Chapter 9

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Justin's P.O.V

- Recap -

I gulped. "Derek?" I said. I touched his hand. He came back to life. He quickly grabbed my hand and he looked at me.

He gave me an evil look like Yvette would.

"You're next."

- End of Recap -

I quickly jerked my hand away from him, whilst getting up from the floor. His body slowly started to disappear. My heart was racing. I placed my hand on he door handle and it was unlocked. YES! SCORE! I quickly opened it and I ran out of the library in a flash.

I quickly ran to my car, but when I stood in front of it, I saw the head lights were on. What? Why are the lights on? o.0 I squinted my eyes to look inside the car. I couldn't see anything because the brightness of the lights were blinding my eyes. As if I was a deer on the side of the road, waiting to be run over.

And I think in this case, I was going to resemble the deer. I heard the engine of my car go. Who the hell is inside?! My phone then started to ring.

I took it out and I looked. It was a number calling me. It was unknown. I looked at my car and I slowly picked up. I gulped. "H-Hello?" I said.

All I heard was breathing on the other line. It was as if someone was in the cold, trying to keep warm. I could imagine their breathe being visible as the coldness got to them. "Hello? Anyone there?" I said.

I heard my car engine rev up. I gulped. "Yvette?" I said. I heard laughing on the other line. "Very Good babe." she said. I flinched at what she called me. "I'm not your babe." I said.

"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Derek. Der!" she exclaimed. What? I turned around and I saw him standing behind me with a knife. Blood was oozing out of his chest as the consequences of Yvette stabbing him. "Hope you two boys have fun." she said.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hold up! Why are you doing this to me?" I asked. "Becase of what you did to me!" Yvette exclaimed. She is still going on about that?! JESUS! "I didn't even DO anything to you! It's your ass of a fiance!" I yelled.

"Ever heard of 'History Repeating Itself?' " she asked. "I'M NOT DEREK! I'M JUSTIN! GET IT RIGHT BITCH!" I yelled. I hanged up and I looked, Derek wasn't there anymore. "What?" Next thing I knew, something slid into my skin.

It was fast and quick and the object was thin and sharp. The pain was overwhelming. But for some reason, I couldn't feel the pain. I know it was over whelming but it felt like I took a thousand pain killers and my body went numb.

I looked and I saw knife plunged into my stomach. Blood was slowly coming out of the newly made wound. I fell to my knees and I held the wound tightly. I looked up and I saw Yvette slitting the throat of Derek.

His blood gushed out on the floor in front of me. I gulped. My head was getting Dizzy. I felt like I couldn't think straight. No, I KNEW I couldn't think straight.

The brightness of the head lights hit Yvette's face. My vision was slowly getting blurry. Yvette smiled. "Enjoy your life as it is, cause your time is running out."

She disappeared and my car turned itself off. I lied on the cement waiting for someone to come, but no one did. My eyes slowly came to a blank as my eyes lids closed on them. All I heard before I went into the stage of eternal darkness, was my mum's voice on the phone and then her high pitch scream.

"Justin? Justin? Sweetie where are you? Justin, hunny you are scarying me....... Who are you? What are you doing in my house?! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

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