Chapter 13

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Justin's P.O.V

I quickly looked through my pockets and pulled out my phone. I pressed the home button on my iPhone and I looked at the screen. 1:36 Friday, January 13 I quickly opened my phone and went to the calender app. I looked and it said 2012.

I shoved it in Yvette's face. "No it isn't! This says 2012! You lying bitch!" I yelled. She flinched. "I AM NOT LYING!" she yelled. "Why are you yelling babe?" asked Derek.

Yvette looked passed my shoulders. "Oh. no reason Derek....just acting. You know how much I want to be an actor." she lied with a smile. I turned my head and I looked at Derek. He smiled and he signaled her to come in.

Yvette smiled and walked in. I suddenly felt myself being dragging into a different time. Once my surroundings changed, I immediately fell on the hard wooden floors. I looked around and everything was dark. Not even a single shed of light could brighten up this house.

I slowly stood up. The floor boards creaked under my feet. I looked around my surroundings. It was the house. From the first time I came, but it was all in my head.

I heard something creaking. I turned my head and I saw something rocking. I slowly walked towards it, leading me into a small living room with chairs, a table and a fire place. I looked on the walls.

There were pictures hanging, but they were crooked and the faces in them.... There weren't any faces. It was just the head, body and background, but no face. I felt my heart racing. Pounding against my chest.

I felt the pulse beating against my brain hard. I felt like I was going to faint, but I didn't. I walked towards the book shelf. I looked at the books lined up, so straight, so untouched.

Books as big as encyclopedias and as small as Disney picture books. I looked through the spines and brushed my fingers gently. I then heard something crack. I jerked back. The book shelf then suddenly fell to the ground. Releasing a big pile of dust into the atmosphere.

I jolted back, avoiding the book shelf from crushing me. I coughed vigorously. I felt as if the dust was choking me. Leaving no air for me to breathe. Once the dust settled, I heard something creaking.

I turned around and I saw a rocking chair. It was slowly rocking by itself back and forth. No one was sitting on it. Only a small doll with jet black hair, a red dress, pale skin and long false eye lashes. The doll sort of reminded me of Yvette.

The doll was just sitting there peacefully. I slowly walked towards it, getting a better look at it, The dolls eyes opened and I saw it had no eyes. The sockets were empty.

I felt myself getting scared. Even though the doll had no eyes, it felt like it was staring at me. Piercing into my soul. I then heard the doll giggle went sent something to break and crack.

I turned around and I saw further away, a mirror. It was crack all the way through. I then saw someone staring right back at me. wasn't my reflection and it wasn't Derek. it was old lady, staring right at me.

I slowly walked towards the mirror looking at the old lady. "Please help me....." she whimpered. I saw she started to cry and then her eyes widen and she disappeared. I turned around and I saw a man.

Big. Buff. Bloody axe resting in a bag on his back. Blunt knife in his hands.

I saw him smiling. He threw the knife and me but I dodged it and it hit the mirror. The mirror shattered into a dozen pieces. All falling onto the ground.

Once all of the glass disappeared, so was the man. My heart felt like it was in a car race on the streets. Going faster each mile. I looked at the rocking chair and the doll was gone.

I looked around the house and I saw the doll standing at the door. The doll smirked at me. The doll slammed the door. Before before it did, it said something to me. The doll had that voice where it was pretty high and baby like. But it also had that sort of horror voice to it.

The doll said.....

"Bye Bye. You're Dead."

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