Chapter 8

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Justin's P.O.V

I looked and I saw Yvette standing there. Her hood was up, but so was her face. I looked at her pale face. "Who's Derek?" I asked. Yvette gave me an evil smile and she slowly disappeared. "Derek." "Derek Bieber." "Derek." "Derek." Derek." "Derek Bieber." "Derek Bieber." "Derek."

Voices kept on over lapping. it was just like the time in the forest, except the voices were saying 'Derek'. "Derek isn't here!!!" I yelled. The voices echoed and kept on saying the same thing over and over again. And then...out of no where. The windows burst. All along my left hand side.

One by one,. the windows just decided to burst into tiny pieces of glass. I dropped to the floor and I covered my head with my bag. "Derek." "Derek Bieber." "Derek." "Derek." Derek Bieber." "Derek." "Where are you Derek?" "Derek come here." "Derek Bieber." "Derek, I want to see you." "Derek."

Whenever I heard a sentence with the name 'Derek', it just sounded like someone was about to kill me. The voice just sounded like that voice that adults use to find their kids when they are playing Hide & Seek. I kept on hearing 'Derek' and the windows bursting at the same time. I then heard nothing. Everything went quiet. I slowly moved my bag over my head. I looked and the floor was filled with glass.

I slowly got up from the floor. I looked at the table and the book was still there. Still open on the page. I slowly moved towards it. The pieces of glass breaking into smaller bits under my feet. I looked at the page. I still saw my picture. I looked underneath and I saw more writing.

Derek Justin Drew Bieber. D.J.D.B

Holy shit..... The book then suddenly started to flip it's pages and it went to a blank one. I looked closer, I placed my bag on my seat as I was about to take a seat and then out of no where, yvette's face appeared. "I'm gunna get you." she said quickly. I screamed. I quickly grabbed my bag and I knocked the book over. I turned around and I saw a dead old lady, hanging from the ceiling. Her throat slit, blood running down her dress and making her puddle of blood at the bottom of her dangling feet.

I looked closely and it was the old librarian. SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! HOLY SHIT! I quickly put on my bag and I ran. My feet making heavy and quick steps against the carpet and then onto the floor boards. I ran to the front door but it was locked. UGH! ARE YOU FUCKING ME RIGHT NOW?!?!?

"Derek.......I'm coming after you." a voice sing-songed. I turned around, but my hand was still holding onto the door handle tightly. I gulped as I looked around the silent room. "Derek." said the voice again. "my...My name isn't Derek." I said. "Derek." said the voice again. "I'M NOT DEREK!" I yelled.

"Derek or no Derek." I lookedand I saw yvette and her red hood. She quickly disappeared but then re appeared in a sort of a zig zag motion across the carpet aisle. She was then close up to my face. She had her knife out and she lightly scratched my neck with the tip. I tried not to whimper at the thought of being killed.

"Why did you kill me Derek? I thought you loved me." said yvette. She replaced her knife with her hand. She gripped on my neck and she slowly lifted me against the door. Oh shit.... "Why did you kill me? I was in love with you." she said.

"I-I-I-I didn't even do it." I choked out. Her hand gripped tighter. "Aughh..." I choked. I couldn't breathe. Yvette was cutting it off. "Stop it." I whispered. "After you tell me why you killed me." said yvette. "I'm Not Derek. I'm Justin." I whispered.

I felt her hand grow tighter again. I started to let out choking noises. "Stop it." I whispered. Yvette didn't even listen to me. She just watch me groan in agony. "JESUS LADY! I'M NOT EVEN YOUR FUCKEN BOYFRIEND!" I said. It kinda came out like I lost my voice but she got the message.

Yvette dropped me. I felt on the floor, coughing. GOD! What is wrong with her? "Yvette." "Yvette." "Hey baby." "Hey Yvette." "Yvette." "Yvette." "Yvette." "Babe, where are you going?" I looked and I saw she drop to her knees and she covered her ears. "SHUT UP DEREK!" she yelled. The voices wouldn't stop. yvette screamed in a high pitched voice and all the windows on the other side started to break.

HOLY SHIT! I quickly duck down again and yvette screamed. Forgot she had a good set of lungs -.-" Yvette finally stopped screaming and the windows stopped breaking. I slowly lifted my head up and I sat up. I looked and i saw a dead body lying right in front of Yvette.

Yvette smiled. "You're dead." she said with a happy smile on her face. "What?" I whispered. Yvette pushed the body over and I saw the person's face. It was me...or...a look alike. "You killed me? What?" I asked. Yvette shook her head. "No, That's Derek. The guy from the book AKA my fiance." said yvette.

I looked down, he looks SOOO much like me. Except he was dead. I looked up and yvette was gone. but Derek's body was still here. I gulped. "Derek?" I said. I touched his hand. He came back to life. He quickly grabbed my hand and he looked at me.

He gave me an evil look like Yvette would.

"You're next."

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