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Hex's P.O.V

I saw Hollow sitting outside deftly upset, I walked and sat next to him.

"So how's Coil?" I asked.

"Still unconscious, though," He replied.

"You know....I did hear about your promotion. Sargent." I said.

"It wasn't me. It was all Coil." He said bitterly.

"It was you too. You saved my life, and I owe you one. Also your not too bad with a lightsaber." I said.

"Oh, it was nothing. Thanks, I guess." He said.

"Nothing! You held your own against Tirak and trust me only a few can do that." I said.

"Really? How many?" He asked.

"Well. Me, you and Troy. That's it." I said after a while.

"Oh," He said a bit shocked.

"I know you feel really bad about Coil but it was his choice and he can pull through," I said.

"What if he doesn't? What if he...." Hollow began but then was silent.

"Live for life not for death or fear of the unknown. Live in the flow of life and time. Accept it and embrace it." I said remembering an old memory.

"That's really deep, did you come up with it or take it from a Jedi?" He asked and I punched him in the shoulder.  He laughed and rubbed it.

"It was something my older brother told me," I said sadly.

"You had an older brother?" He asked.

"Well yes. When our parents were killed he took care of me. He taught me the important of being who I am and living." I said.

"I see but what does 'Live for life not for death' mean?" He asked.

"It means that you should live your life for living, live every moment like your going to die. But you should do things in your life that can affect someone else in a positive way, in hopes that could change the world." I said.

"Your brother sounds like a very smart man," Hollow said.

"He was. I think he would have approved of you along with my father." I said.

"Oh? What does that mean?" He asked.

"It means that any male species that talked to me or looked at me had to get approved by my father and brother," I said.

"They sound over protective," He said.

"They were but they loved me," I said. Hollow was just about to say something when Echo and Fives came up to use.

"General Skywalker wants to see you two....unless we were intruding anything." Fives said with a smile. I looked at him with and smiled.

"Of course, you weren't intruding anything," I said with a sweet smile. I raised my hand and Fives lifted into the air. Then I swung in down and Fives landed with a thud. Then I moved his helmet and slammed it on his head.

"Ow! That was that for?" He asked while Echo and Hollow started to snicker.

"What was what for?" I asked cluelessly. Then I smiled and walked away.

"That was funny." Said Hollow catching up with me.

"I know," I said smiling. He looked at me and laughed.

"So what's up Skywalker?" I asked when I walked into the room.

"General Shon-T and the Jedi council wants you to have your own squad of clone troopers. That were trained by you." He said.

Hex (Star Wars Clon Wars Fan-Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora