Chapter 4

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Justin's P.O.V

I was lying in my bed, with my earphones in, listening to music to help me sleep. It wasn't working at all. I would always look round my room to see if she would just pop right out. I looked at my window and it was open. The curtains were flying along with the wind. I got up and I closed the window. She has GOT to leave me alone! I then heard a click of a switch. I turned around and nothing was there and above my head, the lights suddenly turned on.

But then...I saw shadows on the ceiling. They were slowly appearing. They were shadows of hand prints, as if they needed to be saved. As if they wanted my help. More and more hand prints showed up and then I realised they formed a body shape shadow. I stood right under the shadow and I looked up. What the? I then noticed a leak was coming out. I moved away and as the first drop hit the floor, I realised it was blood.

I looked up and then a dead body hit the ground. I jumped as the body came down from the ceiling. I saw it was the dead body of a lady. I moved closer to the body and the back was facing me. "J-J-Justin....." it whispered. I saw that it had it's arm out. I saw the hand slightly moving as if it needed help. "Just-Justin..." and then it was officially dead. My heart started to race and I started to sweat on my forehead. I kneed down next to the body and I moved it towards me and I saw it was my mum.

My heart dropped dead then. Her stomach was stabbed several times, her face punched, her wrist were slit and her neck had string marks. "M-Mum...." She had her eyes opened. I put two fingers on her neck. She was dead. I started to get tears in my eyes. "Mum....." I whispered. I then saw 5 lines of blood, running across my room walls. I followed the lines. I then heard a gun shot and then blood started to creep down my walls. What's this a dream? I got up and I looked around.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM YVETTE!" I yelled. I then heard laughing. "YVETTE! GET OUT!" I yelled. I then saw my curtains being pulled open. I moved a bit closer to the window. A hot breath spot was made but it didn't fade away. It just stayed there. I saw a message slowly being written. 'NO.WAY.IN.HELL.YOU.ARE.GOING.TO.DIE.JUSTIN. DREW.BIEBER.JUST.LIKE.YOUR.DEAD.MUM!'

I slowly backed away from the window. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU! BITCH! YOU KILLED MY MUM WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" I yelled. Another hot breath spot was made and a new message was being written. 'YOUR.SOUL.' I started to freak out. "Justin..." I turned around and I saw my dead mum rising from the ground. "Justin......Little Red Riding Hood wants to play with you." she groaned. "mum....." I said. I saw Mum get out a knife. My eyes widen. "MUM!!!" I yelled.

The knife went through my chest and I then I quickly opened my eyes. It was just a was just a dream...none of that happened.... I looked at my ceiling and nothing was appearing. I looked at my window and the curtains weren't open and the window was closed. I quickly got out of bed and I turned on my room light. I leaned my head on my door. I was breathing heavily. I was sweating. I was scared.

It was just a dream. it was just a dream .it was just a...dream! I turned around and then I saw her sitting on the edge of my bed holding a red apple and admiring it within her finger tips. HOLY FUCK!!!! I jumped and I hit the door. She looked at me with an innocent look. "Had a nice dream Justin?" she asked. "Stop haunting me! OKAY! It was a dare! Nothing more! I don't ant this! Why can't you just leave me alone?!" I exclaimed. She got off my bed and walked towards me. "Because it's fun. You're the first person to visit my Grandma's house in such a LOOONG time." She moved loser and I was trapped with my back against the door.

She looked at me closely. Her hand touched my face and all the way down to my chest. "You're really scared of me aren't you?" she whispered. "You're sweating because you're scared of what I might do to your mum aren't you?" she whispered. Why does she have to be this close! UGH! That means I have to look into her...eyes... "Maybe I should kill her too." said Yvette. FUCK NOO!!! I pushed her away. "Don't ever touch my mum. I will kill you." I said.

Yvette laughed. "Oh stupid, worthless, piece of shit...." she said. She started to walk around me as if I was a statue in a musem. "You are so stupid you know that?" she said. I was eyeing her, making sure she wouldn't hurt me. "And why is that?" I asked. "Because you can't kill something that is already dead." she explained.

My eyes widen and she laughed. "You didn't expect that didn't you?" she asked. She disappeared and then reappeared behind me. "I love it when you're scared....because it just shows that I have you wrapped around my finger." she whispered in my ear. She ran her finger down my neck and then she scratched it hard. FUCK! I fell to the ground and I held my neck. I looked at my hand and blood was on it. I looked at her. She was laughing and looking at her nails. "You are such a bitch..." I said. She leaned down so her eyes was level with mine.

"Well...that ain't no secret." she whispered. I started to gasp short breaths. "What did you do to me?" I asked. "Venom is so powerful don't you think?" she said. My eyes widen. Venom?! DID SHE SAY VENOM?! "Don't worry, it's not the type that will kill you in an instant. it is just the type to make you weep and cry in pain when ever I say so." she said. She started to laugh and I started to fight the pain. She looked at me again. "No one must know that I am doing this to you." she said. "Why is that?" I asked as I held my neck.

"Because two can keep a secret if both of them are dead."

A/N: Getting scared yet guys? >:D

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