blue haired girl scream for Sam as 2 girls one brunette and one black haired girl laugh as the blue head runs up to Sam. I'm assuming that was his Girlfriend Katrina.

They hug and Sam introduced me to yep his girlfriend Kat. She's really nice. He shows me around the house and then carry's my suitcase upstairs to his bedroom and puts it next to his closet door.

"You can stay in here, I'll sleep downstairs on the couch"

"No I can't make you do that this is your room"

"No I insist your new to LA so I'm letting you stay in my room and anyway I might stay at Kat's tonight"

I just nod not bothering to argue with my new friend. He leads me down stairs to the kitchen then through into another room which they called the Games room.

I walk into the room to see 3 boys playing fortnite on the TV one guy with a man bun cuddling with the brunette I saw earlier and 2 other girls along with Kat sat on the opposite side of the room watching the TV.

The boys pause the game as Sam introduces me to everyone.

"Amy meet my roommates Corey" he points at the guy with the man bun "His Girlfriend Devyn" he points to the brunette in Corey's arms. "Aaron" he points it a tall blonde/ brown haired guy rubbing the dog I also learnt to be buddy "Jake" he says and points to a dyed hair boy with Purple hair. "Colby" he points to a brunette "you already met my girlfriend Kat, Tori, Aaron's Girlfriend" he points to a girl with short brunette hair and finally a girl with Black hair "Amaani, Colby's Girlfriend"

"Guys this is Amy my new friend the South African girl I told you about"

They all greeted and smiled at me. The girls offered me a seat next to them and I accepted and I started getting along with them all.

"Do you all live here?" I ask Kat

"No, the guys and Devyn do me, Tori and Amaani don't but this is like our second home"

I nod as I look at all the new hopefully friends I have made, I liked these people. I didn't need Joe. I found my new friends in a new place with a new Life.

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