Chapter 7

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You Pringles are amazing! FREAKING 900!? IMMA DIE Y'ALL! Yush I be so SOSO happaaaaaay!

Divergent, lets talk about the idiotic jerk Peter... I am just done. That little idiot freaking almost probably pushed her off a MOVING train... AND HE STABBED FREAKING EDWARD IN THE EYE! THE EYE! I am in full rage mode and I hope he becomes factionless...

Ok I'm done blabbering about my nerdy ways, So... IM GONNA GOOO!!

**Charlotte's P.O.V.**

"Well ya see, I actually used to be friends with him, I never knew he was like.. crazy.." Adam explained.

"Well what does that have to do with anything?" Jason hissed.

"I wasn't finished" he said,"I know where he lives, I used to go there all the time!"

"No freaking way! Thats who's house you went to all the time!" I said.

"THAT'S AWESOME!" Felix screamed.

"Well that is probably where they are, I mean, it's not like there is an abandoned building or anything.." said Jerome.

"Don't say that Jerome, DONT!" I said.

"Ok, ok... gawsh." he whined.


"Ok ok lets go, Adam, you drive." said Jason. "Char, call the police and tell them to go to.."

"543 Old Wood Road" said Adam.

"Yea, there." Jason finished.

"Ok, hurry before anyone gets hurt!" said Mitch.

I rushed to call the police while everyone ran to cram into the small car.

**Brooke's P.O.V.**

Everything is dark. I can hear everything but I can't see. I can feel my surroundings. I am lying on the floor of something, a car maybe. I feel bits of paper and my hand closes around a beer can. It smells like cigarettes and alcohol.My eyes are closed. I hear a car door slam and one closer open. I start being pulled out of the car.

Something is put over my mouth, it's sticky.. duct tape. I hear lots of footsteps and the crinkling of leaves beneath their feet. The person put me over their shoulder and I feel their shoulder shove into my stomach. This person wasn't Steven. He was too muscular.

I feel cool air flow on to my skin, we are inside a building, probably a house. I can just tell its a house, it has that homey vibe to it. I love that feeling, the feeling you get when you walk into a house. Each house has its own smell. This one smelled like cinnamon rolls.

I had that feeling as if you were being dropped, which I was, and I plopped onto a hard surface. I fell back but something caught me, I was in a chair.

My eyes snapped open.

I mumbled a scream and punched and kicked but the mysterious guy just held me down and started wrapping rope around my arms and legs, connecting me to the chair.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I gave in. He wrapped more around my waist. Once he was done he walked out. A couple of minutes later Steven walked in.

He ripped the duct tape off my mouth and I screamed. I felt a pain in my jaw and I realized he had punched me. I started crying harder.

"Why did you do this to me?!" I yelled.

"I think you know why" he yelled back.

"You know it was NEVER going to work out between us!" I screamed.

"SHUT UP!" he screamed and he punched me again. Everything was fuzzy.

"You know, Jason will find me." I said."You and that other guy will go to jail."

"I don't think so" he said back and walked out of the room.

"UGG!" I screamed and squirmed and wriggled. I got one hand out. I started untying my arm, and then my other one. I loosened the other ropes so I just wriggled through them. I was free.

I searched for a window. None. Door. Locked.

UGG I am screwed. I sat back down in the chair and cried.

Then I heard car doors slam. a bunch of yelling. Police sirens, wait, POLICE SIRENS!? They are actually here.

I heard two gunshots. I heard people screaming my name.

I jiggled the lock and kicked on the door. Fine, I didn't want to do this but ok!

I backed up, align with the door. I readied myself and ran forward. I hit the door.Nothing.

I tried again. I backed up, and ran forward. Right before I came in contact with the door, the lock turned and it opened.

I fell on to Adam. Adam just saved me.

"Ouch." I groaned and rolled off of him.

"OH MY GOSH BROOKE!" he screamed.


Ok gta5 came out and I want it so so so bad. so bad.

I was watching Sky's pixelmon episode 4 like 30 minutes ago and I am still laughing. Ty and the pikachue. I was laughing so hard.

Anyways, I am real sorry. No hate. none. I won't even, just.. DONT DO IT.





P.S. I might make a new story. it will be an advice story on like you guys's problems. IT IS MY ADVICE! comment below if you think I should along with your problem or question if you have one. I won't update it every Friday like my other ones but I will still update it once in a while. so thanks again!

P.P.S you are awesome if you read this far!

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