Chapter 11

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Justin' P.O.V

- Recap-

I looked and it was open. I slowly walked towards it and I saw a piece of rope, hanging by a branch. I looked down and my eyes widen. Holy shit......oh my god..... My eyes began to water....


- End of Recap -

I was too scared to even go to the tree and cut the rope. My heart was slowly dying, I gulped. I slowly backed away from the window and I hit her bed. I jumped as I heard footsteps running down the stair case. I looked around the room and Mum wasn't here.

What the? Where did she go?! I quickly followed the footsteps. "MUM?!" I yelled. I heard pots and pans dropping in the kitchen. I ran there and I saw her looking through the cupboards and trashing the whole kitchen. "What are you doing Mum?!" I yelled.

She just completely ignored me and she ran into the living room. What is going on with this woman?!?! I quickly followed her. I saw her opening up the drawers and looking through them as if she lost something important. Which is pretty ironic since....well...we lost Jazzy.....

"MUM! What are you doing?!" I yelled. She looked at me and she was pretty messed up. Her hair was was messy, her eyes were blood shot, the dark circles under her eyes were showing. "Where is it?" she growled. "What's where Mum?" I asked. "WHERE'S THE PILLS?!?!?" she yelled.

DID SHE JUST SAY PILLS?!?!?!? O.O "Pills?!??! You're taking pills Mum?!" I yelled. "With doctors prescriptions of course, but I need them now!" she yelled. She then ran back upstairs. I quickly ran after her. "MUM!" I yelled.

I then heard a scream and a door slam close. Oh no..... I quickly ran to the bathroom door. I tried to open it but it didn't work. It was like someone on the other side was holding the door knob so tight, acting as if it was locked.

"UGH! FUCK!" I yelled. I really didn't care about my language at the moment. I needed to get to my mum. I pounded on the door, but all I heard was screams from my mum. "MUM! OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled. "I CAN'T JUSTIN! HELP ME!" she yelled.

The sound of her voice sounded like she was crying at the same time. The sound of that was heartbreaking. "JUSTIN!" she yelled. I saw the shadows from the door crack from the floor. She looked like she was struggling.

I could imagine in my head, her just holding on for her dear life. Using everything in there to defend herself. Her screams for help just killed me. I couldn't do anything because the door was locked and the window was impossible to get it, considered it was one of those blind shutter glass ones.

I yelled as I punched the door hard that it felt a dent, I breathed heavily with sadness mixed with anger. I never felt so...... my entire life..... I just stood there, listening to my mum scream. "Hmmm. Strong mum you have." I turned my head and I just saw her.

Just chilling, with her back against the wall. With her hair down and out of the pony tail. With her hood down. With a white version of her black dress.

I looked at her with anger firing in my eyes. Tears start to grow on top of them, trying to simmer the anger down. "What kind of horrid person are you?!" I yelled. She just shrugged her shoulders like the careless bitch she was born to be.

THIS FUCKEN BITCH! I HATE HER! "How could you just stand there and act like it's okay?! THIS IS MY MUM WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!" I yelled. Yvette looked at me with....gulity in her eyes? What the? Is she guilty? o.0 "I'm not gunna hurt your mum.......I'm just gunna hurt you..." she whispered.

THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY FUCKEN SENSE! "Bitch, just open the door." I hissed. Yvette sighed and she unlocked the door. I quickly ran into the room. I looked and the whole bathroom was trashed.

I heard crying, I looked and I saw my mum sitting in the corner of the shower. SHe was all wet and her skin was red. I went to her and I hugged her.

She was wet and her skin was a bit warm. "You okay mum?" I asked. She shook her head in my shoulder. I sighed and I hugged her tight. "Please Justin....just tell her to leave me alone...." she whimpered.

I looked up and I saw Yvette standing there.

"I....I never knew....."

And with that she slowly disappeared, leaving the sobs of my mother echoed through the tile walls...

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