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Hex's P.O.V
A mouth ago

I stood on the top of a building in Coruscant, I walked over to a ventilation system and slide down the side. I would have normally gone through a window but this place was crawling with clone troopers. Most of them where the Coruscant guard and i didn't want to take the chance of being spotted in one of the rooms but the one I needed to be in. I jumped down into the hall and walked towards the room where I could easily kill my target. Then I stopped and ran to a wall that was covered in shadows and then two clones walked by.

"I don't get it why are we here." Said a clone who wore white armor with crimson and red markings

"To make sure that Bounty Hunter is not here, I guess. Even Jedi are on high alert." The other one replied.

"Yeah, I heard that. I guess this guy is bad news." He replied. You have no idea, I thought as I moved out and grabbed these two and slammed there heads together. They where going to wake up with some headache but I had a mission. I stepped over there bodies and continued to walked until I came to the room. I sat in a chair in front of a window, I was right across from a hotel where my target was staying. He was some Senator, I was hired to kill. It's funny, I never thought I would be doing this; killing. But I have my reasons. I also look into my target to see if they are worth it, but who am I to sat who should die or not. Well this is my life and the one of the only ways I can get food. I looked out the window and pressed a button on the side of my helmet, which activated a scope that was built inside it. It zoomed it and I spotted my target standing out on the porch. I took my Shadow Sniper, it was fully loaded but I only needed on laser bullet. I never miss, I raised it to my eye, I aimed, took a breath and fired. It sailed through the air and hit my target right in the chest. Then my door flew opened and there where two Jedi with some clone troopers behind them.

"Surrender." The older one said. I looked at them and then behind me. I had all my weapons on me and I stood up. Raised my hands then I did a back flip through the open window. I felt the glass shatter and I felt the air rush past me. I flipped in the air and landed on a speeder and I kicked the guy on it off. I turned and there was a few clones who where following me, I stopped and set it to revers and zoomed behind them. They turned and I turned around gave them a quick salut then zoomed froward. I smiled beneath my helmet and I zoomed past the building where I killed my target. Someone jumped behind me and grabbed me, it was a Jedi and sneaking up on me was a dump move. I let go and flipped backwards, I let my self fall off the back and he clutched the speeder. I rushed downward and landed on another speeder. I jumped off that one on a ledge of a building and ran. I lost them, my mission was complete and now I can collect my money and get something to eat.

Third Person Narrative
A few hours later

"I can't believe he got away." Said Anakin folding his arms.

"Who ever he is he is well trained and knows our strategists to capture criminals." Obi-Wan replied.

"And from what the two clones that got attacked is claimed that they didn't here anyone. They just got there heads banged together and that's it." Anakin said.

"Excuse me sirs?" Said Commander Fox coming in.

"Yes?" Said Obi-Wan.

"There is no sign of the Bounty Hunter." He replied.

"I see." Obi-Wan said as he looked out the window and wondered who this Bounty Hunter is and better yet, how to catch him.

Hex (Star Wars Clon Wars Fan-Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें