Chapter 24

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First off lemme just say, I have a bad case of ADD. If you don't know what that is, read a book.

Now, adjusting to my school was the roughest toughest thing I've ever done in my entire life. I have never had so much built up stress in my entire life. I have never cried so much in my entire life. I can't even explain to you how rough last year was for me.

okay, now that that is out of the way, let me just say. If you have waited for this update, for two freaking years, please message me. You literally deserve an award like BLESS YOUR SOUL. YOU ARE MY FAVORITE PERSON ON THIS PLANET.

And if you haven't, and you are new, Hi! Welcome to my book, I guess.

2014 and 2015 were rough years for me. The worst years of my life, honestly. THAT IS WHY I HAVENT UPDATED. I have never given up writing this story. You have no clue how many times I though about you guys.

And don't even start with me on how I could have and didn't because YOU CAN CHOKE.

I'm excited to start fresh this year with a bunch of new things for you guys. I love all you guys so much.

So let's start off this chapter with a BIG HUGE SORRY.


**Mitch's POV**

I woke up to an empty room. No furniture, no posters, nothing. Just a mattress and a lamp. Its been like this ever since Charlotte and everyone came to clean out their stuff.

It's been around a year since me and Charlotte broke up. I have been getting progressively better when it comes to health. My ribs have healed up along with all of my other broken limbs. Everything but my heart.

My heart. Gosh... So many things wrong in my heart. Who to love, who to hate, who to trust. I never know. Not anymore. Not since the break up. Not since Brianna kissed me. Not since I sat alone in the bed that was once "ours". Not since my heart became permenantly broken.

And Charlotte will never know what really happened. Her friends, that were once mine, have cut off all communication with me from her. Twitter, Facebook, phone numbers, even Gmail. I haven't spoken to any of them in a year.

I drink alot. It takes away the pain. The sorrow. The regret. The everlasting regret. I always think, what did I do? What did I do to make Brianna kiss me? What did I do to make Charlotte hate me? What did I do?

I get up out of bed, our bed, and jump into the shower. The shower is a good place to let me just think. Think about how life always follows the same patterns. Happiness, Sadness, Happiness, Sadness, Happiness, Sadness... until one day it just stops all together.

**Charlotte's POV **

I looked out my car window. Soft music played as I drove down the highway to meet up with Brooke, Elena, and Amber. Elena and Amber are old friends of mine. I met up with them a little while ago after they found out what happened.

Brianna and I slowly stopped talking, because she hated me and I hated her. I mean, I guess it was for the best. I'm not sure. After all that was going on, I didn't know if I could trust her. Not anymore. Probably never again.

Sometimes I still talk to Shelby. We talk about alot of things, and I rant then she rants and it gets pretty funny. She is a really good friend of mine now.

I looked over at Adam. He's been my biggest supporter through this. He has been there for me 100 percent I sware. It's like he was put on the earth to help people through rough times. He has held me when I cried, made me eat food when I refused to, and made me get out of bed when I thought life couldn't get any better.

But it definitely has. I have made so many new friends. Everyone except Mitch and Brianna decided to move out of Los Angeles to, you probably didn't guess this but, Florida. Yeah pretty basic, I know. But we found a nice neighborhood, and basically we took up like an entire block. Me, Adam, and Nicole have one house. Brooke, Preston, and Jason have the house to our right, and even Felix and Marzia moved in across from us. Shelby, Amber and Elena are moving in to the house on our left soon. Faith and Jerome are living kind of down the street from us, because there weren't houses for sale near us. They are still close though.

Things have been looking up recently. I got a dog named Lime. She's a small corgi who is freaking adorable.

I even met a guy. His name is Chase. I don't know how I feel about him yet, but he is my best guy friend next to Jerome.

As far as I know nobody has spoken to Mitch since we moved out. Not a word. Nothing. I don't even know if he's still alive. Which is sad, but I don't.

I don't even know if  I miss him. I mean, it's been a year. I should be over him. And I feel like I am, but I don't know. When does someone ever know if they are over somebody?

I mean, you can break up and say "I'm over them." But then see their face and fall in love all over again. I haven't seen him in months.

Maybe all I need is to just fall in love all over again?
Brooke, Amber, Elena and I all ate lunch at some new restaurant. It was good, I mean the food was great...

Gosh - I mean all I could think about was Mitch. I haven't thought about him in such a long time, and I guess it's bringing back memories. Good ones obviously.

But then the sad ones came rolling along. I was distracted. They didn't seem to notice though. I guess it was subtle on the outside, but not on the inside.

My mind was a big jumble of "shitshitshitshit".

Why? Because what if I genuinely fucked up? I mean I never really asked what happened, I just left.

Alright. It's settled I guess.

I need to see Mitch again. Now.


Alright guys. Sorry for the kind of short chapter.

I put a lot of time into making this perfect for you guys. Saying that there have to be errors somewhere that I missed.

But yeah, I'm back I guess. I'm actually excited.

TBH: can you believe they broke up forreal ? but maybe Charlotte wants him back ?? who knows !

Again, super sorry for EXTREMELY late update. Literally it's been two years.






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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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