Chapter 14

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Justin's P.O.V

Once the door slammed shut, my heart jumped as I felt something slowly and gently touch down my back. I gasped. I heard heavily breathing. "Y-Yvette?" I stuttered.

I then heard footsteps walking across the old floorboards. I turned around and I saw an old lady. " thought you were someone else." I said. The old lady chuckled.

"Were you looking for my granddaughter?" she asked. Granddaughter? OOOOHHHH!!!! "OH! You must be Little Red, I MEAN! Yvette's grandma." I said. The old lady chuckled. She slowly walked to the rocking chair and sat down.

Since she was of old age, she was pretty slow. I then started to notice something about her. The old lady was not like any others I have seen.

Her raggy dress was ripped up at the bottom. She was missing a shoe. Her hair was messed up. There was dry blood that use to run down from both of her legs. She was slightly limping and there were rope marks on her neck.

I gulped. Was this the same grandma? NO! It couldn't be! I started to breathe uneasily and the old lady sat down. She slowly started to rock back and forth. The creaking of the chair echoed through the entire room.

I just stood around watching her. I saw a huge wound across her neck. I saw a huge splat of dry blood on the front of her dress. Her glasses her broken and yet still hanging on.

"Now where is my book?" she said to herself as she looked around her. She then grabbed a random book which caused something to fall. I jumped. I was panicking inside.

The old lady looked through her broken specticales. "Oh....the doll." she said in a cheerful voice. Wait...did she just say doll? "Oh would you please pick up the toy for me, kind stranger?" she asked. I nervously nodded my head as I walked towards the toy.

It was facing doll at the ground. It was wearing a red hood over a black dress. it was holding a basket within it's hands. I saw a slight part of brown hair inside the hood.

Is that a mini version of.....Yvette? o.0 "That doll is for my granddaughter Yvette. I saw it in the shop and I just knew I had to get it. the doll looks so much like her don't you think?" asked the old lady. I slowly bent down and picked up the doll.

This doll, also had no face. No eyes. Just sockets lightly covered by plastic skin. No nose. Just the huge whole also being lightly covered by plastic skin. No mouth. Just plastic.

"Isn't it adorable?" asked the old lady. ADORABLE?! More like creepy! I wouldn't be surprised if no one wanted it in the first place! I nervously laughed. "Y-Ye-eah....It's a keeper. Your granddaughter is going to be s-so happy." I stuttered.

I could help but feel like a bug under a microscope. Even though the doll had no eyes, it was still piercing into my soul. I then heard the door open. I turned my head and looked at the hallway that lead to the door.

"Who's that?" I asked. I didn't hear a response. I turned around and i saw the grandma wasn't there. "Ummm....Grandma Red Hood?" I said. WHAT?! it was the best I could come up with!

"Grandma?" I said. I looked around the room and then I went around the house to look. I didn't notice that the doll was still in my hands. I then heard a door creak open. I slowly turned around and saw the cupboard door that was in a wall.

I gulped and I slowly walked into the door. There was a flight of stairs. I slowly walked up those stairs which lead me to a bed room attic.

The room was mostly bare, besides the bed, a few chairs, a table and little other pieces of decor. I set the doll up on a shelf. I looked around the room and it seemed pretty empty. I then noticed a picture frame.

I picked it up and it looked like a smaller verison of Yvette and her grandma, except....she was....smiling? A geniue happy smile? o.0 now THATS something you dont see everyday..... I then saw how the picture has a huge cut in the middle.

I quickly put the picture down. And then the phone rang. It was just sitting right there on the bed side table I gulped and I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I breathed. "This is 911 what's your emergency?" asked the telephone operator. 911? What? o.0 "Emergency? What emergency?" I asked. "Well...we recieved numerous calls from this number. I suspect something must be wrong." said the operator.

"No....Nothing is wr-" as I was about to finish my sentence, I saw 5 lines of blood started to appear across the walls. "Hello? Hello? Sir. Sir. Sir!" exclaimed the operator. " i said, there is no emergency, it must be the wrong number you were calling ba-" And then out of no where. BOOM.

A body fell out of the closet. And the doll was standing up straight.

Standing right next to the body.

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