Chapter 12

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"So mum how did your interview go?" I asked.

Everyone had left after dinner and now mum and I were relaxing in the lounge.

She sighed then groaned, "I have never in my life met a more...more.. ignorant and arrogant person in my life! He acts like he's a king!"

I giggled, "Tell me everything."

"Honestly I don't know where to start!"

"The beginning is always a good place."

"Dont sass me." She scolded. "Anyway so..."


Mum's Pov

"Bye!" I said closing the taxi door.

I looked up to see a huge mansion looming over me. I rung the doorbell confidently.

"Hello who are you?" Asked a female snobby voice

"Um bonjour! I'm here for my interview with Gabriel Agreste."

"It's Mr.Agreste to you miss."

Ok then, snobby much

"Yes sorry."

The voice sighed, "Well then you better come in, Mr.Agreste hates when people are tardy."

The gates opened, I began walking up to the huge doors. Within seconds the door opened and I walked into the mansion. My heels echoed loudly through the empty halls.

The doors shut loudly behind me and a woman appeared. "Follow me please." She said coldly. I did as I was told and followed her through the long empty halls and up a few flights of steps. I looked around, there were few portraits hung. One portrait caught my attention, it was of a brunette lady hugging a boy; Adrien! Yeah that's it, the boy that had come over to the house. The funny thing was that this was the only portrait where he looked happy and the only one where the lady was in.

Deceased maybe? Poor boy

Finally we stopped in front of another pair of double doors. The woman knocked, "Mr.Agreste, Miss. (L/N) is here for her interview."

"Let her in." Boomed a deep voice.

Oh jeez

The woman opened the door, "Thank you." I nodded but she only responded with a grunt.

How polite

"Welcome miss L/N you're here for the house keeping position, am I correct?"

"Yes Mr. Agreste that is correct."

"Miss L/N did you know how important first impressions are?"

F*ck what did it do wrong?

"Yes sir I am aware the importance of first impressions."

Where is he going with this?

"And are you also aware that I am the best fashion designer in all of Paris?"

If you're a fashion designer than why do you look like a candy cane?! I mean really all your wearing is red and white.

"Yes sir I am aware."

"Then why do you offend me in this way?! Honestly miss L/N those shoes your wearing just won't do, your whole outfit just won't do! What are your measurements?" He commanded.


I was flabbergasted, "Excuse me?!"

"You know what I'll just ask Nathalie to take your measuements do we can get you into more suitable clothing, I'll also call Pual to show you the proper way you should style that hair of yours, that is if you get the job."


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