Chapter 22

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Alright, you guys have been waiting for this. You will get that familiar sensation.

The Feels.

Yes, prepare your bodies.


AOTC: Peanut Butter or Talenti Gelato.

Alright, let's get to it.

**Mitch's POV**

I am going to kill Ty.

I clutched my chest and looked down. You could see a little bump where it was broken on my stomach. I groaned only to more pain shooting through my body.

"We need to find her, we need to find her now." I said. I don't understand. Why her?

"I know man, we really do. But right now, we need to focus on you, since you are really the only one we know is hurt." Jerome said.

"Really?!"I exclaimed. " What if Charlotte is hurt?! She had a bloody nose!"

"We are obviously scared for her, Mitch." Brianna said. "How could we not be? They won't hurt Charlotte, they want to get to you!"

"What?" I asked confused. "They?" She slapped her hand over her mouth and looked away from me. Jerome shot a death glare at her.

"What is wrong?!" I asked again scared this time. Is it Charlotte?

"Mitch, buddy. Ty wasn't the only one behind this." Jerome said carefully choosing his words.

"What do you mean?" I asked barely sitting up.

"There are people out there that will do anything, for you know, YouTubers. You know that, right?" Jerome asked slowly.

"Yeaa,  so?" I asked puzzled.

"Well, just, just read this." he said taking a slip of paper from his pocket and handing it to me. I slowly opened it, very frightened. I looked up in rage as I read:

Hey, Mitch and The Team Crafted Household. I have a special request. Yes I got your idiot to get Mitch's doll for me, but I need something more.


I am keeping Charlotte until Saturday of next week. So you can either present yourself to me by then, or youdon't and never see her again. Your choice.

By the way, tell the police about this and I will kill her. Infront of you.


My mind felt like it was melting. This can't be happening. Not now. Everything was so perfect. Everything was looking bright.

I crumbled the paper and threw it across the room, running my hand through my hair.

"Like I said, doing everything we can." Jerome shrugged looking at the ground.

"Where's Adam and everyone?" I asked my voice trembling.

"They are looking for her. Adam was pissed. And I mean really freaking pissed." Brianna said laughing a little.

"Oh, really? I thought he was jumping for joy when he smashed a plate against the wall." Jerome said. I smirked. He really could light up a room.

"Whatever, what time is it?" Brianna asked Jerome. He looked at his phone.

"Nine-uh- Nine fifty seven PM. Is it PM or AM I don't like time, it's Mitch's job." Jerome said making a pouty face.

My Minecraft World ( A BajanCanadian and ASFJerome fan fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя