Chapter 17

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Justin's P.O.V

My eyes widen when I saw him standing right in front of me. I pushed him to the ground. "You bastard You set this up!" I exclaimed as I stood over him. He just lied there on the ground laughing. This guy man! -.-"

"DUDE! I never set this up! All of this is real!" he exclaimed in between his laughs. My eyes widen. WHAT?!?!?!? THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL! THIS AINT A--- Wait! "DUDE!!!! Tell me the truth!" I exclaimed. Ryan stopped laughing and he stood up form the ground.

"I am deadly serious, Little Red Riding Hood is real. Why did you think I knew where to hide huh?" he asked. He has got a good point there..... "But...I thought you would be dead by now." added Ryan. I gave him a look kind of like this '-___-' "Shut up." I said.

Ryan laughed to break around us. He immediately stopped laughing and we both listened to the noises. My heart started to race. The noise then stopped and all we could hear was the birds chirpping. I heard Ryan gulp. It was dead silent.

And I am pretty sure that we were going to be dead to. I then heard a girl screaming. Ryan then snapped his neck to the direction to where the scream came from. And then he quickly ran off. "RYAN!" I exclaimed. I quickly went after him. I was panting for air as I ran through the low tree branches and the bushes.

"RYAN! WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" I exclaimed. "AWAY FROM THE SCREAMING!" he exclaimed. What? But it could be someone in danger! We then stopped and I noticed we were deeper into the woods. There was hardly any sunlight, not saying there WAS any before!

I was panting for air. I placed my hands on my kegs and I looked at the ground. "WHy did we run away from the scream? Someone could be in danger." I said. EVen though I didnt see Ryan's face, I could imagine him rolling his eyes. "DUDE! I thought you would get it by now!" he exclaimed.

I gave him a confused look. Get it? By now? WHAAAAA!!!???? "Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed. He palced his hands on my shoulders and looked at me. "Dude, that scream aint fucken real! That scream is from Little Red Riding Hood! She is trying to lure you close enough so she could kill you! She knows your weakness." he explained.

"And my weakness is exactly what?" I asked. "You're too nice. You LOVE to help people out. She is taking that to her advantage. So from now on, NO MORE HELPING!" he exclaimed. "But......There is something wrong with Yvette. SHe is always killing me but sparing my life. I need to know why." I said. Next thing I know, I heard a scream. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I HATE THAT NAME!" it sounded like Yvette.

"Oh great...LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" Ryan grabbed my wrist and ran. GREAT! More running! -.-" We ran faster and faster. I turned my head to look back and I saw a slight red far back. My eyes widen. "COME ON! RUN FASTER!" I exclaimed as I went pass Ryan.

We continued to run until something immediately stopped us. "What the?" said Ryan. Both of our eyes widen. I felt my stomach churning. It was quite a disgusting sight.... I didn't know whether to be happy, sad, confused or just angry that I never got my answers.

There was a wall. Just a wall that stood right in the middle of our path. Blood was basically everywhere over the white paint of the wall. And then, from a tree branch, was a rope hanging. On one end of the rope was a tight knot against the tree branch. The other end?

A dead, hanging Yvette. Her head leaning on the side, to her shoulder. A big bleeding wound in her neck. A pale complection covered her whole body. Her white dress on, filled with blood.

She wasn't wearing her red hood. She had a knife in her hand that was slowly slipping. It then hit the ground with the tip pointing down. It perfectly hit the ground. The knife stood up at a diagonal angle.

Yvette's body was slowly moving in a circle. Next thing I knew a red apple came rolling to my feet. My eyes widen. I was too scared to pick it up. I looked at Ryan and he looked peterfied.

I wouldn't blame him. I then looked at the wall. 'LET THE RED BLOOD RUN' I had a confused look on my face and then out of the sky. Immediately, down came the hood that made Yvette..... Little Red Riding Hood.

And then, Ryan said the 3 words that I couldn't find the answer to.


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