Chapter 2

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Hey this chapter will be awesome and long. I hope you guys enjoy and please add to reading list and just enjoy!

**Charlotte's POV**

"Stop laughing. Why are you still laughing?" Mitch said clearly embarrassed.

We stopped laughing for a split second then started laughing again. By now we were crying and rolling all over the floor.

Mitch sighed and rolled his eyes, "Kids these days..."

Now that shut us up. " We are not kids." I said matter-of-factly. "We are apes."

"Apes?" Mitch questioned. "Really?"

"Yes really!" I said. He just doesn't understand.

"Well Mr. and Ms. Ape, I do not believe in this claim." Mitch said with a fake British accent.

"You are so stupid." I said with a toothy grin.

"No, I think the ape is the stupid one." he replied laughing.

"Oh, really?" I said raising an eyebrow. He wants to play this game, huh?

"Yeah, I'm pretty positive tha..." he voice was cut off as I kissed him. A very good kiss if I do say so myself.

"Awwww!" squealed Jerome. "So sweet!"

"Every time!" I sighed pulling away. Mitch found my hand and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Oi, if you are going to kiss, don't do it in front of me." he replied. "It's not happening."

"Fine, well when you get a girlfriend, watch your back, bro." I said winking at Jerome. He just scoffed and turned to Mitch.

"Since you are awake now, want to play some Minecraft?" Jerome asked.

"Duh, let's all play." Mitch replied. "Char, can you invite Adam to play?" Adam was my brother, my best friend, and also happened to be a really famous youtuber. SkyDoesMinecraft? You may have heard of him.

"Sure." I replied. "I could even ask Preston."

"We should probably record too." Jerome suggested. "I'm a little behind schedule."

"Sounds like a plan." Mitch said. " Let's do this gang."


Eventually, after a long time of waking people up later, we finally all logged onto Skype and joined Sky's server. We decided Splegg would be our first game-of-choice. I pressed record:

"Hey everybody, CHARCole here with Fluffy, Mitch, Adam, and Preston. And welcome to a great, wonderful, amazing, magical game of Splegg!"

When the round started, I quickly grew intense, knocking people off left and right. Jerome shot multiple eggs at me but I dodged them and sent him flying off the edge on a accelerator-jumpy thing. I started laughing, but kept my head in the game. Though I was trying my hardest, Preston knocked me off when I was on the second level down from below me. (if you play the game you would understand)

In the end, Adam ending up winning. I was so mad but I kept my cool in order to end the recording.

When we were finally done, I told everyone to get off of Skype except for Preston. We needed to talk.

"Ayo, my man Preston!" I said with a deeper voice, "What's happening?"

"Please tell me this isn't about Brianna?" he asked sighing. I smirked. No dancing around it now.

My Minecraft World ( A BajanCanadian and ASFJerome fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now