Chapter 19

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*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I answer the phone not looking at the collar ID.

"Hey, babe" I hear a voice say but it doesn't sound like Joe

"Joe?" I say unsure of this person

"Who's Joe, babe it's me Matt" he says as the memories run back through my mind.

"Matt" i say my heart beating rapidly "how have you got my number?" I ask worried.

I hear my door click open and Zoe is standing there worried.

I motion for her to come over to the bed and I put the phone on speaker.

"Oh, just someone" he says

"Who?" I ask

"Well, I saw Theo the other day and I took her phone and got your number, since you haven't got a boyfriend I'm still free"

"Why would i want to date you again after everything you did to me" I say angrily.

"Because you love me" he says cheekily.

I see Zoe at the corner of my look angry and annoyed.

"Hell no" I say

"You sure" he says I can tell he's smirking.

"FYI SHE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!" Zoe says shouts down the phone causing me to look at her in shock.

"Who's this?" He asks

"It's Zoe got a problem" she says sassily down the phone.

"Yeh, have you got a boyfriend?" He says making me get annoyed

"YES SHE DOES WE BOTH DO, SO DO ME A FAVOUR AND LEAVE US ALONE!" I shout ending the call before bursting out crying.

"Zoe, I'm sorry, I've got you into this as well" I say as she rubs my back soothingly

"No, it's alright, I was helping you that's what friends do" she says smiling at me "now come on we're going London"

"Crap" I mumble

"What's wrong?" Zoe asks me

"I forgot to tell my Auntie" I say as I grab my phone and ring her to meet me and Zoe at the train station in an hour.

I get dressed and vlog myself doing my make up before making my way downstairs and eating breakfast.

Alfie drops me and Zoe off at the train station as we go and meet my Auntie, Uncle and Cousins.

"AMY!" I hear 3 familiar voices shout

My Uncle and my cousins  come over to me and hug the life out of me.

"Amy we've missed you"

"I've missed you guys to, ready to go to London and see Caspar" I say smiling at them.

"Yeh" they shout at the same time.

I grab hold of here hands as we make our way towards our train.

"So guys were on our train and I'm joined with my cousins Emily and Daniel" I say as I vlog them say opposite me and Zoe, they smile at the camera before i switch it back to my face.

"So Emily, Daniel and my Auntie and Uncle are coming with me and Zoe to London for some meetings and then we're going to Caspar and Joe's since they haven't seen Casp in a while" I say as I turn my camera to face out side for a time lapse, before editing my video I done with Zoe.

We arrive at London no longer than an hour later and I grab my stuff as we order an uber to take us to where our meeting is being held.

"Ill only be about Half and hour" I say to my Auntie as she waits out side the office with my uncle and 2 cousins.

"So me and Zoe have finished our meeting and now we're of to Joe and Caspar's Apartment" I say vlogging in the uber that is driving us to Joe and Caspar's.

We arrive at Joe and Caspar's and we walk up to the door and I press the buzzer to There apartment.


"Hi Is Caspar in?" Our uncle asks Joe.

"Yeh, why?"

"I'm his uncle" he says as Joe buzzes us in.

We knock on the door and Me, Zoe, Emily and Daniel hide so that they can't see us.

Joe opens the door and we're hear Caspar yell when he sees our uncle and Auntie, she stands by the door and keeps it slightly open so that we can hear what they say and then run in.

"Where Emily and Daniel?" Caspar asked confused.

"About that" my auntie says and Emily and Daniel go running to the Door.

"CASPAR!" They shout.

"Hey, how did you know we're we live?" Caspar asks

"About that" my uncle says and me and Zoe go running to the door.

"AMY, ZOE!" Joe and Caspar shout and run towards us.

"You only saw us 2 days ago" Zoe says laughing hugging Joe.

"So" Joe says shrugging.

"Amy" he says turning towards me.

I go over to his open arms and hug him like I haven't seen him in ages.

Zoe and Caspar 'Aww' at us as my Auntie and uncle look at us confused.

"They're dating" Caspar says as they come over and hug me

"Amy's got a Boyfriend, Amy's got a Boyfriend" Emily and Daniel  start chatting making me go red.

"How about some Pizza" Zoe suggest making the twins jump up and down happily.

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