Chapter 21

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OOOOOkay so hello everyone, how you all doing? Good? Good.

QOTC- What kind of phone do you have?

My Answer- I just got one about a month ago, and it's a Samsung Galaxy S4. Hehe.

Okay so, sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoy!

Also go read the Prologue of my new story, Misunderstood.

**Jerome's POV **

I snapped awake as I heard a door slam.

I looked over to my right. Where's Faith?

I quickly got up and tiptoed down the stairs. What was it like 3 in the morning?

I creeped into the kitchen. I saw a figure huddled over a body.

"Holy hell. What the f?" I yelled.

I moved closer. Faith?

"What- Faith who is that?!" I asked scared.

She looked up tears streaming down her face.

"Its- its- Mitch."She struggled between sobs. "Charlotte, she's gone. Ty- he- I watched it happen!"

I felt tears sting in my eyes as I realized what happened. I heard Adam and Nicole shuffle down the stairs.

"What the hell happened?"Adam asked. "Where is Charlotte? Where is my sister?"

"Oh my god Adam-" I fumbled out before I broke down. I fell down to the ground.

I can't process anything. My best friend. Gone.

I heard Faith explain what happened to Adam and Nicole.

I heard a scream and glass shatter. Then darkness. I blacked out.

**Mitch's POV **

I remembered her bloody nose. Her sad face. Her beautiful sad face. Charlotte. I could of done something I could of saved her.

But I let him win.

I looked around my hospital room. Jerome and Brianna were sitting down in the chairs on the opposite side of the room.

I whispered Jerome's name. My throat was raw. I said his name again. He shook awake.

His eyes snapped open and he looked around. He spotted me and I sat up. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I immediately lied back down.

"Damn," I spit out, teeth clenched.

Jerome shook Brianna and she woke up. She looked at me sympathetically.

"Where's Charlotte? Where is she?"I choked out. I had tears in my eyes.

"Calm down. We don't know. We are doing everything we can." Brianna said.

I tried to sit up again but that familiar sharp pain. I feel so helpless right now.

"Dude, he broke your rib." Jerome said.

Now I am sure. I know 2 things.

I am going to find Charlotte, I am going to find her if it takes the rest of my life.

And I also know. Without a doubt.

I am going to kill Ty.


You guys are so lucky I almost ended the whole story on this chapter.


Also I am going to start needing re commendations on the sequels title!

Yes there will be a sequel.

Make sure to answer the QOTC and I will see you later.





My Minecraft World ( A BajanCanadian and ASFJerome fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now