Chapter 15

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Justin's P.O.V

I gulped. My heart started to race. My brain started to hurt, just a fraction. I just stared at the toy.

"Sir? Are you still there?" I quickly snapped out of my trance, realising I was still on the phone. "Oh umm...everything is fine. Bye." I said quickly. I hanged up on the emergency line and looked at the body.

I slowly stood up, not taking my eyes off of the doll. I didn't walk towards the doll, I just stood in my spot. In the corners of my eyes, I noticed that the 5 blood lines were getting soaked with blood. Slowly forming drip lines, going down towards the dusty floorboards.

I stared hard the doll. It must have been my imagine but the doll slowly moved it's arm up. In it's hand it was holding the basket. What the? o.0 The doll then let go out of the accessory, letting it fall to the ground.

Something fell out of that basket that sounded like it was made from glass or steel. The metal object then glided towards my feet. It was a big, bloody, knife. My heart vigoursly hit my rib cage.

I swallow down my nerves and I slowly picked it up. Something happened to me. Once I held the knife, I instantly was dragged and stood next to the body as if someone pushed me towards it. I quickly dropped the knife. Everything went slow motion in my head once the tip of the knife came into contact with the floorboard.

The knife fell tip first and it is now stuck in the floorboard. I ignored at the knife and I bent down and looked at the body. It looked like a girl. She was wearing what Yvette would wear. Although, it could've been a Halloween costume.

I didn't know what was going through my head but I quickly pushed her body over so she would be lying on her back. Once her back hit the ground. I panicked.

It was Yvette. She was dead. Her chest was stabbed repeatedly. Her wrists had marks of either rope or string. On her left cheek, there was a red mark, in a shape of a hand.

I looked closely at her face. Her eyes were open. Her skin was pale. Her hair was slightly tangled. Her clothes were ruined with blood and rips.

I looked even closer at her appearance. She had a somewhat sad look on her face. There were dry tears that looked liked they were forming when she got hit. Her lips like there were about to quiver. I looked down and her ring was gone.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" I quickly jumped up at the sound of that voice. I then heard crying. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" "How can I?! You changed! How can I love someone when they kill innocent people?!" "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

The two voices started to echoed in the room. I kept on looking around the room as I slowly turned in a circle. Trying to look in ever corner and every spot.

"I'm sorry....I have to." "PLEASE DON'T! I'll stop!" "NO YOU WONT!" I then noticed the knife. It was in the light that came from the only window in the room. The reflection of the knife glared in my eye.

I slowly walked towards the knife and then I noticed, there were two people in the reflection of the knife. It was like a little movie was playing. I saw Yvette. And....Derek? This is some crazy shit! I swear! Yvette was crying. Her wrist were bleeding and her hand slowly a light shade of purple. Derek was holding a knife in his hand. That explains the wrists then....

"YOU TORTURED ME ENOUGH! I'LL STOP!" yelled Yvette. "The deal was that you had to be dead....." said Derek. "Please......I'll stop....." begged Yvette. Wow....she was so DECENT then! What happened?!??! I guess Derek killing her made her go insane.

"Derek! Babe! What is taking you so long?!" said.....ANGELINA?! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?! I continued to watch. Yvette's face fell. "What is she doing here?!" exclaimed Yvette.

Derek then slapped her face. Oh snap! That explains the red mark. Yvette held her cheek. She looked at Derek with eyes that were about to burst into tears. That explains the eyes..... "I'm sorry...." whispered Derek. He then stabbed her in the heart.

Yvette's face went pale. No more words came out of her mouth. Derek stabbed her even more, just in case and then, Derek pulled the knife out of her body and stepped back. Slowly, Yvette's body fell face forward and slammed against the floor.

Derek quickly threw the knife out the window. He quickly took the ring off of Yvette's finger and ran downstairs. WHAT A PUSSY! But.....I can't believe I just watched a murder......holy shit..... The picture then crackled. It slowly disappeared. The knife went back to it's original state.

I gulped. Everything went quite. I slowly lifted my hand up and grazed the knife. With one touch. I felt myself being pinned down. I looked up and I saw Yvette.

She gave me an evil smirk. She took the knife out from the floorboard. She grazed the metal against my cheek. I flinched. "You know too much...." she whispered.

She then slowly cut down my arm. I screamed in pain. She had a smile on her face, enjoying every minute of it.

"Let the red blood run....."

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