Chapter 16

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Okay. I know how late this update is. But seriously. School started again, and I have homework everyday, an I started a Youtube channel, and I have to keep an eye on that, and I have drama, friends, traveling, and then I have to be kept updated on all my Youtube subscriptions, and then keep in contact with my family, and eating and breathing and sleeping. I don't want to even mention chores, which takes up 3 hours of my day, sigh.

So yea. I have a full on feast of things to do.

You just have to live with it. And so do I. BAJANSOSNAI

But coming back to this story, and seeing 10,000 reads, was indescribable.

I shed a few tears, I'm not going to lie. This is huge. GINORMOUS.

I can finally go around saying, "Guess how many reads I have on my story? OVER 9,000!!!!"

But yes, I am so thankful to have all of you amazing people who have supported me through things, and thinking I was dead, and everything.

I love you all so so very much.

Now onto the story. If you don't remember what happened, go read the last chapter.

This will be kind of long to make up for the moths I have missed.

**Charlotte's POV**

*time skip (already) to when they get to house*

I jumped out of the car and ran to the door. I slammed into it and screamed,


"ASK JEROME!" He screamed back.


He tossed them at me and I quickly grabbed them and shoved the door open.

It was awesome.

"I CALL FIRST PICK!!" Brooke screamed as she ran past me along with everyone else whining and screaming "You got a head start!"

I just stared in awe. I started wandering around the huge house.

I went into the kitchen, then into another kitchen, then into like 3 living rooms, then I came across the stairs.

There was a red button, so ya know I casually pushed it.

I heard a rumbling, and then the stair part of the stairs started moving upward revealing a huge bedroom inside.

**time skip**

After we picked out rooms, I was still in mine, looking around.

We decided to go furniture shopping later, so for now, I unloaded my laptop and got onto google.

I searched 'bedroom ideas' and there popped up tons of bedroom ideas.

(ironic right?)

I went to this one website where there where loads of pictures of bedrooms and what's in them so I could buy them.

There was one that caught my eye.

I looked at it and decided it was the one.

"WHERE ARE YOU CHARLOTTE!!!???" Adam screamed from out of the secret staircase trapdoor thingie.

"I'm in here!" I yelled.

"Where is here?" he asked.

"PRESS THE RED BUTTON!" I screamed at him.

"OK OK I'M PRESSING IT" he screamed back at me. I slightly chuckled as the entrance opened.

"Holy crap, that is so cool!" he gasped.

My Minecraft World ( A BajanCanadian and ASFJerome fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now