Chapter 11

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After our dinner and walk in the park Joe took me back home where we were welcomed by hugs from 4 people and 2 dogs.
As we entered the house Zoe dragged me upstairs while Nala and Martha followed behind and Alfie and Joe went inside to the kitchen where Jim was already waiting for them.

"So, tell me about the date?" Zoe said as we walked into her little room, as Tanya was sat on Zoe's make up draw editing her video.

"Well he took me to a restaurant and then we went for a walk in the park and he showed me the bench that people in your family have if they passed and he said he wanted to tell your grandad that he's found the one"

"What do you mean the 'One'? Tanya asked turning around in her chair.

"As in he's found someone he likes, me" I said before they 'awed'.

I went down to my room to get ready into my PJ's before heading downstairs to see Alfie, Jim and Joe all whispering to each other as I made my way to Zoe and Tanya in the living room.

"Hey what's up with the boys and there Secret Chinese whispers?" I asked laughing as I go and sit on the sofa next to a sleeping Martha.

Zoe just shrugged as we just watched the rest of Friends.

The boys came in a minute later sitting next us girls and watching TV, they kept looking glances at each other before Alfie nodded to Jim and he nodded to Joe.
I looked over at the girls who had noticed as well and nodding my head towards the door so I could talk to them.
We all got up at the same time saying that we wanted to have a little Girly make up night and they nodded as we ran up stairs to my room.

"What the hell was that all about?" Tanya asked as Zoe closed the door.

"I told you they were having a secret Chinese whispers" I said before Tanya shock her head laughing.

"Well whatever it is I'm gonna find out" Zoe said as she opened the door.

"What do you mean? They're not going to tell you anything anyway" I said before she shrugged.

"Alfie's my boyfriend he wouldn't lie to me if I asked him, where Joe would because that's what brothers do, and Jim, he don't lie" she said before walking downstairs. I turned around to Tanya who just sighed.

"Well we'd rather do what the boys think we're doing" she said grabbing her Make up bag she left as she done before the date.

"So are you staying here tonight?" I asked Tanya.

"Zoe and Alfie said we could anyway"

"Well you could sleep with me if you want, maybe us girls could have a sleep over in here and Jim, Alfie and Joe if he's staying can stay in The Zalfie room" I said

"Sounds like a plan"

Zoe's PoV

"Right Joe, your going to have to do it tomorrow now" I heard Jim say

"Yeh I know, I just really wanted to do it today you know"

"Yeh we know mate, it's alright tomorrow you'll have enough to time to do it, and maybe with a better plan"

Ok what are they talking about I swear these boys are hiding something from us if this is abo-

"We have to tell Zoe" I froze tell me what?!

"I know it's just she's my sister and don't you think it would be weird for me"

What?! I'm so confused now I had to walk in but how was i gonna act like I heard nothing.
The next thing I knew Nala was barking and running towards me.

"Ssh!" I said to her bending down and picking her up.

"I look go and see what's wrong with her she might be hungry" Alfie said and soon enough Alfie's footsteps were coming in our direction, I quickly ran up the stairs with Nala in my arms.
I heard Alfie's footsteps before he sighed and walked back to the boys.
I quickly went and put Nala in Amy's room before the boys caught me.

"Well?" Tanya asked as she was doing Amy's make up and they were laughing.
"I need you to look after her she almost blew my cover and the boys would have caught me eavesdropping" they nodded before I closed he door and tiptoed down the stairs quietly.

"Like I was saying I can't don't that it's a bit wired she's my sister for God sake if I told her that I was-"

"We understand" Jim said as Joe thanked him.

Alright, I'm going in. I walk into the room just before one of the boys could say nothing.

"Hey boys, what we getting for Tea?" I asked, what was I doing I'm meant to ask them what there talking about.

"Um, well whatever you girls want" Alfie said smiling at me.

"Alright I'll go ask them" walked out the room and ran upstairs and barged into the room.

"Right you girls are gonna have to tell me what you want for tea then I'm going to ask them what they were taking about.

"Um how about marina"

"Alright I'll tell them and find out what there Secret Chinese whispers as you call it was about" I said as I ran down the stairs.

"The girls and me want Marina"

"Alright I'll order that then I'll go pick it up"

"Alright" I walked away towards the stairs, then quickly tiptoed back to hear what they were saying.

"Alright, so we need to think of a new plan and if we're gonna tell Zoe or not"

"Tell me what?" I asked walking into the room and the boys had shocked and worried expressions on there faces
"Um, that, well I was- wait where you
eavesdropping?" Joes nervousness turned into curiosity as I was stood there at the door waiting for an explanation.

"No I just wanted to know if you we're staying tonight and then I heard my name"

"Well I guess I am there not point going back to London now"

"Alright, but I wanna why I was mentioned in this whole conversation"

"Joe just tell her she won't tell anyone- will you Zo, you promise not to tell anyone"

"I promise"

"Well I was gonna ask Amy to be my girlfriend but I'm gonna have to ask her tomorrow now"

"Well it's a good thing you told me because I've got a plan up my sleeve"

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