Chapter 3

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Justin's P.O.V

Today was the first day of November! Just around a month away from Christmas. I walked into the studio and I saw Scooter and the producer there, as well as Mama Jan and Mum. "Hey!" I said with a smile. I did a handshake with Scooter. When I pulled away, I saw a shadow across the room. My heart stopped for a bit.

I blinked and the shadow was gone. Was that? Well she did....But I haven't seen her all day today...maybe it was just a lie. I shook off my thought and I leaned on the table. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. "We are gunna work on your Christmas album." said Scooter. Christmas? o.O "Scooter, Christmas isn't til like...AGES!" I exclaimed. He just shrugged his shoulders. "WHO CARES!" he exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes and I sat down on a spinning chair and spun around like a little kid.

As I was spinning around and doing weird faces, I stopped because of the dizziness. I then felt a hand go up from my hands, then up my arm, then shoulder and then neck and slowly back down. "Justin Drew Bieber....I'm coming to get you....." whispered a voice in my ear. I looked and no one was there. She's here.....I KNOW SHE IS! "Let's do Silent Night, seeing it is already written." said Scooter. I nodded my head and I walked into the booth.

I put my headphones on and I heard the slow music going through my head.

"Silent Night...Holy Night.... All is Calm. All is Bright."

"Let the red blood run."

"Round Yon Virgin, Mother and Child. Holy infant, so tender and mild..."

"Let the red blood run."

"S-s-sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace."

"Let the red blood run, Justin. Just let me open you and play with your blood, putting it up all over the walls."

I stopped singing. I was frozen in fear. I just looked down at the sheet of paper. I gulped down the lump in my throat. What the hell is going on? The music stopped playing. "Justin? Justin? Justin?" that's was all I was hearing, for some reason I couldn't respond. In my head, I felt my soul just falling into a dark hole.

Once I fell, I looked around me, I was in the forest again. "Hello?" my voice echoed through out the whole forest. My voice bounced from tree to tree. I looked up and it felt like the trees were closing me into a small spot. "Let the red blood run. Let the red blood run." I started to hyperventilate. I started to get scared. Claustrophobic is such a bitch.

I fell to the ground. "I KNOW WHAT'S YOUR NAME!!!" I yelled. The trees stopped moving and the whispering voice stopped as well. I looked up and i saw her standing with her back facing me. She had her red hood on over her head. "I know what's your name." I said. She slowly moved her hood down and she turned around and she suddenly popped RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

I quickly fell backwards. SHIT! HOLY SHIT! "You're name is Yvette isn't it?" I said. She lifted her head up. "No one ever calls me that anymore." she whispered. "But that's your name isn't it?" I asked. "Yvette Barrera....." she whispered in a scary voice. "Yvette....why are you doing this? Haunting me? I didn't do anything to you." I said. "STOP CALLING ME THAT! I HATE THAT NAME!" she yelled.

She suddenly lunged forward and she pinned me to the ground. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER?!?!? "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! YOU BASTARD! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU! I I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" she yelled. She sat on my stomach and she got out a knife and raised it in the air. "Let the red blood run." she said. She plunged it in my chest and I yelled in pain.

"Justin! Justin! Justin! Justin! Justin! Justin! Sweetie, wake up. Sweetheart, wake up." I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I found myself lying on the ground. Looking up at Mum and Mama Jan. "You alright sweetie?" asked Mama Jan. I groaned as I got up. "What happened?" I asked. Mum and Mama Jan looked at each other. "You fainted Justin." said Mum.

I looked at them. Fainted? What the? "Your heart also stopped beating and you were talking...well more like repeating." said Mama Jan. "Repeating? Repeating what?" I asked. "Let the read blood run." said Mum. Oh shit..... I looked ahead and I saw her, standing there in the back. Her hood was down, her hair was in a side braid. She looked at me and gave me an evil smile. She waved her fingers at me and she held a bloody knife and she threw it across the room.

It went through Mum's head and hitting the wall. Holy she trying to kill my own mum?!?! "Mum...did you feel that?" I asked. "Feel what sweetie?" asked Mum. I looked behind me and The knife slowly disappeared into thin air. My eyes widen. Oh my god....I'm going insane! "You alright Justin? Are you feeling alright?" asked mama Jan. She placed her hand on my forehead. "I'm fine. Honest." I said.

They didn't look convinced. "Yvette 1, Justin 0. I'm winning the game so far. See you tonight." I turned my head and Yvette was kneeing right behind me. She smiled and then disappeared. "Something's wrong with me." I said. I then heard a laugh. it was Yvette's.

"Something is REALLY wrong with me."

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