Chapter 18

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This story is literally going insane.

Every time I look I have 1k more reads.

Like wat.

No body I know takes time out of their day to read things I write except my interweb friend Madalene.

It's amazing that at least 200 people are reading my story per chapter, and that is absolutely mind-boggling.

Okay. I am trying something new.

QOTC= Question Of The Chapter.

QOTC: Did any of you guys play the MySims games? Specifically MySims Agents? Because me and my friend Jackson are on a huge rant about how they need to launch a second MySims Agents.



Okay let's goooooo.

*pickles because yolo*

*i just said yolo*

*shoots self in neck repeatedly*

*im sorry I will start the chapter now.*



*Marzia's POV*

"How do you know if this is there house?" I asked Felix.

"Because I just do okay?" he said back in a weird voice.

"Whatever Felix, but some random people better not answer." I said.

We pulled up to this ginormous house. It was huge. Me and Felix walked to the doorway, and the door was cracked open.

We opened the door to Char and Mitch making out. Me and Felix both gasped and they looked up.

Charlotte made the weirdest noise ever and then came running towards me for a hug.

"We here for the gift exchange braa" said Felix to Mitch.

"What in the world?" I asked Char as she hugged me.

"Dont ask." she replied, "I am just so glad you guys are here!"

Mitch screamed for everyone to get downstairs. And they eventually emerged from a hall way.

"I have been waiting to do the gift exchange for so long!" I squealed.

"Let me go get your gifts" She said as she ran down the hall way.

"HEY MARZIA!!!" Brianna yelled as she ran in for a hug.

"Helllooooo!" I answered. "And to everyone else, hello, I am Marzia Bisognin."

Everyone mumbled a 'Hi' and then Char came back with 2 big boxes.

"This one is your gift for Felix right Mitch?" she asked.

"Yus." he answered as she handed him the box.

"Ugh i forgot my camera." Char groaned as she skipped down the hallway yet again.

"I have mine with me!" Felix gloated.

"No one cares!" everyone echoed sarcastically.

"Hey, I got it!" Charlotte said as she ran back into the room. "Let's go record!"

"Yaheheea!" Mitch exclaimed as Charlotte ushered everyone out of the room.

Charlotte and Felix set up their cameras and both pressed record as we gathered the gifts and sat down.

"Ha-How's it goin bros, my name is PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAooodiepie! And today we are doing a gift exchange with CHARcole, and BajanCanadian!" Felix said.

"Heeeey. What about me?!" I said.

"Oh yea and Marzia." Felix said.

I made a sad face as he continued on.

"Alright, Marzia! Open my gift first!" Char said.

"Okay, fine fine. It's not like I have a whole stack of presents or anything." I said.

I opened up the package. She got me some candy, some candles, makeup, a book about pugs, some festive socks, these little VooDoo doll things, a beanie, some adorable house shoes, a perfume bottle, another Glow in the Dark Science Kit thingie that me and Felix make videos on, and some headphones I think are called Beats.

**Charlotte's POV**

"Ok Char, your turn!" Mitch said after he opened his box full of video games and electronic stuff.

"YUS!" I screamed. "FINALLY!!"

I ripped open the wrapping to find amazing things:

Crap tons of chocolate, Cards Against Humanity, Clementine's hat, a really cool ps4 controller, a stuffed MC pig, a foam Diamond Sword, Sims3 Movie Stuff, candles, some lotion, crazy socks, and a little wooden box that had a charm bracelet in it with a Pizza charm; a C and a B charm for Charlotte Bridges; and a Computer charm.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH, AHHHA!" I screamed. I hugged Marzia and then ended the video after we all did our outros.

Okay yus! I did the darn chapter! I finally finished it. okay. I honestly need to end this story soon. it's gonna go to about 30 parts. maybe 31 for an epilogue.


But ya.





My Minecraft World ( A BajanCanadian and ASFJerome fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now