19 | Marie-Jeanne Who?

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Chapter Nineteen

"Okay, it's fine...Malia's still going to take out the wiring on the TV vans-" Scott began, as we hesitantly stepped onto the field.

"And we have an hour and a half to try to find someone with blood on their shoes." Liam added,

"One person out of 400." Scott scoffed, shrugging.

I groaned, twirling my lacrosse stick in my hand, as we all got into our places on the field.

"Set!" the referee announced, and after a second of waiting, he blew his whistle.

Brett swooped up the ball, and Scott immediately took off after him.

Everyone began chasing him, and I forcefully shoved him to the side, stealing the ball.

I looked at him on the ground, before proudly smirking, and taking off towards the proper goal. I was about to make the shot when someone rammed into me from the side, causing me to slide across the grass.

"Ugh," I groaned in pain,

"Liz, you alright?" Liam inspected my figure as he extended his hand. I didn't accept it, instead, standing up on my own.

"I'm fine..." I brushed off my shoulder, stretching my neck before walking past him.

I know we weren't even supposed to be playing tonight, but that doesn't mean I won't give it my all.

I ran beside Kira as we both began viciously knocking people down one by one. I continued holding the opposing teammates off as she launched her lacrosse stick forward, shooting the ball.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, and myself, as the ball hit the net.

I smiled at Kira, who devilishly smirked back in response, before looking at Scott and Stiles.

They were staring down at the bodies that we trampled,

"They're playing a tad aggressive.." Stiles' voice spoke from behind, as Kira and I strolled away from the net.

She swiped her stick in the air, as if it were a katana. My eyebrows furrowed after I saw Scott and Stiles look back down at the bodies, before looking back at us. I noticed Kira flash them her orange glowing eyes, as we walked away.

"We might have a problem," Scott's voice chimed in, causing me to smile.

"It's fun messing with them. Especially with all the serious 'beast' stuff we have going on," I chuckled, going to playfully nudge her. But before I could, she forcefully grabbed my wrist and twisted it, causing me to shriek in pain.

"Agh, god..Kira what the hell.." I grunted, as she held onto my wrist.

"Bakku ofu ko." she spits, with glowing eyes.

I gulp, before she throws my hand away from her, walking away.

"Liz, are you alright?" Scott and Stiles rush over to me, where I'm holding my wrist.

"I- I don't know. I just thought we were just messing with you guys, you know, trying to lighten the situation..but then she twisted my wrist and said something in Japanese." I whined, as Scott nodded down to my wrist, and I held it out for him. He took my hand in his, and I watched as black veins traveled up his arm,

I let out a gasp when the pain went away, "Thanks.." I rubbed my wrist,

Scott nodded, "We need to do something about Kira."

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