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Hex's P.O.V

By the end of the week, my squad was sleeping standing up. I am proud that I was able to get though the importance of working as a team. Throughout the week, I had them doing different tasks together. Some of which involved cleaning or fixing parts of Troy's house, which is what he had me do.

"I think my arms are going to fall off," Complained Haze as he walked into the room and slid into a chair.

"What you did this week is nothing compared to what I had Hex do," said Troy.

"Well I am sorry that I am not as a great teacher as you," I said. Troy took a small bow and I laughed.

"Well maybe I could train them for a day or two," He said.

"I don't think they can handle it," I said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Scorch.

"Oh, just the fact that if he trained you, your arms will fall off," I said.

"It's true," said Boba knowing where I was going.

"Yep," I said. Scorch, Haze, and Glitch looked at me a little scared. Jet eyebrows just raised.

"She is just joking. I should know, I am a medic," Said Ratchet.

"Really?" I asked twisting my arm in way that looked like it came out of my socket. Glitch's face became white. Haze almost passed out. Scorch did....for a few seconds. As for Jet he just started in a bit of shock.

"Really? You just put your arm in a way that makes it look like it fell out," He said doing the same thing.

"You are correct, but they will come off if you are handling a sharp object and somehow it cuts off your arm," Said Troy.

"Now that can happen," Ratchet said.

"How can you say that likes it's nothing!" Said Haze.

"Considering the fact that you can just get it replaced?" He asked staring at him in the eyes. Haze opened his mouth to reply but just closed it.

"Hex, these troops are probably the most interesting people I have met in a while. Jango will be proud," Troy said looking at Haze, Scorch, Glitch, Ratchet, Jet, and Hollow.

"Oh yeah, you trained him." Said Hollow.

"Yep, he was an interesting one." Said Tory.

"Troy, it's a requirement to be interesting to be trained by you." I said. Troy just smiled and laughed.

A week later...

"A Spei ship?" Said Haze.

"Yep, my suggestion is that all of you stay in here," Troy said.

"What! Why? We can take them." Said Scorch.

"No. He is right, we can't stop a battle right now with the spes." I said.

"Alright," Said Scorch.

"I'll take care of this," said Troy.

Third Person Narrative

Troy walked outside to where General Grievous stood. He made himself look a bit older and he made sure when he talked he sounded that way.

"Excuse me sir? But may I ask what you are doing here?" Troy asked.

"We have tracked a Republic ship here, where are they?" He asked angrily.

"I am sorry, but I don't know who your talking about." Troy said rather calmly.

"Then get out of our way old man," the droid general hissed. Troy just sighed then in a few quick moments he had the great droid General on the ground. The button of his cane was pressed against his forehead.

"Respect your elders, sunny." Troy said with a mocking smile. "You guys could come out now." He then said. That's when Hex, Hollow, Haze, Scorch, Jet, Glitch, Ratchet and Boba all came out with guns ablazing.

A few minutes later the droids were defeated and the droid general knocked out and in a holding cell on Hex's ship.

"I am going to take him to Coruscant. They will be shocked and pleased." Hex said.

"I imagine so," said Troy.

"Troy, do you mind teaching my team and Sargent a thing or two while I am gone?" Hex asked before boarding her ship.

"Oh course I don't," he replied. That's when Scorch, Glitch, Haze, and Hollow gulped a little. Where Jet just shrugged and Ratchet just sighed.

Within the next few days Hex's squad was trained by Troy. When Hex returned it was time for her Squads final test. Needles to say they passed without any problems and they passed within the quickest time ever recorded and everyone almost fainted. (One person did) and Hex got the wonderful pleasure of saying 'I told you so.'

A/n: Whoopie, finished chapter 18! I am almost on twenty! I just want to say that I was very tempted to say "The End" at the end of this chapter...but I didn't...

Well technically I did.....but.....never mind. Bye for now. And fear not a new part shall arrive in the near future.

Hex (Star Wars Clon Wars Fan-Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora