Guilt And Lies

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Guilt And Lies

Edited by: Trensetta

(Nonnie's POV)

I woke up with the sun shining brightly through his bedroom window, his arm was still possessively wrapped around my waist. “Frank,” I whispered, “Frank I’ve got to get back to my room.” He moaned in protest but let me go seconds later. I went down the hall, to the room that I shared with my boyfriend, Travis.

How did I get into this situation you ask? I wonder the same thing, every time I wake up in Frankie’s arms. We both know that what we’re doing is wrong, but we continue to do it. The feelings of remorse set in afterward though, always after. We can’t keep doing this.

I grabbed some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom. The last thing I needed was to smell like Frank’s cigarettes when Travis got home. I’d stopped asking a long time ago where he spent his nights. I tried my best to have faith in him, to trust that he wasn’t cheating on me. As if I had room protest, if he was…

 I turned on the hot water and stepped into the shower losing myself in the calming, mind numbing steam.

The bathroom door opened moments later. “Travis?”I wondered aloud. The curtain was pulled open and I turned to see Frank staring back at me. “What are you doing,” I exclaimed. Without answering my question, he crushed his lips to mine, as if I were the very air he needed to breathe. The way he kissed me was so intense, so eager.  I felt as if I would die if he pulled away for even a second.

Ten minutes into the mind blowing sex that we were having, I heard Travis calling out to us from the living room. “Non, Frank, anyone home?”

I panicked and pushed Frank away; he quickly got out of the shower and put his pants back on.

“Shhh,” he whispered placing his index finger against his red and swollen lips. He closed the shower curtain with a sigh.

“Hey Trav,” I heard him say.

That’s when I realized that Frank had never closed the bathroom door.

“Hey Frank,” Travis said, “What’s up?”

“Nothing,” Frank said nonchalantly. God he would make a great actor. If being a musician didn’t work out, he would definitely have something to fall back on.

“I see your bleaching your hair again.”Travis said.  I poked my head from behind the curtain to see Frank standing there in a pair of black skinny jeans and no shirt. He was leaning over the sink, his hair in the early stages of bleaching.

“Hey Babe,” Travis said when he saw me.

“Hi.” I croaked nervously.

“You couldn’t wait until after Non got out of the shower to do that?” he said smiling at Frank.  

“Sorry I’ve got band practice in an hour.”

“Well, I’ve got good news.” Travis said clapping his hands together.

“What’s that?” I said, not as nervous anymore since Travis didn’t seem, even remotely, suspicious of us.

“I found a band.” he said coming right up to the curtain.

‘That’s great baby.” He’d been looking for a band for awhile but had, had no luck so far. He said that he had to find one that would accept the addition of his special talents. He was a rapper and lyricists, probably one of the most talented men I‘d ever met. He could sing too, but how original would that be?

“I would jump into your arms but I’m kind of indisposed at the moment.”

“Well how about I join you.” Travis said, glancing over his shoulder.

“Baby we better not start something we can’t finish. I’ve got to get to work.” I gave him a quick kiss and stepped back into the shower. I felt bad so I added, “We can celebrate tonight.”

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