Chapter 20

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OOo yes another chapter.

Okay prepare for long speech:

I hope people are not mad at me when I say I am ending this book at 29 parts.

30 and 31 will be the 2 part epilogue.

Don't hate me.

My last fanfiction sucked. I only got like 86 reads on it. And it was a carrot story, for you 1D fans, you know what that means.

I just want to cry when I see this story has 18k, because at least 100 people take time out of their day to read my chapters, even the boring Authors Notes.

No one I know does that except my sister.

I have had a rough life. To me, I guess. I didn't grow up on the streets, or live in the hood or anything. I just felt like, the world hated me. I probably sound like an idiot right now. Now my mom is laid off, and we are moving.

I have to drop everything and leave.

But anyways, if you are feeling suicidal, or alone, please PM me or contact me in anyway. Please, I will be there for you. I got you:3

QOTC: Favorite Song?

My Answer- The Last Time- Taylor Swift and Gary Lightbody or Autumn Leaves- Ed Sheeran or Stick Around by WaterColor.

Well on with the chapter! IM GONNA GOOO!!

**Charlotte's POV**

I snapped awake as I realized where I was.

In my bed. With Mitch.

I looked down at my stomach. Wasn't Pregnant.

It was a dream. Thank god.

Now I want a dog named Weenie. WWEEEENNIIIIEEE. (Omg I feel bad for you I'm so sorry.)

I looked at the alarm clock. 3:24 A.M.

"Great." I sighed to myself as I slid out of bed.

Let me think back. Okay.

The girl next store is still there, she is Mitch'e Ex, all if that did happen.

That nerf gun stuff happened too.

Okay the dream started from like the peanut butter apples n' stuff.

Oh thank god. I am not ready, yet.

I went into the kitchen and started making some sweet tea for later. But then again I will just stock up ok the new Starbucks sweet tea. It is like freaking liquified pure sugar. AGAHA.

I got some tea bags and let them sit a huge bowl full of hot water I heated in the Microwave. and I didnt let the bell ring, because it was 3 AM.

I poured like 1 cup of sugar in the bowl and mixed it all up. Once all of it dissolved I put it in a pitcher in the refrigerator. I decide to eat some Cinnamon Toast Crunch because I was hungry. I poured out the rest of the milk into the cereal bowl, then I turned around to throw it away when I saw the face I have been hating for a long time.

"Ty." I spit out through clenched teeth. "How did you even get in here?"

He held up the spare key from under the welcome mat. I wanted to slap that boy until he bled.

I didn't even need to ask what he was trying to do.

He tried to reach for my hand but i smacked it out of the way. I turned and ran back to me and Mitch's room. I opened the door and tried to shut it but Ty was too fast. He cupped his hand over my mouth as I struggled out a scream.

Mitch snapped awake and looked towards us. Ty grabbed my waist and pulled me through the door and out into the hallway.

**Mitch's POV**

I was in a dark room. There were no windows or doors. I was just standing there, until this figure showed up. It moved closer and closer to me, and as it did, I could hear more sounds. All of the sudden I could see her perfectly.


The noises were really loud now. We were both just standing there, when she screamed.

I snapped awake and heard the same noises to my right. I looked over, and Ty was attacking Char!

He shoved her out into the hall and down the hallway.

"CHARLOTTE!" I yelled after her. I quickly followed them into the hallway. I saw him shove her to the ground.


I could feel the smoke coming out of my ears. I punched Ty right in in the nose and shoved him to the ground. I pulled Char back up but I saw she had a bloody nose.

Ty grabbed my legs and pulled me to the ground and kicked me repeatedly. I tried to get up but I couldn't feel anything. I was numb. I saw Charlotte's figure fade into nothing as I blacked out.


I woke up in a hospital room. I had to think back. Char. Ty. Everything. The love of my life is missing. Oh No.

**Charlotte's POV**

I saw Mitch black out and I started crying. I looked at Ty and he smirked. I wanted to slap that boy.

And I did.

I slapped the crap out of him. I watched him bleed as he fell to the ground. I was sobbing.

But then I felt pride. And fear, anger, stress, happiness, regret,sadness, all at once.

I crumbled to the floor looking at the two crippled bodies next to me.

I put my head I'm my hands as I cried. I heard Ty get up.

"Get up." he said to me.

I slowly looked up at him and scowled.

"I'm not fond of rape, but thanks anyways." I spit out.

"Have it your way, and I'm not going to rape you." he said as he drug me up to my feet. I struggled as he put his hands around my arms and legs and put me on his shoulder.

"And I'm not doing this for me. I am doing this for my boss." he whispered.

"I hate you." I said to him over and over. He shoved me into the back of some weird looking truck thing and tied up my hands with duct tape. He covered my mouth with some as well and out a blindfold over my eyes and shut the door.

Great. Just perfect. I have the best life.


I was in a dark room, tied to a wooden chair for god knows how long. I still had duct tape over my mouth, but no blindfold.

I heard footsteps approaching the sliver of light which appeared to be a door. I heard the door creak open. The figure flipped on a light switch and I was blinded by the light.

As my eyes adjusted I saw the figure clearly as I grimaced.

"Shelby." I said through clenched teeth.


Cliffhanger yet again guys.

I know some of you may be mad at me for making it a dream but you know what, I have something planned for that.

Please go read my new book!! I have been too excited to release this and I am so happy it is out. I hope you will enjoy it. The main girl, Alice, it literally just like me except she is older than me and has red hair.

So anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!








My Minecraft World ( A BajanCanadian and ASFJerome fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ