Chapter 28

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I silently walk down the stairs holding mum's dressing gown wrapped around me, I walk down to joe and Suzanne making breakfast while Theo was sat their staring at a picture of all of us with mum before Caspar moved to England.

I can't believe she's gone, my mother, my everything.

A knock came at the door and I went to open it so see dad stood their in tears. He pulled me into a big hug before I lead him into the house.

"So err when's the funeral?" Dad asked

"We don't know we haven't planned it yet, I mean it's only been a few hours since she died We need to sort out what to do for the funeral" I said as joe walked over and handed me my cup of coffee.

"I know"

We eat our breakfast and decided that where going to go to the hospital to go and see her one last time before we start to plan the funeral, Caspar also decided it was time to tell the fans why we've been of social media for about a week now.

I know it's been a while since I've been on here, but my mom has sadly passed away, she was the most amazing woman in my life and I love her dearly and i know a lot of you guys loved her too, but I guess it was her time, you will forever be missed mom, until we meet again - Caspar xx

@Laurenkatie05 rip to your mum I honestly loved Emily 😘

@Zoella all my love goes to you your family casp, love you 😘

@PointlessBlog all my love to you guys rip Emily ❤️

@OliWhite we love you Caspar, Amy, Theo and Emily ❤️

@joecasparfan03 rip to Emily hope all the family is okay

@AmyLee92 I love you Casp, forever in my heart mom 💘

@Joe_Sugg Love you Emily 😘

@OliWhiteTV Rip Emily I will miss you dearly ❤️

@Jack_Maynard23 we miss you Caspar all our love ❤️

@Theodora_Lee I love you mom forever xxx 😘

@ConorMaynard ❤️❤️Rip Emily

@mikeyp121 love you Emily RIP 🙏

@byron100 Rip Emily :( 🙏

@sophielav28 forever love you Emily you raised the most amazing kids 🙏💜

@anya12 💜💜will love you forever Emily, amazing woman.

@Buttercreamgang101 Emily was a beautiful woman all my love to the Lee's.

"I'm going to go and get dressed" I say as I walk up stairs and joe follows me. He closed my bedroom door and kisses me softly, as he hugs me and I burst into tears once again.

"Hey it's okay, babe"

"I can't believe she's gone, what happened? She was a healthy woman, why did it have to happen to her?" I cry

"Hey hey it's okay, cancer is not something everyone can beat, but your mother was a strong woman and she did fight, but maybe she thought it was the right time, she knows all 3 of you are all grown up and can look after yourselves and I'm sure she was happy with the  three amazing kids she raised and she was able to say 'They're my children I raised them' because look at you guys your all successful on YouTube and have a great fan base, and maybe she thought it was time, maybe god thought it was her time, but trust me you will see her again one day, baby, one day"
"I love You mom"

You and INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ