Chapter 10

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Justin's P.O.V

*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP* I groaned as I held my side. I heard a car door slam shut. I heard foot steps coming towards me. Please don't let this be another part of yvette's plan...

"hey kid get up! You're blocking the road!" I opened my eyes and I saw a man. "Can you help me?" I groaned. "What's the matter with you? You're not hurt!" said the man. "What?" I said. I looked down and there was nothing there. Oh my god! NOT AGAIN!

"You must have hit your head bring hard kid." said the man. "What day is it?" I asked. "It's a weekday. You shouldn't you be at school?" he asked. I shot up from the ground. "Shit! School!" I exclaimed.

I saw my phone on the ground. I quickly picked it up and I ran into my car. Once I got into the driver's seat, I saw Yvette. SHIT! SHIT! HOLY SHIT! "WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT?!" I exclaimed. She smiled devilishly. "have a good sleep?" she asked.

I gulped and then I remembered what I heard last night before I blacked out. My eyes widen. Oh my god.... I gave her a daggering look. "What did you to to my mum?" I asked. She shrugged. "I have no idea what you mean Justin." she said in an innocent voice.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MUM BITCH?!" I yelled. Yvette smirked. "OOHHH! YOUR mum....well...I just wanted to talk to her, you know." said Yvette. "BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO?! SHE WAS SCREAMING INTO MY PHONE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I yelled. "You can go look for yourself." she said.

My eyes widen. I started the car and I sped off. "You better not do anything to my mum." I said. "And why not? it's part of the job description." she said. "Look, you want my soul, you can have it, just don't hurt my mum." I said. "What soul?" she asked. "Remember when you haunted me in my dreams on like the first night or something like that. You said you wanted my soul." I explained.

Yvette laughed. "Oh yeah! I do want your soul....just not yet." she said and then she disappeared. I started to panic. I was getting worried. Please okay.....

I reached my house and I quickly ran inside. "MUM?! MUM!" I yelled. I had no response. Oh my god...where's my mum?!??! I looked everywhere in the living, dining room, kitchen and in the back yard as well. "MUM! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled.

I then noticed a a dry river of blood coming down from the top of the stairs. I gulped. I looked and I saw Yvette sitting on the first step in front of me. "Dare to go up?" she asked. "What did you do to my mum?" I asked. She shrugged.

I then heard something tumbling down the stairs. It hit my foot and I looked down. It was a red apple. I gulped and I picked it up. There was blood on my fingertips.

I looked and Yvette and she gave me an evil look. "You killed my mum?" I asked. She shook her head. "I killed someone else.....someone who you love dearly." she said. I stepped forward. "Who did you kill?" I asked. She stayed silent as she looked at me, dead in the eyes.

"Yvette....who did you kill?" I asked. I then heard a really faint sound. it sounded like music. It was the song 'Pop Goes The Weasel'. It was going really slow though and the music echoed through the halls.

I heard a baby giggle. My eyes widen. "You didn't." I said. She shrugged. "See you later Justin." she said and then she disappeared...for now.

I gulped as I held the railing. Once I held it, I got a sudden shock. I felt like I was going back in time. Everything in my head was the same, as in the stairs and everything, but it was darker. Like it was in the olden days.

I gasped a bit and I looked up the stairs. It was dark, but you could see light from the open bedroom doors. I gulped and I slowly walked up the stairs. The stairs creaked under my feet as I took a step.

I reached the top and I let my hand rub against the walls as I slowly walked. 'Pop Goes The Weasel' was still playing. it was slowly getting louder and louder. My heart was racing. I then heard crying. Mum? I followed the crying noise and it lead into Jazzy's room.

I opened the door and I found Mum sitting in the corner crying her eyes out. GOOD! She's alive! I ran to her. "Mum, it's me. Justin." I said. She looked up and I saw she was totally scared. She hugged me. "It's okay mum, everything alright." I said as i hugged her tight.

As i hugged her, I looked around Jazzy's room. Everything was trashed. Her closet clothes were scattered on the floor, her toys were broken, her mirror was smashed. I gulped and I looked at the cracks. I looked on the ground and near me was a jack in the box. It wasn't too far away. I could simply reach it but I didn't.

I watched as the handle on it was slowly spinning. It was playing 'Pop Goes the Weasel' I stared at it as I held Mum tight. Once the box lid opened and the toy jumped out, Mum started to scream. What the?!

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE HER STOP!" yelled Mum. She covered her ears and cried harder. "MUM! IT'S OKAY! IT'S NOTHING! I'M HERE!" I yelled. "MAKE HER STOP! PLEASE! JAZZY! PLEASE MAKE HER STOP!" yelled Mum. I watched her cry her eyes out even harder.

I never seen her so scared in my life.... "Mum!" I said. I held her by the wrist and I made her look at me. "Where's Jazzy?" I asked. Mum whimpered. I looked at her bed and it was all made and tiny. It looked like she never touched it.

I got up from the ground and I looked at it. There was a note.

Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle. That's the way the money goes, Pop goes the dead girl.

What? What the hell? Pop goes the dead girl? I turned around and I looked at Mum. "Mum....where's jazzy?" I asked again. mum whimpered again and she looked out the window.

I looked and it was open. I slowly walked towards it and I saw a piece of rope, hanging by a branch. I looked down and my eyes widen. Holy shit......oh my god..... My eyes began to water....


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